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Everything posted by AKM

  1. AKM

    Modern usmc marpat

    -Post Deleted- AK
  2. AKM

    Modern usmc marpat

    -Post Deleted- AK
  3. AKM

    M1a - a1

    That rifle looks like an M-14 with modifications, such as the prominent folding skeleton stock. Perhaps it is an M-14 variation for special-operations and paratroop units, vehicle crews as well... I find it hard to believe that there would be a fully-automatic feature on an M-14SK-ST (Skeleton-Stock) like that, as the majority were jammed down on Semi-auto all the time... that rifle there would seem uncontrollable in full-auto modes of fire. AK
  4. AKM

    Modern usmc marpat

    -Post Deleted- AK
  5. AKM

    Modern usmc marpat

    -Post Deleted- AK
  6. AKM

    Modern usmc marpat

    -Post Deleted- AK
  7. AKM

    Modern usmc marpat

    -Post Deleted- AK
  8. AKM

    Modern usmc marpat

    -Post Deleted- AK
  9. AKM

    Modern usmc marpat

    -Post Deleted- AK
  10. AKM

    Modern usmc marpat

    -Post Deleted- AK
  11. AKM

    Modern usmc marpat

    -Post Deleted- AK
  12. AKM

    Modern usmc marpat

    -Post Deleted- AK
  13. AKM

    Modern usmc marpat

    And on the upside, Suchey Claus does not know when you are sleeping, can't tell when you are awake, and they sure as hell don't have a whole lot of reindeer. Now tell me, what kind of cookies and "Milk" (Read as Liquor) does Suchey "Claus" and his band of merry, ever-so-talented addon making "elves" like? AK
  14. AKM

    Modern usmc marpat

    Yes, the virtual irritatation is scalding my mind. I'll be back after I'm coherent AK
  15. AKM

    Modern usmc marpat

    Dude... they are done when they are done. And what HellFish here said: "Or you'll sue?" Strange . . . AK
  16. AKM

    Modern usmc marpat

    I think he mentioned that there were two really. One involving an installer of some sorts, some form of RAR after that... the vehicles are by others, they're in some Dedicated-Server Required Addons package.... their mostly IFVs and transport birds I suspect'... supplements to Infantry Combat is how he phrased it. Good call. Sad but true... I'm here because I can be. I'm not here all the time, but its nice to see that my posts are no longer resulting in an uncomfortable silence. *Our hero ducks into a spider hole and awaits the return of the Tumbleweed* AK
  17. AKM

    Modern usmc marpat

    Conviently, this Marine Assault Package also features Russian Federation Naval Infantrymen, and Naval Spetsnaz in suitable field garb. Not only is it by far the best model and texture work I have ever seen in my entire Flashpoint "Life", they serve to add features never before seen. This'd include working field dressings, upgrades to the medic system, and some of the BEST small arms for these amazing lookin' troopers I have yet to see. Its slated for release sometime in the future. Maybe near, maybe later. Suchey, Earl, and Tactician created this package. Let it be known that they are Talent embodied. AK
  18. AKM

    Modern usmc marpat

    All Hail Suchey, the new God. Thanks for the hard work you've put in so far, I'm hoping that release will come when I'm awake. I recommend many, many mirrors... there will be much dancing in the streets, joy, free booze, and download"age". AK
  19. AKM

    Modern usmc marpat

    Apparently since the Marines have Force Recon, there are now Naval Spetsnaz units available... Sweet, as those have never been done before, primiarily army and airborne spetnsaz. -Yes, I know that the units would wear regular uniforms to blend in with the crowds of troopers, that was during the soviet era, nowadays, we get to see them in all their Spetsnaz glory. Its a AKS-74U, in real life its a piece of sh*t, and should be switched for an AKS-74 OR a AKS-74M the second you see one, and I can't think of a single Kalashnikov rifle of the AK-series that has a "Burst" option on it, other than fully-automatic - which by some may be considered a burst fire option, for some reason I don't understand. PLEASE, PLEASE, I implore you, get your facts straight. Although the alpha-numerical designations can be difficult with AK-series rifles, its by no means impossible. At least do a little quick check... And, finally, I will conceed the "stage" to anyone else with this parting comment: "Excellently fantastically makes-me-want-it-badly work there Earl, Suchey, and Tactician. Also, many thanks to Blackdog for posting that pic of the Naval Spetsnaz." AK
  20. AKM

    Modern usmc marpat

    Would an RPG-29 work in lieu of that RPG-16D? And, Blackdog, what unit is that holding an AKS-74U with that suppressor? The armpatch doesn't remind me of anything... Naval Infantry Recon, or Naval Spetsnaz? Don't feel obligated to spoil any surprises on my curious insistance. Looks good in any case. Also, children: PATIENCE IS GOOD. We just wait paitently, let Suchey and Earl and Tactician wreak their magic upon the editing tools of Flashpoint, then they release at their discretion, and we get to bound around for joy. AK
  21. AKM

    Modern usmc marpat

    Yay, SucheyClaus. AK
  22. AKM

    Modern usmc marpat

    EDIT: Sorry, stupid question. AK
  23. AKM

    Modern usmc marpat

    I am Canadian. The words military and funding in the same paragraph, much less the same page are unfamiliar to me. *Hint Hint* Man oh man, these things are gonna kick some ass. It'll be another 20 years before OFP gets old for me now. AK
  24. AKM

    Modern usmc marpat

    Yes, yes, getting back ontopic now. Umm... what to say, what to say. I'm going with the time-honoured: "Looks fantastic." Looks great, eagerly awaiting release, whenever that is. AK
  25. AKM

    Modern usmc marpat

    Ummm... yes, I can imagine it'd do that. Bring extra water, get shot... die... suffer through some heat.. But I wouldn't say that too loudly man, the government might just get the idea to add "Ventilation Holes" which'd be just about the right size and in the right spots *Holds up 10x10inch Cardboard panel and holds it over center mass* for a decent gunner to put some in you. AK