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Everything posted by AKM

  1. AKM

    The s.j.b. handgun project

    Its a inside thing.. the old Royal Marines corps and the current RCIR. He might explain it. His Avatar already does.... AK
  2. AKM

    The s.j.b. handgun project

    Not that I know of. Fireteam McAndrew all the way. Maybe just McAndrew. AK
  3. AKM

    Project-ukf update

    Yes, that was my first time firing a AK-similar rifle prone. I told him that, (The RSO) but he didn't listen. So I fucked up. I still like the Russian rifles better. Just my preference. But, thanks, I missed that little bit there. I thought you were referring to the uncomfortable silence thingy. If they're included in the README file, then all we have to do is print it out and keep it in a file folder near the computer. I make it a point to print out each Readme that comes with a MOD I follow closely (FDF, ONS, OFrP, and this mod) and put them, in a chronological ordering, into a duotang. It helps, especially when I need reference lines in a hurry. EDIT: *Our valient adventurer here digs deeper into his foxhole and strings a carefully arranged trip-flare, awaiting the return of the tumbleweed.* AK
  4. AKM

    Project-ukf update

    Awww shiiiit. Could you please answer my question while you torment me, or is that against the SATANANIC KICK-ASS MODDERS code of ethics? *Our hero hunkers down and awaits the long and uncomfortable silence that usually follows one of his senseless posts.* AK
  5. AKM

    Project-ukf update

    Oh God, please tell me I didn't kill the thread? AK
  6. AKM

    Modern usmc marpat

    Been addressed extensively I think. Now, if you are up for a challenge, read the entire thread through. AK
  7. AKM

    Project-ukf update

    So, do I understand this correctly? As opposed to randomizing gear, you have a default model with some kit on him (The most oft used peices I assume) and then we can customize it by utilizing some INIT Field command lines? And that would be because the randomization did not function properly? AK
  8. I am looking forward to some good KMARN units as well. I've been a stawlwart fan since I saw those KMARN Marines. Damn nice. BTW, if you could improve one thing about these units, it would be to give them a slightly less-blue C-7 rifle, and maybe a little work on sharpening the textures. Other than that, I was blown away by them. (Literally, as I was testing how hard the opposition would be to overcome in a KMARN Raid mission that I made.) AK
  9. AKM

    Project-ukf update

    No, I've fired both a Izmesh made (Russian) AKM, and a Sa-58. The Sa-58 slapped me in the face, its a peice of shit. And yes, every military slaps goggles on theirs soldiers every once in a while, but if the troopers are smart, they cover their goggles with a bit of burlap or brown or green cotton cloth or something, and leave them on their helmet. I think I'll source a GR image that demonstrates what I am talking about... right here: First image & Second image here. In both cases, the man closest to the camera has done just what I mentioned above. I'd like to see that on a few units, I'm pretty sure increasing your battlefield survivability odds isn't against regulations. Proving Murphy's Law: No combat-ready unit has ever passed inspection. No inspection - ready unit has ever passed combat. AK
  10. AKM

    Project-ukf update

    Looks great. IMHO, these need to be a side-West addon, not Resistance. Too many Resistance addons out there. AK
  11. AKM

    Project-ukf update

    Excellence. I have nothing bad to say now, unless these units don't work properly. Then you'll learn how to swear in something like 5 - 15 languages. AK
  12. AKM

    Project-ukf update

    Interesting question, but I don't know if UKF is obligated to use JAM, or if they even want to in any case. My question: Pathfinders and Royal Marines. So far I've seen a screen where they are wearing Jungle (Boonie) hats. Do they have their Red and Green berets? No RM addon is complete without those Berets. AK
  13. AKM

    Modern usmc marpat

    Now THAT, That is a good idea. Provided we have his help a little, we don't want to piss him off, cause a giant flamewar, etc. Well, not the first time its happened. I'm so glad you guys don't know where I live. Lets stay on-topic shall we? AK
  14. AKM

    Project-ukf update

    *Rocks back and forth on swivel chair, which is funny, considering how last time I fell over and hit my head, but that's besides the point.* (BTW, no Brain Damage if you are wondering.) hmmm... I wonder what Mr. C-7 and his associate, Mr. SA-80 have to say about that to Ms. FAMAS here. Hehehe. No, seriously, this could turn out pretty well, especially if we've got Genuine Frenchmen playing the role of the invading French forces. Now, THAT, would be something to see. But, I'll try and stay on topic. AK
  15. AKM

