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Everything posted by AKM

  1. AKM

    ORCS RPG Pack

    It is interesting how similar these appear to the Spetsnaz Mod RPG pack, that was publicized on OFP.INFO a while back. The RPG-29s look identical.
  2. AKM

    COMBAT! Addons Release!

    To keep community speculation to a minimum. Modteams almost have to force themselves to adopt one or two members just to do Public Relations with the community, especially if they pump out the quality gear, like COMBAT! does.
  3. AKM

    Red Hammer Studios

    It is better to wait for the RHS weapons than it is to meet someone halfway and use the ORCS weapons... Go fire any weapon chambered in 5.45x39mm. Hear the bang. Now wait. Wait for the "Whoosh." I don't understand how ORCS, when beta-testing these, failed to pick up on that. Edit: - By the by, 12th Monkey; those are some pretty old shots. I'd forgotten about them.
  4. AKM

    WWIIEC : Caen 1944

    I am fairly sure that at some point, either here or on the WW2EC site, he mentioned they'd be getting a bit of mud and dirt. The battledress looks... well, too well-fitting. Perhaps loosen it up, wrinkle a little. Other than that and some minor points of contention, damn fine work.
  5. AKM

    WWIIEC : Caen 1944

    Yes, of course. Two cases of beer and a tractor. You won't get a better offer for it. "When I don't want Girl Scout Cookies, I don't want Girl Scout cookies." True 'nough. Besides, most riflemen toted BREN mags anyways, it was the section weapon. They did carry a lot of gear in general though, and general pouches, as you said, are exceedingly common. They can also be attached to the rear of the webbing, and stacked up on the front, two on two - This might be interesting to see on "Loaders" and the gunners themselves. I also have a set of the same webbing used during WW2; canteen, harness, two general pouches, and the belt. Just don't have a camera, since my sister ("Sister.") flung the damn thing down the stairs. Doesn't look like you need more reference pictures for the rig though; it's looking damn fine. Just looking for a V-42 or a Fairbyrn-Sykes, since there's no point to a Lee Enfield bayonet without the SMLE, something I probably shouldn't be allowed to own. If anyone knows where I can pick up a FS inside Canada, let me know.
  6. AKM

    WWIIEC : Caen 1944

    May also want to add a field dressing tucked underneath the netting of the helmet, and switch around the STEN-mag and BREN-mag pouches for some rifle bandoliers and magpouches for the .303 clips as well. A'la H&D-2, it's a surprisingly good reference for this kinda thing. Some scrim on that helmet net and you're good to go. Damn, these look fine. I look forward to the release, top-notch work.
  7. AKM

    Irish Interim troops

    I'll vouch for the IR. Good lads, every one of them. Although when you play with 'em, you've got to be ready for the homoerotic chatter you hear in the middle of a firefight: "Flank left!" "Goddamnit Makan, put your pants back on!" "Aw comon mate, you know it's purely sexual." "Ich bin Sexy!" "Got an infantry squad to the front, about 250 metres." They've got a pretty solid server to play on, and generally always a good game on the go.
  8. Dear Christ. It's "Keller-2." More from Keller here. Just incase you don't know of whom I refer. I look forward to your finished product, keep up the good work. Looking good so far.
  9. AKM

    Red Hammer Studios

    "Release dates were meant to be overshot."
  10. AKM

    Red Hammer Studios

    Gorka-S and Gorka-R suits were debated a while back. The simple fact is that Shadow did a better job making the current Gorka-S than he did the Gorka-R the first time around, and it blends in better. Although making that call was very difficult - an excellent job was done both times. More of a disruptive effect with the two different shades of olive-drab. This makes sense. We'll accelerate the process and release an addon that's buggy rather than release a finished product, thus nessecitating fifteen or so "patch" releases to fix the original when we could have waited say, a few weeks past either 9 May or 23 Feb, and released something that would be a nice, solid, v1.0. Just once, I'd like to see Logic win out over Nationalism.
  11. AKM

    OFPL AirPack 1.0

    I'd find it hard to believe that any handgun chambered in 9x19 / 9x18 would have a stronger kick than BIS weapons, based on my limited trials with a variety of semiautomatics. They're immensely controllable. "Just a titch" higher than BIS recoils, perhaps, if you feel that the recoil does need a 'little something more.' Nice work, I look forward to more work of this quality.
  12. AKM

