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Everything posted by AKM

  1. AKM

    Modern usmc marpat

    *Bump* Any new news? And I apologize for "killing" the thread temporarily. Perhaps this'll spark it back to life. Just to make sure, I'll mention something incredibly controversial. (Which I won't, but I hope someone responds.) AK
  2. Edge, Ivan Butchta, Excellent work guys! Thoroughly enjoying these addons. Kick-Ass job. AK
  3. AKM

    Rf airborne troups released!

    You are partially correct. The whole point of helmets, during the First World War, was to deflect shrapnel and other debris from shell bursts, as an inordinate number of casualties were being absorbed by shrapnel and that slicing soldier's heads open or off. The helmet served to reduce casualites drastically. The helmet was never thick enough to stop a bullet. In cases where you hear of helmets stopping a round slamming into buddie's head, are either BS, or incredibly lucky, or the Great Pumpkin intervened. Kevlar does stop bullets, usually low powered ones, but with the Ceramic/Titanium inserts into the vest, it can stop up to 5.56x45mm NATO rounds I believe, and perhaps a 7.62x39mm WarSawPACT one. Not sure directly on the specifications. Whilst Kevlar is very effective at stopping bullets (In most cases, not all, and with abovementioned conditions met) any opposing combatant wielding a bayonetted rifle, or carrying a knife, could easily carve your insides. Part of the theory behind kevlar is that it dissapaits the bullets kinetic energy, and hence slows the bullet to a point where the remaining energy is only enough to crack a rib, or similar. A knife on the other hand, focuses its energy on only one or two strands of kevlar, and that cannot hold back the knife's point, unless the person stabbing you happens to be an idiot and goes for a location protected by the ceramic/titanium trauma plate. One of the advantages of Kevlar over Titanium is that Kevlar is infinetly more versatile, much lighter, and actually more useful than titanium. Kevlar vests and helmets will also serve their origional purpose, that of stopping shrapnel. Have you ever seen pictures of German stormjaegers, WW1 era. Some of them wear incredibly heavy metal plates over their torsos, that could only stop a .303 British, or similar round, at maximum ranges and if they were lucky. And, because of this, they could only carry so much ammunition. Wearing the standard issue equipment (Kevlar helmet and vest with inserts) along with your webbing and battle stores, and your personal weapon ( s ) weighs around 40-60 pounds, easily. That said, you're also carrying a motherfucker more ammo than you could wearing a similar rig made out of titanium. For parachutists, its not feasible to carry in two helmets, henceforth their issue helmet would have to be light and fullfill what it needs to, both in the air and on the ground. A titanium one would probably snap your neck on the descent. I'll stop before this post gets any longer. AK
  4. AKM

    Modern usmc marpat

    To this note: He mentioned it was to prevent the delay of these units any longer. I think that's more than fair, because he could easily take up to Christmas off and then start work on them again the day after new years... I'm just hoping these hit my HDD before New Years, but who am I to complain? (Don't answer, please.. I've met people on other forums who do. Sometimes its scary.) EDIT: I think my statement in parenthasis was redundant. Since I'm tired, I didn't think putting in: Don't answer the retorical question would have worked, possibly because I forgot what the hell a retorical question was at the time. Since I am not the Forum Administrating God (Coincidentally, the acrynom there spells out FAG) please continue the topic. It was never my intention to cause any ceasation in the posting flow. Damn. AK
  5. AKM

    Rf airborne troups released!

    Its most likely a universal bug overlooked in favour of pumping out the addon before he went too far over the release date. Well thank you for reminding me. I can't find the cocaine right now, but my dog just wrote an album that'll BLOW YOUR MIND. I'll start producing it once that giant pink panda stops eating that giant purple spider over there then... (Guess what else I found...) AK
  6. AKM

    Rf airborne troups released!

