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Everything posted by Auss

  1. I also have the same CPU and get OFP preferences showing up as 3200mhz but then if I restart that exe 3 or 4 times it shows up as a 2200Mhz then leave it for a while it goes back to 3200...lol
  2. Auss


    We are looking at building an Opteron dual core twin CPU server for the upcoming release of AA. My Question (and I hope BIS can help the community out here) Does OFP and AA benefit from having this hardware as opposed to having a fast single core. I've heard that OFP has issues with dual core CPU'S in so far syncing, will AA be multithreaded? This is a big outlay for our small community and as such we need to know what specs will be most benificial for us and indeed the AA community. I hope BIS can shed some light as to the best set up for us to purchase so that others can follow suit
  3. Auss


    we will be running 2 gig per CPU so 4 gig in total.
  4. Auss

    Ingame voice chat

    Can only use OFP voice with Direct IP, not sockets
  5. Auss

    CTI missions

    I wouldnt put them in the MP Cache, stick them in the MP Missions folder that way u'll have access to them to play
  6. Auss

    Weekly AUS MP

    Only way to go from 1.46 up to 1.96 is to buy the resistance addon CD that will bring u upto 1.75 then u use the patches to go to 1.96
  7. Auss

    While Im waiting......

    If your looking for an Australian server, Try OGN@iinet. Server is located in Melbourne, you'll always find someone on at most times of the day
  8. Auss


    setup port forwarding then hit New and goto a MP game. send your mates the external IP and away u go. You wont need a config file unless u wanna call your server something, otherwise it will show up as your PC name when they join
  9. Auss

    Making a server?

    download the dedicated exe file, i would suggest patching up to 1.96 if u can get resisistance if not use the 1.46 dedicated exe and check out the readme.
  10. Auss

    OFP and VBS1

    Sorry mate I have read your post 3 times, I aint got no idea wot your on about
  11. So thats where u've been hiding Gnat working on these fixes great stuff as always!! As you know we use the Nimitz carrier on the OGN server,would it be possible to get it to move? Seems a shame it cant, not knowing addon making excuse my ignorance if thats a dumb question also Once these 2 carriers are fixed do u think they would be suitable for inclusion into our CTI'S or would the addons themselves be too laggy?
  12. Auss

    Stargate Mod Released

    Tedted the V1.2 version today. This is the error we got. Some players reported not being able to access the gate functions also.[imghttp://sas.ogn.com.au/SGerror.jpg[/img]>100kb
  13. Auss


    This usually happens because your View distance is set too high goto the user folder and then your name folder and edit the userinfo.cfg Set the Viewdistance to 1000 and then try starting OFP
  14. Thanx for the reply. Makes sense cheers
  15. I noticed in reference to the AMD cool and quiet drivers that after installing them and rebooting, Both my cores were throttled back to 990Mhz down from 2400Mhz Ouch.. removed the AMD "cool and slow" drivers and it reverted back to normal speed
  16. Auss

    ANIMATION.pbo !!!!

    I understood the original question, Quite simple and I can also understand why Jack is asking (possible cheat method) get a life Planck
  17. There was some debate about this not long ago. If I remember correctly you will be able to turn JIP off the same way we turn off Ai before the mission starts. If you elect to leave the Ai on then any incoming players will take those slots. I personally think its a good thing, and ofcourse when any new game comes along the tards will be out in force, but as we have all been playing this game for a long time those tossers will be easy to spot and dealt with accordingly. AA will not be a heck of alot different in game play to OFP,it will still be a hard game requiring teamwork and tactics so hopefully we will see the newbs either dissapear quickly or play the game as it should be played.
  18. Could you explain exactly wot that command does and how it increases performance. I'll certainly give it a shot
  19. Auss


    Hyperthreading should be disabled on a dedicated server
  20. Auss

    Closing threads

    I fail to see why Epics thread was closed when he asked a legitimate question. He, like all of us is bloody fed up with being told half truths, he is mearly blowing of steam and u close his thread nice work mate thats a great way of dealing with ppls frustrations I suppose you'll close this thread to or even better delete it
  21. Auss


    We wont see Arm As till early next year. Theres no way they can get a publisher and package,then release the game within 2 months, which to me dont make any sense at all. Xmas is the peak $$$$ time It is a little disapointing to not have any more info considering we are still here playing after all these years. Perhaps even as late as March next year. This is one time I hope I am wrong though
  22. Auss

    Auto-Addon Server Problem

    I had similar issues when I set up our updater for the aussie ogn server. That line is case sensative and I had caps in my zip name. You can also use an ftp server setup on your machine instead. Use ftp, we used that until we could get a http site up
  23. Auss

    MP Anims server kicking

    Seems not everybody knew this (I didnt)..LOL no worries I'll keep an eye open for an altered merged.pbo cheers
  24. Auss

    MP Anims server kicking

    To RN: I have found and issue with your check files: The skin cheat : "res\dta\hwtl\merged.pbo", "merged\00000.paa", "merged\00001&krovi4.paa", "merged\00002.paa", "merged\00003krovi2.paa", "merged\00004krovi2.paa", "merged\00005krovi3.paa", "merged\00006krovi3.paa", "merged\00007mc_vojakw2.paa", "merged\00008mc_vojake2.paa", "merged\00009mc_vojakw2.paa", "merged\00010mc_vojake2.paa", "merged\00011&str_fikovnik.paa", Can be caused by a player NOT using HWTL but rather direct3d in OFP preferences. Therefore causing the above file error when the player isnt actually cheating.
  25. Auss

    Advanced File Checks - Now avaible

    Hey PM you RN for those files a few weeks ago. Any chance of obtaining them for the australian OFP server?