Andy Mc
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Everything posted by Andy Mc
Unless the 1 hit / 1 kill approach of the game(s) turns the cheats away and they favor something like Battlefield.......anti-cheat will have to be added..... Nothing wrong with Punkbuster -- works effectively when used correctly. Futhermore when "enhanced" by using the tools and md5 checks at www.punksbusted.com or www.aaserveradmins.com -- pretty much all public hacks can be stopped. 56k'ers can have problems, but really broadband is as cheap as Å10 a month now -- some of you probably used to pay more than that for dial-up.....
Proven failure..?? Â The M16 is one of the proven, reliable and flexible guns made -- with variants in use since the 1960's. The reason they haven't found a replacement rifle is because despite all the advancements in technology, still nothing comes close to it -- when comparing things like cost per unit and ease of use Go find me another gun that's seen almost 50 years in service and prove me wrong... The OICW -> http://world.guns.ru/assault/as40-e.htm The OICW project is dead -- the weapon was too expensive per unit and too heavy to use in any real combat situation --> it spawned the XM8 project... The XM8 -> http://world.guns.ru/assault/as61-e.htm The last I heard was the Special Forces didn't want this gun either -- reports of the plastic shell overheating and melting.... The favoured gun now is the FN SCAR: http://world.guns.ru/assault/as70-e.htm I certainly would like to see some official campaigns centred around these new types of guns. I'm sure BIS won't dissapoint...
Hopefully it'll be done "when its ready".... ( I'd guess around mid-2006 ) I want OFP 2 just as much as anyone else -- but I also want it to be highly polished. Even if it takes till 2007 that's fine - as long as the game is as good ( hopefully better ) as the first.... A lot rides on OFP 2 for the Dev's -- they have to somehow trump the success they had with OFP 1 -- their reputation depends on it ( as well as their pay packets ) I'm sure their not gonna pull "a rush job", they'll release it when it's done and they'll show it off when it's done ( is nobody else sick of seeing over-hyped games...?? ) I have every confidence in BI -- I'm sure OFP 2 will be more groundbreaking than the first was ( and hopefully it'll sell just as well ) Personally I respect a developer more that takes the time to make a few perfect games a year - than 20 average ones..... Good things come to those who wait.....
Can't beat playing on a "proper" monitor IMO Be it CRT or LCD ( 17" like mine ) Low refresh rates ( 60Hz ) would give me a headache...as would the fairly low resolution that most cards TV-OUT function can do of 1024x768.... ( 1280x1024 @ 72Hz is the min for me )
I thought hitting * ( on the numeric keypad..) unlocks the camera view...?? So those of you who are budding pilots, can use your stick for flight and HAT switch ( or numpad keys ) for views..??
This is the best thing a new patch could bring -- although I got the feeling 1.96 was the last patch..?? They're not to blame, how could they have predicted this game would've still been going strong after 4 years.... Did 3Ghz++ Pentium 4's and Series 6 Geforce cards exist back then......NO.....so how could they optimise for them..?? Still a performance enchancing patch would be welcomed   ( as long as it wouldn't detract from OpFlash 2 )
I got my hands on OpFlash: CWC back when it came out four years ago... A few months back I picked up the Bestsellers copy -- so I'm still busy working my way through the original game and the expansions -- four years on...  ( Anyone else find CWC harder than Resistance..?? ) It's just as alive ( maybe even more ) than it ever was IMHO Version 1.96 looks nicer than ever, plays nicer than ever, most of the bugs from the original version are gone, the numeric command menu is fluid and effective and there's STILL NOTHING out there that matches OpFlash's gameplay after FOUR YEARS!!! Many mod's coming out daily ( so many I don't even track 3/4 of them ). The newest version of Y2K3 being my most recent download... There's plenty more life in the game yet -- after I complete the campaigns with the original units -- I'll have to finish them with Y2K3 I've have to get ECP 1.075, Falklands Mod and the WW2 one when they're finished aswell  My only concern is how OpFlash 2 is going to surpass the original game with mod's installed....they've got a tough task ahead... It's only as dead as you make it