    It seems that the ability to speak freely here is being curtailed... I can see where it would be offensive, but a warning PM would be nice. Not even 3 strikes, but a: "If you go a inch further you're out buddy" kinda thing. *Quiets as large man in a suit with pistol in hand approaches* Uhhh..... *dives out window* AK
  7. AKM

    Rf airborne troups released!

    As to the "make it yourselves" note: I'm pretty sure you Binarized the p3d files, and I havn't checked yet. Its a damned good addon, but some things could definatly be improved. Great for some ideas I've had for a long time. Thanks for the proper armpatches too. The 79th Guards Infantry Regiment could probably kick the crap out of the 1st Infantry "Big Red One".... Back in the day... that is to say: WW2. Nice to play as some good-quality Russians. Yeah, we're all ungrateful little punks, I know.... Sorry for the constructive criticsm. Next time I'll keep it to myself. AK
  8. AKM

    Modern usmc marpat

    Ahhhhhh. I see. The stuff in the surplus store must be reproduction then, as it is fairly thin, has the same primitive "Digitized" pattern on it, but is not reversable into the Chocolate Chip pattern, just the one 'digital' pattern. Yeah, I agree with you on that. The new one seems a fair bit better than the Chocolate Chip one. Although, I shouldn't really be speaking on an issue like this, as I've never had to put on a set of desert fatigues and walk into the desert. Just forests. And the Canadian version of the Russian Taiga... and steppe country, out west. But no deserts. AK
  9. AKM

    Rf airborne troups released!

    Right here. *Raises hand* Forgot to add that. Well, with any luck, these suggestions will hopefully NOT be ignored and, will be implemented. That'd be awesome. Laser, your GRU Spetsnaz were amazing! Those INQ weapons should be dropped in favour of the AK-104 in that pack, or the AK-74M. I can't remember. Perhaps revamp sounds and that. Great addon, and I'm enjoying these VDV immensly, but those changes would make it better, much more improved, with massive possibilities. Great work. AK
  10. AKM

    Rf airborne troups released!

    Ahhh. Sorry, missed that. Just saw JAM-2, and, because of the small skirmish that occured in the last thread, I assumed it was another presumptious demand for JAM. Forgive the mistake, please. AK
  11. AKM

    Modern usmc marpat

    Its odd that he'd think that. *attempts to alt-tab out of OFP to hide the MARPAT-clad USMC storming a beach at 06:30* Well, they look great, and I'm hoping for release sometime before Christmas.... with any luck... heh... awww damn. Urbanized MARPAT works well in the desert as well, during the night, however Desert MARPAT definately has the edge there, for the obvious reasons. Just about any camouflage pattern will blend fine at 100+ meters, and with the standard engagement range in OFP ranging from 0 to 850 meters effectively, and upwards of 2 kilometers at times, I'm fairly certain they'll blend in just fine. Whatever happened to those old Digitized Overs that I saw American units wearing during Gulf War 1 Op:DS? I believe they were night camouflage, now available in Surplus stores out here in the boonies I believe. One thing I would like to know. When I first came into this thread, I made the connection between the concept of balance, and that if we get Marine Force Recon, we got Naval Spetsnaz. Now, any new progress screens of the Naval Spetsnaz available, or have they been cut out of the project, which would be very unfortunate, as I was looking forward to those. AK
  12. AKM

    Rf airborne troups released!