    Red Hammer Studios

    Why would we go to repair an old addon that will be replaced by a newer addon? Yes, it will take a while, but if we leave the old one, then we have freed up more time to finish the new ones.
  13. Interesting rendition of the Russian "Podlesok" camouflage uniform, which I haven't seen used on any GRU Spetsnaz operators, but is defiantely available to them. For the guy whose got a few belts of 7.62x54R wrapped around him, nice touch on how the trousers don't quite match the jacket with regards to batch/colouration. This is quite common with Russian equipment.
  14. AKM

    Red Hammer Studios

    Oh sh*t. He knows too much.
  15. AKM

    Red Hammer Studios

    All I said was that we RPO-A his bedroom window, but noooooooo. You pansies want to drag him outside. I'm all for the personal beat-down, but 'comon. We have to think practically here. *Psst. He knows too much.* Not likely. We've missed every other major Russian military-related holiday thus far. Besides, we can't have you all getting excited around particular times of the year, can we? Christian church would break our legs - only Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving and suchlike can one be estatic about.
  16. AKM

    Red Hammer Studios

    As far as I know, Kenji continues work on the second pintle-mount HMG, but that would likely have taken a backseat to his work on the T-62 series. Hopefully, we'll be able to talk more on this soon, as I haven't seen him in a few days.
  17. AKM

    Red Hammer Studios

    Thank you, Jaguar. Nicely summed up, and a better option than my expletive-laced tirade.
  18. AKM

    Red Hammer Studios

    "Screenshots, the opiate of the masses."
  19. AKM

    Red Hammer Studios

    Aw shit, you've gone and scared the entire modteam screaming and blathering under a large rock now. Well, I'll have to get 'em out of there, or this'll never get done. *Insert the hefting of the fighting staff now.* No, there's no release date. There's never a release date. If there was an announced release date, there would be blind men screaming about the Apocolypse in the streets, large stones and dead birds falling from the skies, and some form of cratering from aforementioned avians. Now fortunately, we can safely say that there will be a release of something in the near future. Say something like seventy-two hours after some fortunate component-supplier allows Totmacher to spend hard-earned simoleans in his magical house of wares. Or, after I take my 'medication' (I call them happy pills, but the bottle says Prozac) Henceforth this has relevance: There is no given release date because: - Shit happens. - Frequently. So, all we can say is that the Motor-Rifle infanteers should be looking at a release date in the near future.
  20. AKM

    Red Hammer Studios

    The "Infantry Pack" is merely a collection of Motor-Rifle Infantrymen and GRU Spetsnaz operators. The Cold-War era troops have not been confirmed, unless I missed something.
  21. AKM

    Red Hammer Studios

    Kooky: I'd hit you up with some earlier screenshots of the Chief, but I'm pretty sure that Kenji would then ram a Sakabatou through my left temporal lobe - and I like it how it is now, non-perforated. That is, unless Mav finds out where I live. From my tests, they're not as hard on the machines as the other units. I was able to simulate an engagement between two Platoons of Mahra and two platoons of US Mechies (HYK troops, COMBAT! vehicles) and there was minimal slowdown. Test was conducted in Northern Nogova.
  22. AKM

    Red Hammer Studios

    Replacing the SUMRAK with the KLMK I'd have to disagree with, from a "Useage" standpoint. Having a new set of units in KLMK, say "1980-Era VDV Recce" soldiers, combined with a group of "1980-Era VDV" in similar KLMK / KZS pattern camouflage, would be outstanding. Both the Sumrak and KLMK texture-work is of outstanding quality.
  23. AKM

    Red Hammer Studios

    I will be sure to pass that on. Earlier this month, he was stating that he "Sucked" at texturing. Obviously, this is not the case. Funny how they always underestimate themselves, isn't it?
  24. AKM

    ORCS machine gun pack

    Very nice, useful public-beta of a package. Compliments to the ORCS team. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some of Ivan Butchta's retextured guerillas to gun down mercilessly.
  25. AKM

    Red Hammer Studios

    Relevant We're all keeping in mind that the T-62 isn't done and may have some components removed or presented in lesser detail due to gameplay issues, right? And yes, this is garuntee: - If we were to go back and 'fix' the T-54/55 package, then the T-64s wouldn't get their much needed update, the T-62s may not be completed as soon, and the T-72s and T-80s, the things that'd see the most use in the most scenarios, would have their release date pushed further back still. Less than relevant So ask yourselves: - Given the RHS policy of getting it done and sitting on it for a year ( ), do you really want another delay in the process? What if Shadow-NX gets it in his head to actually do something you've suggested? My God, it would be anarchy! Anarchy, you hear me! (Again: Â )