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Everything posted by Auss

  1. Yep, Ive been thinking of adding/updating the forests and sat image for a while now. Im testing a few options :)
  2. some new houses and a new suburb, still need to complete texturing on the houses
  3. delete your original version and subscribe to the proper steam workshop mod http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=485417177&searchtext=Australia Not ones that fuckers put on steam without permission
  4. Quick update: After taking a month or 2 off over Xmas, I'm doing some more work on Australia. The error above that was spamming servers has been located and fixed for the next update. Sydney and Brisbane have been expanded with more suburbs and Ive been working on Optimizing the custom buildings which has resulted in much better FPS thoughout the cities. I've also made some new houses, I'll put some pics up soon.
  5. that's looking really good, i'd like to be able to texture my buildings to that standard, great job bloke
  6. wheres the server gone? i needed my daily fix
  7. Auss

    Pbo packing failed

    coupla things, always "refresh" your sat and mask when making changes b4 an import, always delete your old layers files b4 an import and lastly, nothing except the maplegend should be .png
  8. Auss

    Pbo packing failed

    your rvmat is referencing pngs for a start, after you have done the generate layers you must also rename the rvmat extensions to .paa
  9. Please dont tell me you placed all your objects using Buldozer?
  10. Auss

    Texture expand bug

    looks like the sign writer was drunk, he came back from a long lunch and this was the result lol
  11. Auss

    [WIP] Iwagi, Japan

    yep and I'm really liking the layout of the docks and cities too
  12. Auss

    Tanoa Trains

    is there someway we can alter the unbinarized rails in the BIS sample packs so your scripts can detect them?
  13. had a play this arvo and couple of observations: Ambience and AI walking around were really good, I spawned in a port area in Tassie and collected heaps of stuff, heard AI chatting and climbing on things, was quite immersive, had 2 AI shooting at me. 1) The spawn locations need to be fixed, several times I spawned in the deserts, nothing kills the fun like needing to walk 500K 2) AI are way to strong, I parachuted into a camp area and had 2 AI attacking me with Auto's, all i had was a nice Tshirt
  14. Auss

    Terrain Grid problems

    Use the left shift button with bulldozer brush to remove slash lines
  15. I'll jump on for a game when I return from holidays next week
  16. Auss

    [WIP] Iwagi, Japan

    Couple of things, I like the layout of the cities and buildings, are you planning on updating the sat? as it looks like the objects have kinda been plonked down. When I lay buildings or if I'm making a construction area I try to make sure the sat and mask reflect whats sitting on it, eg quarry. Also the Mattaust buildings are very poorly optimized so be very careful about using them unless you plan on getting the unbinarized models and fixing them up. I've spent the last few weeks optimizing them and re-creating res-lods.
  17. Auss

    Tanoa Trains

    I gotta start adding track to Australia. Fantastic work it ticks all the boxes well done!!
  18. have you also converted the extension inside the layers\rvmats to .paa from png?
  19. Australia does not use any CUP or OFP addons.
  20. I don't know what the CUP team have changed with the latest update.
  21. are there any further plans to update Xcam silola?
  22. I forget the name of the building, I'm away on holidays atm but yeah xcam will give the name, as for placing it on the map sure you can