    Some criticism that is meant to be constructive and will hopefully be viewed as such: 1) The Vest looks a little blocky. Watch the soldier's arms as he performs motions. It appears that they are entirely seperate from the vest. 2) The Inquistors weapon package is somewhat annoying. The CS-ripped weapons do not look to scale at all. Firing sound for the AK-74 and AKS-74 are not as good as they could be, but good 'nough for all concerned, excepting the very irritating high-pitched "PING" sound at the end. I cannot vouch for the AKSU-74 firing sound, as I have only fired that rifle at an indoor range, and the echoes distorted my perception of the sound. 3) "Automatic Rifleman" carries a AKSU-74 rifle, with RPK-74 magazines sticking out of the pouches on the front of the vest. I recommend an RPK-74 be added to the arsenal. 4) Above the Telnyashka T-Shirt, there is enough of the soldiers torso showing that it appears to be white, which unfortunatly, doesn't work if you happen to get a Black Russian VDV, or an Arab one. My recommendations for 1.5 or 2.0 release: a) Drop the Inquistor weapons and make your own, or, alternativly, rescale them to appear more naturally sized in OFP. b) Fix the utility vest and torso issue. While not nessacarily critical, it does make the Russians appear quite chunky. c) Add OD Green helmet netting over the helmet, or a helmet cover. d) Add an RPK-74 to the weapons selection list. e) Resize the SVD Dragunov, and the SVD Dragunov with Night Optics to a much more reasonable size, or use the default one with a reskin, Or, make your own, alternatively. f) Don't get incredibly pissed off for me presenting these facts and recommendations to you. Please... don't kill me. Overall, a good set of units, very useful, and I love having recognizable unit armpatches from some very prominent Regiments. With the above 5 recommendations implemented, they'd easily be as good, if not better than, the 1.0 Ranger/Deltas by BAS. On the JAM-2 compliance note: I believe he mentioned that JAM-2 ammunition and firearms did not function well with their units. It is up to him to decide whether or not to implement it. JAM-2 is a useful system, and does have a place in the OFP:R community, but it MUST be recognized that JAM-2 is NOT an essential to a good addon. -AK
  13. AKM

    Rf airborne troops

    This addon is amazing. No bugs to report yet. Excellent work Denorc! As to the topic of threatening Moderators: While HellFish6 annoyed the hell out of me for about thirty seconds, I did realize that threatening him over the internet, with a hacking threat, is sort of retarded, as Rudolph proved. Back ontopic: Amazing, these units are Kick-Ass! Suggestions for 1.3 would include: Camouflage netting and / or Covers on the helmets, and that's about the only thing I can think of right now. Great work man. AK
  14. AKM

    Rf airborne troops

    Makes more sense if you type it out in cryllic characters. Meh. Good one. I was just using "Govno" IE: Shit, as an example, as I didn't want to go around telling them that they could: *EXPLETIVES DELETED OUT OF COURTESY TO OTHER RUSSIANS WHO MIGHT JUST BE OFFENDED* But, meh. I should cut them some slack, and I have. The problem with release dates, is: *And I reiterate* Little off-topic but, Swearing properly in Russian is more of an art form than anything else. I got a look at a book called "Ruuski Maht" which literally translated means: Russian Mother, but I think it may have something to do more along the lines of a short version of: "Say these near your mother and she'll kick your ass to the moon and over." Interesting enough, but Rodney Calvinovich Squires (The Canadian who should've been born Russian) managed to take that into the locked drawer of his desk before I got too far into it. Good though, excellent read, especially if some shopkeeper jacks your wallet or something similar. And back ontopic: These units look fantastic. Its sorta frustrating because of the Time Differenials and that this is being mostly held up by a demo mission, as is my understanding. And in addition (EDIT) To avoid double posting, and seeing how I must be up and about at 06:20 hours tomorrow morning, I bid you adue, which is probably misspelt but of no matter, and I will awaken tomorrow to hopefully be able to download these addons. AK
  15. AKM

    Rf airborne troops

    Well, its 22:00 hours GMT-3 here on the East coast of Canada, and I'm thinking that with GMT + 4 for Moscow and GMT+8 for as far out as Izhevsk, that it'll probably be the 28th or 29th by the time these see the light of day. One of the problems with a lot of shit are these fucking AAE protocols, fortunatly, AAE never really caught on. Goddamned AAE sucks ass, requiring a MS Installer, a Demo Mission, etc. All that BS. Unfortunatly, the goddamned Demo mission ended up taking a while longer than either I or he expected apparently... so now he's either asleep and will release tomorrow morning, or he'll do it when he gets back from work/school tomorrow, as I doubt at GMT+4 for anything as far East as Moscow, and GMT+4 for Saint Petersburg (AFAIK) is gonna cost us, the North Americans. Meh, doesn't matter, so long as I see it before I go fucking nuts, and reiterate what I said much earlier in this thread: For instance, that'd be a nagging urge to fucking make a giant Demo Mission which is completely unessacary by any standard, except for the infernal AAE protocols! And I know I sound greedy, its a mixture of: Sleep deprevation A promise broken And not trusting the Russians anymore. Good thing I know how to swear, huh Tovarishch? GOVNO! AK
  16. AKM