    Modern usmc marpat

    I just noticed your avatar. Its Mr. Stabby. What a happy surprise. AK
  16. AKM

    Modern usmc marpat

    Man, you got it all wrong. First you tie him to a tree, then you practice your baseball swing on his kneecaps, elbows, ribcage, face, and any other bony part of his body. NOTE: If you take Mr. Psycho here seriously, go see a head-medic. AK
  17. AKM

    Project-ukf update

    Unfortunatly, to change that would require a new weapons animation, and would delay the release even more, especially implementing it. I figure, that with these units, and the Operation Frenchpoint Mod, and Trinity 2.0, I will make a MP Campaign involving French forces invading Trinity island for some ficticious reason or other, etc. etc. etc. It should turn out well. AK
  18. AKM

    Modern usmc marpat

    Come here. Come closer. Now help me pick my jaw up off the floor. Â But, thanks for all of your hard work and dedication. I'll try and only post constructive critcism when I can. BTW, if you need help with sourcing images of gear and that, I will for sure, for sure hook you up with a guy who has access to a LOT of modern Russian combat gear. EDIT: As opposed to posting again, I'll just edit. Yes, that post there did clear up a whole lotta questions. AK
  19. AKM

    Project-ukf update

    Could I have a link or some information on the abovementioned Regiment? AK
  20. AKM

    Modern usmc marpat

    Co-Ops do take longer to do right, I've been working on that snatch-and-grab mission for something close to a week, not a lot of coding, but its all about the unit placement and fine-tuning the reaction force, etc. I find its difficult to get a Co-Op to work on a Public-Server, in my limited experiance. I just generally work with my clan is all, and that works out well. AK
  21. AKM

    Modern usmc marpat

    Yes Sergeant Kopp, I probably do talk to much. I'm done now. Agreed. AK
  22. AKM

    Project-ukf update

    Yes, of course. I wasn't really expecting a 1.0 release, so much as I was hoping it'd be in the 1.5 or something. It all is a time thing. But the concept remains the same: They kick ass. (units, not the Tam) AK
  23. AKM

    Project-ukf update

    Awww shiiiit. 'Comon, someone please tell me I didn't kill the thread here guys. AK
  24. AKM

    Modern usmc marpat

    One way or the other, I don't give a flying ratfu*k. Personally, I have taken all of the pictures I can find of these Marines and Naval Infantry and have compiled them along with my analysis into a Powerpoint presentation for no other reason than: I can. They look fantastic. I also have a few images of Grimseys units, because I wasn't sure if they were Suchey and Earl or not. They're in a differnt folder now anyways. These units look fantastic. That HellFish here has 15+ missions in his MPMissionCache is great, but how many of them are TeamDeathmatch or Deathmatch? Co-Operative missions, when based around a half-way decent objective, are kick-ass. I have created a Snatch and Grab type mission, which is now sitting at 95% done, everything is fixed, etc. No bugs, except for what makes up the final 5%. The units I have there are Placeholders for these Earl and Suchey USMC and MORPEH troopers. I can wait. Patience is a virtue. And, by God, if those pictures annoy you, or make you want to tear your hair out and shave your ass, then ignore them. Its a choice thing. I sincerely doubt that, although, for sure, your MARPAT USMC and FLORA MORPEH will definatley become a staple of the Dedicated-Server Required Addons thread. Radioman would be cool, but I've never seen a Man-Pack Russian Federation radio that the Nav-Inf would use, and I've checked. So basically its up to them to pull it out of their ass and make a best guess. Sorry for the long post. AK
  25. AKM

    Modern usmc marpat

    Excellence... *Taps fingers together, Ala Mongomery Burns style.* NOTE: AK is not to be held responsible for use of Simpson impersonation. AK is not legally responsible for misuse, if any, of Simpsons trademark. BIS is not legally responsible. If you are a lawyer, you are a soulless scavenger of strife. NOTE: AK is not to be held responsible for comments regarding lawyers. AK is not legally responsible for lawyer-related comments. BIS and Codemasters are not legally responsible for Lawyer-Comments. I'll just shut up now. AK