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Everything posted by AKM

  1. AKM

    Nogovan army?

    If you have good eyes you can make it out, its above his left temple. I believe that we should establish some form of mod for this, just a loose group to get this done and make sure we're not doing anything over and over. PM me if that's a shit idea - Swear in any of 131 languages, I'll pick it out, and reply in kind if you don't like it, Yobanya Sooka. AK
  2. AKM

    Nogovan army?

    Now GoOB, to answer part of your question. We're assuming that the NDF has groups on all of the Malden Islands Chain. This is why we're looking at the Malden Defense Battalion, vice-versae with Everon and Nogova AK
  3. AKM

    Nogovan army?

    See, now that looks and sounds pretty good if you ask me. I'd like to avoid the whole "Here's an FIA army clone" because that's be done to death and there is no reason to do it again. If CT'd be so kind as to throw in another screen of the troopers in Nogovan Oak, it'd look really nice. AK
  4. AKM

    Nogovan army?

    Yeah - I'm trying to avoid the "Here's a FIA clone army that's been done half a million times before" thing, and go with a slightly more "Underfunded European Army" thing - ORBAT wise and that. We're going to assume they have good diplomatic connections and some good resources to harvest for this kinda thing - and a population base to support it. If nessacary, I'll create some new fictional islands to support this theory of mine. AK
  5. AKM

    Nogovan army?

    k - I think what CT and I discussed was avoiding the FIA clone thing - I'll avoid using any "Modern" armour, but we're also going to assume that Nogova and the Malden Island Chain has slightly more than a "Permanant Militia" equipped with leftover gear from a Soviet occupation. Sander, shrink that patch down just a bit, and it'll be good. AK
  6. AKM

    Marine assault pack

    Once again: This began its production run about 5-6 months ago - In a "Booster Pack" as was hinted at: There may be improvements - namely snipers and other miscellaneous things. AK
  7. AKM

    Nogovan army?

    I'm pretty sure we're using a SIG-226. If you want, we can drop the MBT's from the list and utilize BMD-3M vehicles instead. Those are very versatile vehicles. T-64BV tanks would be easy to procure - all 8 of them. Good work on it though HellFish, sorry I bastardized it so much. AK
  8. AKM

    Marine assault pack

    Most USMC units still don't have their MARPAT covers, as far as I know - I could be wrong on that though. When it was started, very little of their issue kit was in MARPAT. Just the BDU's really. AK
  9. AKM

    Nogovan army?

    Perhaps for an LMG that'd work. It'd never cut it as a GPMG - so perhaps a FN MAG would. We're trying to steer away from Kalashnikov firearms here - this is NOT the FIA, we want to avoid it looking like it. So far, I can pull some weapons out of my ass. FN-FAL AK-4 Anything with a per unit cost below that of a SIG assault rifle really... any good suggestions? AK
  10. AKM

    Nogovan army?

    Okay, so here is a basic ORBAT and TO&E, mostly bastardized off HellFish-6. *Nods at HellFish in thanks* Infantrymen (Foot) Personal Equipment: 1 set LBE style equipment. 1 ALICE-type rucksack. 1 Personal rifle, basic load of ammunition, two grenades. 2 sets BDU, 1 "Dress" uniform. BDU to be of the (Edge Camo pattern) Malden Highlands pattern. 1 Field Cap, 1 Helmet, 1 Beret (Parade Dress, Black with NDF insignia) Infantryman (Mech) Personal Equipment: 1 set LBE equipment Basic load of ammunition Standard - issue assault weapon - folding stock variation if possible. 1 field cap, 1 helmet, 1 beret. (NDF insignia, Black with Mechanized corps insignia) Infantryman (Parachutist) Personal Equipment: Same as Mechanized, only with Rucksack, folding-or-sliding-stock assault weapon. Blue Beret with Airborne and NDF insignias. Infantryman (Logistics,Support,HQ,HQRadioTech) Personal Equipment: 1 Sidearm, 3 magazines Role-Specific equipment 2 Set BDU, 1 set dress, Field cap, beret (Black, Logistics insignia) Vehicle: First-Line Equipment (Active Forces): T-64BV, T-64 tanks. Possible ERA plating on the more "Advanced" tanks. BMD-3, BMP-2 IFV/APCs. BTR-70, APC's Ural and UAZ vehicles - UAZ cut-off tops with mounted PKT or NSV machineguns would work well as "Fast Attack" vehicles. Second Line Equipment (Reserves): T-55A tanks. BMP-1 APC/IFVs BTR-60 Ural trucks, regular UAZs. More cut-tops as there are fewer APC and IFV type vehicles. Aircraft: To be decided. It is to be noted that all equipment is re-painted in the NDF colours.. with insignias in the proper places. -AK
  11. AKM

    Nogovan army?