    Rf airborne troops

    Ummmmm.... Logically, he can't respond to that if he's asleep. Now, when you set your release date, did you do that according to GMT or according to local time? AK
  17. AKM

    Rf airborne troops

    Tomorrow, which, coincidentally, is a Monday, meaning I get to wrestle through a primeval education system and a monolithic bureacracy, THEN I get to come home and see some equiste units. That almost makes up for how bad school sucks. AK
  18. AKM

    Modern usmc marpat

    Awww shucks... I've been told that I'm too cynical for my age (Below 20) and I was trying to be optimistic... Yah, like hell that'll work. I'd agree with you, but also add in: The addons take a while to produce, and its better that Earl and Suchey take their time making them, so that we get a high-quality product in the end, despite the wait. That should help avoid the 40 reply: Do you know how long these take to make and how much work goes into them?!?! syndrome which I've seen and experianced before. Its not pretty. I'm not going to reiterate myself with the whole "These look fu**ing fantastic, etc." oooooooh damnit, what have I just done?! (And to prevent another post explaining what I've just done, I've just gone and repeated myself. To the advantage of all concerned. [Myself only at this point] AK
  19. AKM

    Modern usmc marpat

    Gah... I feel that way, but MEH. They will apparently be released soon, with little hassle hopefully. Now, the problem will be finding enough mirriors, as I think just about everyone'll download this addon the second it's released, and give the rest of the community about three days to catch up, thanks to the Time Differentials. Ahhh. You read Russian and understand it? That's interesting enough. You'd think that statement is obvious enough.. to clarify: The girl who didn't slap me across the face when I asked her to the movies. (And she's a nice one too. I'd post imagery, but that goes against what's left of my scant morality.) AK
  20. AKM

    Rf airborne troops

    Daaaamn. Lookin' great. The 27th can't come fast enough. Meh, patience is a virtue I've developed over the years. Great work Denorc, looking forward to these. Nice to see some Russian Federation and not Soviet units out there now. Havn't seen those since UCE. AK
  21. AKM

    Rf airborne troops

    Ahh shit. Forgot. AK
  22. AKM

    Rf airborne troops

    Whoo! Tomorrow is the release! YAH! The AI are never too hard to kill. All that needs to be done is a revision in tactics. I have yet to see the AI respond appropriately to a flanking action. They don't handle being attacked from the side while pinned down very well, at least not in my experiance. Great job... can hardly wait. AK
  23. AKM

    Rf airborne troops

    Good deal. Workin' snipers now. That SVD is a peice of work, I'll tell you what. Glad to see that the AI'll employ it properly now. AK
  24. AKM

    Modern usmc marpat

    Yeah, the dumbest thing a sniper can do is add black boots to a ghillie suit. God. I've seen active-forces snipers make that mistake, and I think: DARWIN, DARWIN, DARWIN! DARWIN DARWIN DARWIN! (To the Toga chant tune.) Hate to get off-topic. Oh yeah, right there. Wanna shoot something with a beautifully modeled unit. AK
  25. AKM

    Rf airborne troops

    What I appreciate is the obvious attention to detail there. Textures look great, uniforms, everything looks top-notch. I love having proper insigsnias, those are excellence. The text-qual on them is such that I can read them in the screenshots. Lets hope that stays true in - game. It seems that the 25th will never come. Great job man, excellent work! AK