Unfortunately for me....even with my setup: Intel Pentium 4 3.2Ghz @ 3.5Ghz 1Gb Cosair DDR 400 Geforce 6800GT I only reach similiar performance that I did with my old: Intel Pentium 4 2Ghz 768Mb RAM Geforce 4 ( 4600 Ti ) I can only assume it isn't really taking advantage of my more modern hardware...still its playable -- and I'm gonna keep searching for tweaking suggestions... Â EDIT: I'll try lower my Aperture size in the BIOS ( as mentioned above..) -- hope this helps further
This is great stuff  I've played CWC since it came out -- but only recently got the Best Sellers Compilation ( with CWC and the expansions..) This is the first mod - I've installed - And I'm extremely pleased  The added bit of blood makes a difference - and the way bodies "fly" when shot by a tank, for example, is always humourous if not entirely realistic The new sky packs also make the game look nice Love the new Special Forces with the M4 SOPMOD - can really kick a$$ now -- the old Black Ops were c**p Love the CD Car Radio -- keep listening to Jonny Be Good - nice choice ( and for some reason Rawhide )  It does have a slight bug -- selecting another song whilst one is played - makes them overlap and not sound too good Played around with the fast-roping from Heli's and the Fast Pickups All the new skins seem to be nicely done and the tracer effects also give it that "battle feel" This REALLY is great ( and I'm sorry I didn't mention it all ) I don't know how I can go back to vanilla OpFlash now -- I don't think I will I wanna thank everyone who put time into this mod -- it's brought a refreshing change into OpFlash's gameplay I'm gonna be keeping my beady eye on this one I hope all these talented folks stick around and make some more stuff for OpFlash 2
I'd say that MP isn't as popular as other big-name titles due to: - The "Find Multiplayer Game" interface... - The lack of ability to join a game once it has STARTED... - The non-standard keybinds for multiplayer ( ie: T is usually Talk with Y being Team Talk ) I don't believe it ever got as big online -- as it clearly deserved to be... Other than that -- Once you find a game -- I find it to be much more satisfying than any other online game atm ( all the other games are filled with bunnyhopping ) It beats Battefield and CS:S easily.... Americas Army isn't too bad, I quite like Joint Operations and H&D2 is always fun online Hope they tweak the multiplayer side of OpFlash 2 ( a new interface and the ability to join games mid-session will definately help) Really wanna start playing online more, I enjoyed the quick game of CTF
Hi all I wouldn't say Battlefield 2 was THAT pretty....the actual in-game screenshots don't look anything like those preview movies   ( UE 3.0 -- now THATS pretty  ) But that doesn't bother me really - the current graphics do exactly what they were intended to do, besides how many other games can make an island a few miles wide with no loading pauses in-between...?? And I'd take gameplay over graphics any day -- If anything I'd prefer them to tune the game engine a bit more - I get the same performance with my old P2Ghz + GF4 Ti  as I do with my P4 3.5Ghz + GF6 GT..??  ( I would've thought I could handle a View Distance of at least 2000++ with High Textures - but I can only use the Normal setting ) Who knows what they've got in store for us...Ideally they'd make: - New/Heavily Modified Engine ( all fancy DX 9.0 effects -HDR -PS 3.0 ) - Modding tools and Mission Maker - Improved multiplayer ( hopefully with the ability to join a game mid-session ) They've definately got a hard task to top the first game...but I'm sure they'll surprise us with something special in the coming months  /eek rambled on a bit  EDIT: Correct me if I'm wrong - and I hope this isn't already known but....the official site ( http://www.flashpoint2.com ) has some ( slightly blurred ) screenies -- does it not...?? It also mentions VBS1 and the 2nd Generation of its "proprietary engine" -- I assume its an Enchanced VBS1 engine..??