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Everything posted by AKM

  1. AKM

    SFP Zodiac

    Agent Fox, way to go. Much appreciated, excellent that you went through the proper channels. This'll be seeing some use, for sure. Again, thanks.
  2. BUDULAY, my apologies, but it was not my intent to... insult Russians or whatnot, I made efforts *not* to. I should have been much more clear, but at the same time you did misinterpret what I said. Again, my apologies. Miles Teg; I have that book in my bookcase right now, believe it is written by a guy named Aukai Collins. A few sequences in that, particularly an ambush and a night-time assault on an outlying Russian bunker, could probably be made into decent OFP missions.
  3. Cultural sidenote: In Russia, racial diversity is "Slav, Slav, Slav, Slav... Slav, Asiatic." In other words, they're not exactly concerned with any kind of racial sensitivity. For example, if you feel you're being screwed over in a group, in say, Glasgow, you may say you're being shafted, in Moscow, you're 'the nigger of this group.' I'm not trying to excuse it, I'm just explaining possible reasons as to why. By no means are all Russians card-carrying members of the KKK.
  4. AKM

    Red Hammer Studios

    Believe it has already been mentioned but might as well recap here: - Now that the T-80s are done and publicly released more time can be devoted to the Mi-24 package. It progresses. As to a release date, sacrifice a goat to whichever God you deem appropriate, do some praying, still won't find out because Hell, we don't know yet ourselves. - Don't know anything about the Frogfoots myself. - T-80 update is on its way, but we need to make sure that we've gotten all of the bugs solved. Because, it just looks bad to release v1.1, v1.2, v1.3, v1.4 followed by v1.Goddamnit-We-Give-Up.
  5. AKM

    Mi - 8 pack v 1.0 relased

    If I recall correctly both the Spetsnaz and the Infantry are from RHS.
  6. AKM

    DMA European Resistance

    You've done some nice work with what appear to be Russian-inspired camouflage patterns, in particular an ANA sample of Kamysh and what would appear to be Flora, and a nice 'freestyle' Lesnaya pattern too. Man, if you're ever in Canada, give me a shout and I'll buy you a beer. The timing is perfect, really. First the Mi-8s, now this. How can I not making a Chechnya-inspired skirmish.
  7. AKM

    Mi - 8 pack v 1.0 relased

    I think it would be safe to say that these Mi-8s are for the East side what the BAS Blackhawks were for the West side. Spasiba, tovarischi. Beautiful job.
  8. AKM

    Mi-8 pack - work in progress

    I haven't handled the Mi-8/17 in game, but from the screenshots it looks top quality, like everything Nashe Oruzhiye does. The Mi-24 won't look out of place beside it, rest assured.
  9. AKM

    Red Hammer Studios

    Yes Shadow NX, weren't we (Read as: You and Laser) working on some damn fine looking Desantnikii?
  10. AKM

    RHS Releases: T80 MBT Pack v.1

    Gedis, I'm not the guy to ask about the T-72/90 pack. As much as I'd like to see one (Because damn, it looked good), I don't know anything about that project. As far as I know, Kenji-san continues work on his T-62 package. Recently he's updated the weathering on his vehicle textures. Thinking that there'll be a T-80 re-release in the near future, once we ensure all of the bugs that cropped up have been ironed out. Because of the required model fixes, a patch would be essentially the same size as simply re-releasing it. Or so I'm told.
  11. AKM

    RHS Releases: T80 MBT Pack v.1

    Talked with Kenji-san earlier today. Apparently the bug that causes the T-80s to spin is actually related to the maingun recoil, which I find to be just... an amazing example of "odd." Now, he's fixing it up as we speak, but the issue was with the memorypoint for the maingun recoil (If I understand what he's saying correctly, because I am not an addonmaker) being *below* the tank, rather than the landcontact rig. He (Kenji) described it as being "it most strange bug i ever see." I'd have to agree with him on that.
  12. AKM

    RHS Releases: T80 MBT Pack v.1

    I think that issue was mentioned earlier during beta testing but we never found a solution for it. It was either the T-80s or one of Kenji's addons, can't quite recall. Is it just the T-80B, or is it all T-80Bs, including the BV, and BVK? I assume since you say T-80B, it doesn't extend to the T-80U series.
  13. AKM

    Mi-8 pack - work in progress

    Mi-8s and Mi-17s are typically troop-lifts, although they do carry out ammunition resupplies. Not so sure about fuel resupply though, although if there is an Mi-26MTZ (refuel bird) it stands to reason that there is an Mi-8 variant with the same task. It is possible to do this with in-mission scripting. You could take a look at snYpir's very simple MP/SP support pack (Check OFPEC), which is hugely customizable, to see what I mean for example.
  14. AKM

    Red Hammer Studios

    Messiah - Point of historical interest, I believe LLW, first operating under the name "Korps Mariners" were first to set a weapon optic to glow, doing so with the first version of their Diemaco C-7 rifle package, back in the early v1.75 era, if I recall correctly. That said, it's hard to believe that more addonmakers don't do it where applicable. Regarding the PSO ranging stadia and reticule size reference, PLEASE send that across as soon as possible! It would be an excellent reference! I think that Laser made a VSS and it is included in an ORCS weapons pack somewheres, the one associated with his VDV v2.0, that one was halfway decent.
  15. AKM

