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Everything posted by AWDrift

  1. AWDrift

    NATO 5.56 ammo clips

    How often would the player actually do this though?
  2. I think the A.I. is great in the fields and forest, but it can be horrible in urban areas. Since urban combat is very common now and this game has modern soldiers naturaly people are going to try and recreate the battles they hear about everyday. When they do they see the bad side of the A.I. and come here to complain.
  3. AWDrift

    The Average American?

    The reason you see so many holidays about war is because it's the one of the few things our whole country experiences and so many of us at one time or another had a family member shipping off to battle. There are many smaller celebrations, but they mostly only go on at specific cities, towns, or states. Like Fur Rondy in Anchroage, Alaska.
  4. AWDrift

    Taking Cover

    I think the game could use some type of cover system, especially for the A.I. IMO it doesn't matter how accurate the models are or the weapons. When you have soldiers lying in the middle of a city street during a firefight the realism is killed right then and there.
  5. AWDrift


    Is the file anywhere else? None of the rapidshare links are working for me.
  6. AWDrift

    ArmA vs. VBS-2

    Does VBS-2 have any special features that can't be put into ArmA with mods?
  7. AWDrift

    Something Scifi

    A larger flying carrier that could launch small fighters would be cool. Does the problem from OFP where even a large ship would bounce around like a balloon when hit by a stinger still exist though?
  8. AWDrift

    "iPhone" unveiled today...

    Some just take intrest in those kind of things. I mean most of the things we have today we could do without, But we still use them anyway because it's easier or simply because it's fun.
  9. AWDrift

    Something Scifi

    Mechs, not giant ones. One's that are like 15-20 feet tall. Kinda like the ones they have in patlabor or blue gender. The story could say that they were originally used for construction, but converted for battle. They would be great in areas where tanks struggle such as thick forest and cities.
  10. AWDrift

    "iPhone" unveiled today...

    Nope. I don't really need anymore I-anything.
  11. AWDrift

    StarWars Addons by Acacyn

    I loved the desert scenes with the ships flying overhead and the voices were great too.
  12. AWDrift

    Hatch back addon

    You going to put an aftermarket front bumper on too? Without it the car looks off.
  13. AWDrift

    1970 vs 2010

    The main thing I dislike about modern times is ACUs in real life they are okay, in games like ArmA they make you stick out like a sore thumb. If it wasn't just the U.S. vs. ____ I wouldn't mind much since you could be from a country that doesn't use ACUs. When you're stuck with them though and you have to fight in a forested area it feels like I might as well paint a big red bullseye on my chest.
  14. AWDrift

    is there any good iraki addons

    http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=9336 Lost brothers^
  15. AWDrift

    Mods/Addon Ideas

    Gundam and stick people. Grass that works the way it should would be nice too.
  16. AWDrift

    Armed Assault is -AMAZING-

    The games are limited in what you can do because that's how racing is, people wouldn't be to happy if you dicided to leave the track and drive wherever you wanted in real life. ArmA has a lot but in many areas it needs allot of work, such as air,sea, and ground vehicle combat. In those areas it isn't anymore advanced than Joint Operations, which came out in 04. If you want more options when it comes to sims, then pick up a console. Forza and GT are really moving forward after being limited by the weak hardware from the last generation consoles. Or try out GR or BiA, they might not be 100% realistic, but neither is ArmA at the moment. Also rfactor was realistic enough for an F1 driver to train with.
  17. AWDrift

    Things that Flashpoint could and Arma not

    Have you tried practicing? Or perhaps changing the controls until you're confortable with them?
  18. AWDrift

    To the people who are playing ArmA, how is it?

    F.E.A.R's A.I. was pretty good, and so was the A.I. in the old R6 games. Quake 4 had good A.I. too, but the poor levels limited it so you had to download custom maps to see what it could do.CS:S's A.I. is very impressive when on higher difficulties too.
  19. AWDrift

    Armed Assault is -AMAZING-

    There are many realistic car sims out there. There's LFS,RBR,GTR2,Race:WTCC,GTL,GTR,rfactor. There isn't a shortage of flight sims either. The games just aren't as advertised as much as games like NFS or Ace combat.
  20. AWDrift

    Motion Sickness ?

    Well, I'm no docter. I just figured that if some have no motion sickness while playing games and some do it was the person. I personally have not experienced it from any game.
  21. AWDrift

    Motion Sickness ?

    Motion Sickness is a problem with the person, not the game. So it can happen with any game.
  22. AWDrift

    First ARMA impressions

    ArmA has a few similarities with Oblivion and Gothic 3 too.
  23. AWDrift

    First ARMA impressions

    You pay full price for every unoptimised console port out there. If Arma isnt worth full price what other game is? Arma is actually worth more than "full" price... because (unlike other games) the technology and capabilities are unique! For "full" price you get a content rich game like there is no other. MP capable and included level editor. Expected and reputable support with patches and terrain/ model creation tools. With your ordinary game you get a port and with some luck maybe a couple patches... to me Arma sounds worth 5x the value of all ordinary games we can find in store shelves put together.. its rude to say that this game isnt worth more than $20 if you compare it to all the other games people pay full price to go thru once and throw away . HL2, it runs great on older machines and you get 2 other games with it and it is constantly being updated. CoH, great game in general. WH40k just another great game in general. M2:total war, just a ton of fun to conquer europe and then fight the Aztecs. GTR2, came with GT legends for me and still only cost me 40$ Even that new Gears of War game, even without mods it's still tons of fun.
  24. AWDrift

    First ARMA impressions

    I think I'll just buy the game when it ends up in the bargin bin. Sure it has potential, but I'm not buying a game that isn't finished for full price. I think that is where most of the complaints are coming from too, it would be fine if the game was 20$ or 30$ but asking full price for it is a bit much.