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About Azi

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  1. Azi

    Patch 1.05 impressions

    Varry +1WL for 4 identical posts in 14 mins.. I don't think it was his fault. The forum is acting up badly under the strain and trying to post is a nightmare.
  2. Azi

    Patch 1.05 impressions

    I think he meant the patch, period, rather than the patch, specific, if you see what i mean.. And, if it's the German download version, it'll be at 1.02 and will need the 499Mb international version. I got it from a German mirror at an average of 140kbs which wasn't too bad.
  3. Azi

    Patch 1.05 impressions

    The patch works fine on the German download version. You can select English as a language which changes the ingame vocals to, not surprisingly, English. The campaign TV reports, however, stay in German with subs, which is a bit annoying.
  4. Thanks for the reply. In the tutorial the instructor asks to use hellfires. Being the instructor you'd expect his skill level to be sufficient to see the targets! I'll try the F2 method of handing of the targets and see what happens.
  5. I've run a search for this problem and found no answer so maybe someone here can help me. On the attack chopper training mission, i fly to the hill near the target range and commence my pop ups. I hear a voice say, for example, "attack Shilka" and a corresponding white box appears around the target. But the gunner hardly ever locks onto the tank, Shilka or APC. it has managed on occasion but it seems to random and not related to any of my key presses. The "lock" command seems to be, by default, the TAB key or the RMB, but neither seems to make a difference. Please can someone throw some light on what, if anything, i'm doing wrong.
  6. Azi

    ArmA and SLI

    Hi all, Just a quick question, is anyone using an SLI setup to play ArmA? If so what SLI mode are you using? i've tried AFR and AFR2 which seem to give the same results as single GPU mode TBH. Split screen mode just causes the game to hard lock. I'm using the latest Nvidia graphics drivers, 91.47 if i recall, whatever, they are the latest downloaded from their site a couple of days ago. Can anyone offer any advice?