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Everything posted by Auss

  1. Auss

    exec's mod

  2. Auss

    exec's mod

    As the maker said it shouldnt be used online. problem is ppl will use it in MP then it would tend to give them an unfair advantage. I'm not so sure this type of mod is really worth releasing play the game as it was meant to be played. Our server does pbo checks, any playing joining our server with this mod running would be banned as it alters certain pbo's. Perhaps they shouldnt have called it a hack/cheat but they do make valid points as to what is a hack and what is not and as Skywolf says, the server has to setup to do checks.
  3. My face after a few hundred cans http://sas.ogn.com.au/images/myface.jpg
  4. Auss

    POLL: Do you want ArmA Anti-Cheat?

    2 week Beer reduction and 1 week with no Leave for abuse...LOL
  5. I would advise against editing the weapons.pbo if you plan to play MP. Some servers are now checking PBO files,
  6. Auss

    Standalone server config problem

    Tankbuster has a good point, sometimes it will not save as a CFG file, copy the server.cfg your using into the C:\ Root and opena dos window do a directory lsiting and see what the file is called it maybe server.txt.cfg or something like that, if so then rename it to the correct file name.
  7. Auss

    POLL: Do you want ArmA Anti-Cheat?

    Would be very keen to run this on our Aussie servers MaddogX. I guess the hardest part for all Admins is altering all the current missions on the servers. Best to get it released soonish so we can the mission makers to start adding it to their missions. Nice work !!
  8. Auss

    Standalone server config problem

    The easiest way to tell if a file is actually in use by the game is to start the server exe then try to edit your server.cfg if you are unable to save your changes then its in use, that will then tell u that the command line syntax is ok, If the server starts but dies with an error i.e "error : instead of blah blah" then u have a syntax error in the server.cfg
  9. Auss

    Complete List of ARMA Commands

    After a bit of stuffing around we have it sorted, as Sky wolf said the docu pertaining to these commands is bloody next to useless, Thanks also for your assistance Skywolf nice work
  10. Thanks fellas nice work, I'll try these scripts out
  11. I've searched for a script that will do this with no luck. I want to be able to delete players dead bodies after a certain time. I am using a script (remover.sqs) to delete dead AI which seems to work ok, sometimes it will not delete a vehicle but I can live with that. I cant seem to delete dead player bodies though, Can anyone help with this?
  12. Auss

    Tiberian-Genesis needs you!

    This is one mod I am really looking forward too just wish there was someway I could help you.I run and maintain the Australian OGN ArmA servers, We have a closed testing server if its any help to you?
  13. Thats good news that you still have access to your children, Family matters like this are very difficult. Looking forward to the release
  14. Auss

    Finally - Arma is using 2 CPUs

    This method is common among mission makers to test their Missions on a dedicated server if they dont have a second PC at home, was also done in OFP.
  15. Auss

    Complete List of ARMA Commands

    Editied to remove Content Aus
  16. Auss

    Dedicated Server Beta available

    @Quercus If you have 1.08 installed on your PC at home simply zip it all up and upload to your server. You dont need to install the game if your running it simply as a dedicated server. That will work.
  17. Auss

    Why do distant soldier animations jerk?

    MinErrorToSend=<limit>; Minimal error to send updates across network. Using a smaller value can make units observed by binoculars or sniper rifle to move smoother. Default: 0.01
  18. Auss

    Stop Camping.....arghhh!

    What a load of rubbish, If ppl want to camp let them. I love hunting down campers and killing them, Its a great sport, they have such repetive behaviour that they are quite easy to find. Sometimes I will camp also to lock down an objective and slow the enemy from trying to retake it. As for camping on the side of the hill at the airport in the Bezerk maps, So what? Its madness to camp up there you stick out like dogs balls and are an easy target for a chopper or an attack from the rear. Get over it and understand that everyone plays the game differently. As for spawn camping thats the fault of the mission maker allowing this to happen, the NO-go zone should be large enough and there should be alot of defensive positions to allow troops cover as they emerge from the safe zone.
  19. Auss

    Complete List of ARMA Commands

    Just a couple of small omissions in the above details checkfiles[]= { Â Â Â Â Â Â "dta\bin.pbo" Â Â Â Â Â Â "Anims\config.cfg", Â Â Â Â Â Â "weapons\config.cfg", Â Â Â Â Â Â "wheeled\config.cfg", Â Â Â Â Â Â "tracked\config.cfg", Â Â Â Â Â Â "sara\config.cfg"' Â Â Â Â Â Â "air\config.cfg" }; Needs a comma on the 1st line and the second set of quotes removed on the Sara config and replaced with a comma, the air config will not need a comma as its the last line. Working one below: checkfiles[]= { "dta\bin.pbo", "Anims\config.cfg", "weapons\config.cfg", "wheeled\config.cfg", "tracked\config.cfg", "sara\config.cfg", "air\config.cfg" };
  20. Auss

    ArmA Server Side Scripting

    In regards to the Verify Signitures they appear to be working now, It detected my FDF sound mod and wouldn't allow me to join, Once FDF was removed I connect fine. Now all we need is a way to allow third party addons to be signed.
  21. Auss

    Server Performance

    Thats a very broad statement mate, there are many factors that can cause a box to perform poorly, one factor which most ppl dont take into account is the design of a mission, An in-experienced mission maker can kill the best of servers with several looping scripts in a mission. Even poorly made addons will lag a server badly, I can also see the effect that a poorly made mission has on our server straight away. Our server is one of the fastest machines in the Armed Assault community and for a while we had huge ISP problems causing all sorts of performance issues. So making a generalised statement like the one above really serves no purpose. On another note: very much enjoyed your ChopperFX script Maddog nice work, (and doesnt lag server..lol)
  22. Auss

    Deamon tool

    For anyone thats using a FIRE Daemon tool to run the dedicated server you may encounter problems when setting up multiple servers to use seperate config files. The problem lies with the FIRE Daemon tool not properly recognising the -profiles command path in the parameters section of the deamon tool IF you use the default c:\program files\bohemia\blah blah. I moved the AmrA installs to the root of C: so the path will be c:\Arma\game folder. Then the following command can be used in the Deamon to point to each seperate install  thereby allowing different configs for each install -name=servername "-profiles=c:\arma\armatest\users\ogntest" We run 3 servers on our machine and have 3 seperate installs of Arma. As you can see I have shown our test server path. We can now customise each server. For instance our coop server has different view distance and enemy precision settings than our CTF install. The good thing about the use of the Deamon tool is also allowing you to bind the service to a CPU or CORE. *On a side note the precision enemy and skill levels seem to promote better exchange of fire between the players and the AI. It also seems to stop those pain in the arse 400 metre one shot kills by AI. Hope this helps Or I have totally confused you..lol
  23. The only working UAV that I know of was for OFP. It was part of the FDF mod and it was very good
  24. Auss

    People Destroying game play

    Not sure how you came to this conclusion. programs that generate fake player ID'S have been around for a while. Banning the ID does nothing at all, they will generate a new ID straight away