    This all sounds great. I'm thinking that the NDF (Official name?) should be around HellFish-6's description, and perhaps they could have some decent gear. I'm assuming we're all thinking "Modern." Nogovan military now. So I'd give 'em some old Swedish/Finnish kit, or alternatively, T-64 tanks with upgraded armour - same goes for BMDs, BMP's, BTRs, that kinda thing. We should try to shift ourselves away from the Eastern-Bloc mentality. Lets assume for a second that they got some diplomatic contacts in Sweden, Finland, wherever. We'll also assume that they have some decent infrastructure and economy, so they can afford half-decent kit. My current vote for individual equipment: Webbing of the M-91 Finnish style, older ALICE rucksack (Differnt model than the Resistance one, please.) Camouflage pattern should be Malden Highlands (Working off the Edge camouflage schemes) The major debate now seems to be personal weapons - FN MAG or PKM general purpose machineguns would cut it, very good weapons. As to issue assault rifle, AK-5, Kulsprutepistol-M45 (Swedish-K) and that kind of thing may work - scratch the AK-5 though... slightly too Scandanavian. We can rule out SIG assault rifles - the price tag on those is bloody huge. The Kalashnikov seems to be a standard here, but I'd prefer to see that gone - its used way too many times. I'm thinking not a FIA army clone here, but a European Army. Something minus mostly soviet-equipment would be good. So far, my idea: Something based loosly off CT's previous work, with the Edge's Resistance Malden Highlands camouflage pattern as a standard uniform, with issue webbing not unlike that. Issue rifle may be a FN-FAL or similar - those are good weapons. I'd like to see a "Swedish-K" included, for no other reason than I saw the suggestion and liked it. It'd be useful for vehicle crews and logistics techs. Vehicles should be around... dunno - T-64's with ERA plating would be good vehicles to start with, that's about as "primitive" as one can go without it turning into a FIA-army-clone. Modern aircraft are OK, to an extent, provided they are surplus soviet ones - the Russians have been offloading their old MiG and Sukhoi fighters as of late.. Basic transport should mostly be wheeled - retexed URALs and UAZ's would cover it, BTR-60,70,80 series vehicles are good as well - BMD's and BMP's for fighting vehicles would cover it over fine. So far, its looking good. AK
  12. AKM

    T12um1 black eagle released

    I'm roughly the same way - thinking works. AK
  13. AKM

    T12um1 black eagle released

    The only complaint I have Carnage - and I've E-mailed you about it, is that what should be a Russian Federation tank is in Soviet colours. I'm pretty sure that the T-12UM1 came out AFTER 1991, which was the fall of the Soviet Union. And these T-12UM1's get their asses handed to 'em on a shiny silver platter after fighting up Sigma-6's Abhram tanks. I'd love to see updated ammunition with them, other than "Sabot" and "HEAT" rounds. I've already taken a look at inputting the Sigma-6 T-80 rounds in there instead... with some modifications. I'm pretty sure its a differnt type of maingun, but I could be wrong. No major bugs though, just me being a bit of an arse and nitpicking. With those improvements, this'd kick a lot of ass. AK
  14. AKM

    T12um1 black eagle released

    Shit, this is something nice. Now the T-80UE's by Sigma don't have to stand up alone against a whole lotta American Mechanized Forces. AK
  15. AKM

    Marine assault pack

    Look, as was previously discussed: A military-spec 5.56x45mm NATO round will put you on your ass. If it doesn't kill you, and hits a vein or something, you are screwed - 'cause it does some serious damage... If we get hit with a 5.45x39mm cartridge, mil-spec again, it'll kill you outright, if not, you'll bleed out at just the same rate. So really its a loose-loose situation, we bleed out just fine really. Depends on where's he's hit mostly. I initiated this for a pilot, shot down the 'bird, he punched out, and I tracked him down just fine. (It was a human player.) AK
  16. AKM

    Srt version 2.0 - goggles?

