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Everything posted by AceSlayer

  1. AceSlayer

    Unscripted war

    lol I still had some lag even when I have a p4 2.8 ghz 512 mb RAM geforce 4 ti 4200
  2. AceSlayer

    Skye virus 3.0

    I don't have a server but it was just an idea (anybody here wants to spare a server for a few hours ?) what I could do is unplug my router and host one...
  3. AceSlayer

    Skye virus 3.0

    hey, anyone want to play skye virus online?
  4. AceSlayer

    Skye virus 3.0

    I really really like this map if you need any testers, you can always PM me
  5. AceSlayer


    some test
  6. AceSlayer


    I mailed you aswell
  7. AceSlayer

    Sad news

    Oh christ...he helped me make my first add on a year ago... at the ofpec forums <S!> OO _ / / / \ / / \_ / | ___ _ | | | | | | | | | | | horrible horrlbe news
  8. AceSlayer

    Ofp co op hobbyists, not competitors

    Coop fan here I was in a coop squad, but it fell apart, (JOS).
  9. AceSlayer

    Does anyone play starwars; galaxy?

  10. AceSlayer

    They found saddam...

    from the link above: must be one big farm house
  11. AceSlayer

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    lol! So that was why there was smoke coming from the trees....
  12. AceSlayer

    Ww2 online

    actually, what you want is squads. if your a lone wolf, you will have little fun. there are large squads that would welcome you that have lots of team work. the map is very very big (larger than all original ofp islands combined with continuous land). there is a little lag (from what I heard). you can spawn in fully captured towns and and assualt the enemy. The graphics arent the best, but there is alot of teamwork that is required to win a map. there is a 64 limit (which means you can only see 64 people at one time) you can drive any vehicle you want, but you first must get mission points (you have to complete the mission goals). but there is no enter exit system for vehicles.
  13. AceSlayer

    Gears & striders pack 1

    Wow! do their legs move?
  14. AceSlayer

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    my first post for this thing (so they will be bad) Unedited pics- 64 corsairs vs 10 Shilkas, the shilkas won
  15. AceSlayer

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    Hey guys, good work on the pictures. I also want to get into this photo thing but I have a few questions. Do you guys mess with brightness of the pic? or do you use 3rd party tools to do that. and whats a good editing, taking pictures program. Thanks
  16. AceSlayer

    Full spectrum warrior

    Saw this while looking at game trailors for some other games, and I found this trailor. Looks pretty damn good, no FPS mode (it is mostly commanding) but looks a heck of a lot better then other games. The trailor basiclly shows you how to play the game and some action in it. I look forward on getting it (direct link to .wmv) .wvm version (windows media player) there is a quick time version, it is here somewhere: (should be on top) http://gametrailers.com/ Oh, and it looks to be released Q1 of 2004 and now some pics!
  17. AceSlayer

    Full spectrum warrior

    Yep. But I think it will come out at a later stage. I think this game is best played on a console though, you can act quicker (well for me) during the game. I hope there is some sort of multiplayer capabilities (online, offline 2 player split screen). If anyone as any word on it give me a heads up here.
  18. AceSlayer

    Full spectrum warrior

    Yep! If OFP2 was able to have these close command in urban situations, I would be donating money to BIS
  19. AceSlayer

    Eve of destruction mod

    and I think the mods are going to lock this fast... unless someone can save the topic.
  20. AceSlayer

    Eve of destruction mod

    hey...we should be happy that there are games like CS or bf1942 to keep most of the yappy immature kids there.
  21. AceSlayer

    New ofp launcher version 2.0

    okay, I am a idiot. I cannot get it to work.
  22. AceSlayer

    Running score total

    Replay campaign?
  23. AceSlayer

    New ofp launcher version 2.0

    Hi, for making a mod to be selected, what needs to be done? Do I just make a folder(say we are talking about BAS addons) name it 'bas' and set the mod directory name to 'bas' and move all the BAS addons in there?