    RHS Releases: T80 MBT Pack v.1

    I think some of the betas I had were anwyheres from 75-85MB. That's why it was compressed in the release version, because a 75-85MB download is a bit much.
  16. AKM

    Safetys Marine V2.0 Final

    Thermobarics are nothing really new. The Russians have been using them for many years now. It always cracks me up when the Americans come in with things like the SMAW-NE and go "Guess what we have!" Want to see what thermobarics are really capable of? Check out Grozny, a lot of that place ate RPO-A, TGB-7V, and even larger thermobaric warheads. And you think the SMAW-NE is bad, the TBG-7V is worse (More powerful.) And the Russians have much larger thermobaric warheads as well. Fun for the whole family, until the overpressure (Amongst other effects) wave hits. But the point of that little rant, besides being somewhat educational, is that thermobarics are very difficult if not impossible to simulate in OFP. The type of explosion generated cannot be adaquetely simulated by the current engine. RHS and probably many other Russian modteams have looked into this.
  17. AKM

    WWIIEC: Anjou 1939-1944 V3.0

    It is an orgasm in WW2-themed island form. Amazing work. Found some more trees and bushes growing in the middle of a dirt track. (Considering it's a dirt track, maybe not all that implausible.) Coordinates are De-24, on the Northern detatched 'mini-island' of Anjou.
  18. AKM

    Soviet tank crew

    I believe those are Russian Federation "tankistii," rather than Soviet tankers. The truth is in the flag arm-patch. I could be wrong in the case of ORCS though, it's been a long while since I used those units.
  19. AKM

    LSR Addons

    Magazine textures look a bit blurry in comparison to the rest of the weapon but overall it's looking good.
  20. AKM

    Red Hammer Studios

    Miss Cleo: I do not think that is an uparmoured UAZ, although it easily could be. That may merely be the fibreglass alternative to the usual fabric covering.
  21. AKM

    Syphboy's H&K P9S

    All of your work maintains a uniform level of quality and playability. Superb stuff. I, for one, would like to see you branch out into larger firearms, perhaps assault, sniper, or battle rifles. Something that hasn't been done to death (Unlike the Kalashnikov, Colt, Diemaco, Stoner SR-25 series of weapons) is the FN-FAL. Just tossing out a suggestion. Still using your Browning HPs and SIG -226s. Much appreciated, though I haven't said it before.
  22. AKM

    Everon Defence Force soldiers

    It may be a bit of a pain in the ass for the unit to paint their vehicles white and then repaint them temperate afterwards, but to 'winterize' the vehicle suitably you could go the route that I believe Kegetys did with the Winter Kolgujev vehicles. Spatter 'em with snow, that ended up looking pretty damn good. Rarely do I see addons who have camouflaged their weapons for winter. It's as easy as white tape around the forestock, stock, and lower part of the magazine, if so desired, makes the weapon far less conspicuous and is easy to remove. I've also seen things such as cut-up winter camouflage overs (Thin white nylon camouflage oversuits, to be worn over warm clothing), in particular sleeves, used as 'forestock sheaths.' Maybe something for any local recce unit to consider, or the EDF/SF fellows. So far, looking good, innovative with that Lynx, I like it. Looking forward to crushing these guys in some campaigns.
  23. AKM

    Everon Defence Force soldiers

    You said what I was thinking, akd. From my familiarity with machineguns, what I see as a modern measure (At least in the Canadian Forces) is that: Automatic Rifles were things like the L4 BREN (Also called a LMG), C-2, or RPK. Lightmachineguns are things like the M-249 SAW, Medium Machineguns / General Purpose Machineguns really came into their own with the introduction of the MG-34 and MG-42, and include such weapons as the FN-MAG/58, which may also be equipped with Sustained Fire Gear to include spare barrels, optical sights, tripods, and the like. Heavy machineguns used to be things like watercooled Brownings, as akd mentioned. Nowadays with SF kit available for most GPMGs / MMGs, the easiest rule of thumb to follow is that "It is an HMG if it slings 12.7 or larger" rounds. The HMG as we know it was designed to kill lightly armoured vehicles, the KPV 14.5mm for example, being able to punch through both sides of an M-113 APC at ~1.5 kilometers, and the M-2HB being able to rip into a BMP's flank or top from as much as ~1.2 kilometers away. An MMG is not an HMG and a LMG most certainly isn't an HMG. Instead of multiple antitank systems (Some ATGMs and RPG-7esque systems would be needed I imagine,) heavy machineguns could also be used; examples being the OFrP M-2. Unfortunately Flashpoint does not allow proper armour penetration, etc, so the HMG becomes in essention, an antipersonnel / light vehicle tool rather than being used in it's true roles. Ironsight: Good to hear, looking forward to news of more progress, as always.
  24. AKM

    SFP4 - MekBat video

    Good videos, looking forward to the release, apparently coming soon. Glad that the amphibious troops are in this, and now I think it's time for me to sketch in yet another mission concept. Looks like some high quality kit here, that time spent developing SFP 4.0 wasn't wasted.
  25. AKM

    Everon Defence Force soldiers

    The HK-21 series of GPMG is a superb weapon according to many sources, but it is also an expensive one. I don't think it'd be a feasible weapon for a low-budget nation-state, considering that at least one GPMG traditionally goes to a platoon (M-240G/B, whichever designation, usage in the US Army, for example), or one per squad, as is often seen in Flashpoint.