    I think its safe to say, it'll be a while. But they are MUCH improved. AK
  17. AKM

    Marine assault pack

    I don't think the bleeding is operative for the AI - however, other human players get to die slowly like that - so the hunting thing works. Just gotta hit them in a spot that'll either kill 'em or MAKE 'em bleed. Some grazing wounds don't bleed I find. AK
  18. AKM

    Marine assault pack

    I find they even have difficulty in handling their small arms sometimes - must be conscripts. AK
  19. AKM

    Marine assault pack

    Aye, a senior tanker around 40-60 might actually have a 'eart attack and die out in the tank. And the Javelin is considerably differnt from all other AT weapons - the bloody thing can attack targets in two modes, top-down and straight-on. Quite simple to use. For those of you complaining that YOU can't use it - I recommend you get at the documentation that comes with the addon, it tends to be there for a reason. If the AI can't use the bloody Jav, its not really a concern of mine - the AI are horribly effective with their small arms and I don't trust them to take on tanks on their own, even with AT weapons they'll fire properly. The SMAW works well, as to buddy who says the AI couldn't hit a T-72 at around 300 meter - I think that just may be outside the SMAW's effective accurate range, its like the NATO answer to the RPG... Of course I don't know, I've never checked the numbers. I could be wrong. No, you won't go Blind, but God WILL kill a Kitten for it. Supposedly. AK
  20. AKM

    Marine assault pack

    The AKS-74U is very innaccurate over ranges exceeding, dunno - in ideal conditions, probably 100 meters. Very short barrel, full size cartridge, hard recoil, as there is no recoil spring of any size inside it, et cetera. Whoever had it issued to them in real life probably dropped it for a AKS-74M as soon as possible. Also, the AKS-74U is fairly loud, and produces one HELL of a muzzle flash - the barrel is too short to allow the powder all the time it needs to burn up in the barrel and actually work towards propelling the projectile - it flashes in the air and it produced a massive ball of fire from a weapon of its size. Full length cartridge + short barrel = Big muzzle flash. But yes, it does seem that the Armalite series rifles are.. dunno - quieter maybe than their Russian equivalents. I don't mind, because the sounds are bloody brilliant - but wouldn't the decible level be roughly the same for both sets of firearms - they fire a comparable cartridge. If it was a 7.62x51mm (FN FAL for example) versus a 5.45x39, I'd expect the 5.45x39 to be quieter in comparison. But it does seem a bit odd when you bring it to light doesn't it? And - to whomever did all the sounds: Bloody brilliant job, it sounds excellent. AK
  21. AKM

    Marine assault pack

    Its roughly the same as being able to tag along a RPG, some grenades, a few HE rockets, and a heavy-barreled AK-74M with a 1P2N optical sight - very, very effective. AK
  22. AKM

    Late rhs x-mas present

    This is very nice work. My personal thanks - although you should have included the tankisti inside the pack with the armour itself. Only a suggestion. Excellent work guys. AK
  23. AKM

    Marine assault pack

    The RPK-74M showcased here is only commonly seen with the 45 round *Bananna* magazines - there may be a drum, but I have yet to see units using this in combat operations. The RPD will accept drum magazines however - I'm not sure if the RPK shown here will. The recoil is roughly the same, if not lower on this rifle - as it fires the same 5.45x39mm cartridge as the AK-74M.... but the RPK is heavier - so it may have less "felt" recoil. I still agree with you to an extent - when standing, I shouldn't be able to put two in the head of some target 250 meters downrange, I should at least be forced to aim for center mass. A bit more sight-wavering would be nice. Hopefully that'll be construed as constructive criticism, which it was meant to be. Anyways, to the team who created this: Great work. AK
  24. AKM

    Marine assault pack

    Yes. Although you did mention a booster pack - that set the majority of us off again, with dances of USMC and MORPEH in our heads. AK
  25. AKM

    Marine assault pack

    However - the rifleman in question was using a bushmaster rifle of some sorts - He was also firing from distances NOT exceeding 200 meters, at most, of which I do not have the data, but making a 200 meter shot is about the maximum range inside a metropolitarian area. The "Story" in question is reported by Special Operation soldiers of American and British origin while using the M-4A1 carbine against targets in the Afghani mountain ranges, firing at around 2-300 meters. In many cases, they may have had suppressors fitted - which reduce the muzzle velocity even more than the M-4A1 already looses in comparison to a full-length M-16 series. Its not a story so much as some data I picked up. Apparently the M-4 fails to perform satisfactorily against targets in the Afghanistan AO. After reading the past few posts, I'm thinking that the M-249 and the RPK-74M are more evenly matched now - but I'd still like to see a M-240G and a PKM - just for the larger, longer ranged 7.62x51mm killage. I suppose they both feed off of 100 round boxes, but I may be wrong with that in regards to the M-240G. Edit: By that, I mean I do not know what the box magazine capacity is for the M-240G. I am assuming its 100 rounds as well - I am also assuming it can be belt-fed, as can the PKM, but that is impractical. The PKM is 7.62x54mm too, excuse me. AK