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Everything posted by Apollo

  1. Apollo

    Old enough to kill,

    It's also not fair to people who are smart enough to get a high school degree but havn't got the chance to get one. Ban alcohol for non-educated people and football will die.
  2. Apollo

    Need a bit of help, staging a coup...

    I just saw a documentary yesterday of the CCC ,a communist revolutionary group that did a series of bomb attacks on govermental building's in the 80's to destabilize goverment and antagonize NATO.They never intended to kill people ,the bombed over 23 places withough a single kill but on 1 unfortunate target 2 firemen got killed by accident.i'm not a communist and i do not nessecarily agree to their actions ,however: The members of this relative soft revolutionary group got each lifelong in prison in total sollitude!  Marc dutroux however is allowed to get food from visitor's ,he has his own kitchen in his cel ,his own tv ,.... (i mean what's next ,give him a computer with internet acces  ) Why does a killer of innocent girls get so many privilige's ,yet members of a revolutionary group get life in total sollitude? This country is fucked up. Bet's are open for the Question: "When will Marc dutroux escape?" Before the end of trial ,after? Secondary bet: How much Belgian ministers will be forced to resign after that?
  3. Apollo

    Old enough to kill,

    Here in Belgium i'm allowed to smoke pot or drink beer at any age. Drank my first beer from age 5 (table beer ,"only" 1.5% alcohol) and my firts regular beer when i was about 11-12 (5.5% to 11% (mmmm duvel)) Personnaly i like our laws better.Belgium actually has less alcoholists percentage wise than other country's.Here in Belgium people are learned the effects of alcohol very young ,so they know from then what effects it has.Belgium are big movers of beer ,but they know how to handle it most of the times. In country's like England you have to be 19 i think.This can have it's bad effects ,when people are suddently allowed to drink from day to day some tend to drink a lot at once because it's new. My hometown Ypres has a lot of English tourists from age 13-16.When they are left free to run around in town after the historical venue's the first thing they do is search a "youth-cafe" (such concept exists here) and drink till Kingdom come.They will be very surprized if they see a 13 year old order a beer of an alcohol percentage 3x higher than their heaviest local brand.However these English students will drink themselfs drunk because it's theyre only chance to do so ,while that 13 Belgian kid will drink 2 beers and some cola between it. In Belgium we drink beer mostly because in Belgium beer is like very tasty and good ,rather than to drink it to get drunk.Afcourse in a country like England where te beer tastes like enhanced urine i can understand that people drink to get drunk. Â btw. im all for the legalization of Marihuana ,i always respected the Netherlands and in lesser exten Belgium from taking the decission not to prosecute people that occasionaly use pot. Many people in Belgium prefer marihuana above beer ,because frankly it's healthier and less addicting. The beer i used to drink from age 5 was named "Piedbouf brown beer".Now to most Belgiums of my generation this brand of table beer is a legend.I was tottaly hooked on the brown beer ,i used to drink a liter of 2-3 every day even at that age.At first this sometimes left me tipsy but you get used to it fast ,that beer is so fooking good that i call it child abuse when a parent doesn't allow it to his kid ,shure as hell is healthier than coca cola.In addition it made me so resiliet to beer that i could drink most foreigners under table from age 6 onwards. (theoreticly) Now i'm so resilient against beer that its hard to get drunk.I can hose 10 beers and still feel pretty normal ,i know people out here that can hose a crate of 24 pint's by themselfs and still feel normal. Once on camp in England ,we had our own beer with us.We started a drinking contest against brits withought them knowing we were Belgian.Most of those Brits were drunk after 1-2 beers ,while with 6 we drank another 2 crate's and were still pretty sober. Or to quote Father Jack: DRINK! DRINK! gobshite DRINK!
  4. Apollo

    Top 10 corrupt global political leaders

    Where the hell is Boris Yeltsin??? (man got away with billions of IMF money) And yes most people in Haiti have French names ,the country albeit got is independence by a slave leader named: Toussant l'ouverture ,and the country got independant not long after the U.S as the 2nd country to achieve independance in Amerika. Pitty that a country wich such a history is in such a bad state after Aristide ,same goes for a country like Liberia.
  5. Apollo


    Every game i consider to buy ,ill check reviews first and ask people on the forum questions or play the demo ,ill never buy it withought having got enough information on its gameplay. The only exception on this case will be OFP2 ,i'm so impressed by the quality of OFP wich i already play for over 3years and still no bored of it ,that i know OFP2 will be great.
  6. Apollo

    Need a bit of help, staging a coup...

    heres a picture of a Belgian prison guard on guard duty: I agree but i need them to keep the country toghether ,i don't want a total revolution only a tiny one just dispose of current coverment. Ok you get a position in my covert opperations department when it's created ,you will be used for opperations in Wallonia ,youll have to dispose of such french words like  quatre-vingt dix and velo and change them to nonnante and bicyclete. Now thank you ,last time i hired Finnish mercenary's my dog got eaten and my bathroom got cluttered by pairing a moose. Since youre Belgium ,you get a position as Recruiter of volunteers for the district you live in. (wich is?) If you do well and can gather 100 men youll get promoted. Will be paid after requested sevices ,and you will expliticy order BELGIAN frites! Rgr most herstal women are used to shotgun wedding anyway. Deadly serious! Just underlines the need for revolution anyways ,and yes it's hard to not believe in conspiracy theory's with such stuff happening.
  7. Apollo


    In my oppinion every great game can be made bad when it's only played by CS kiddy's and the like ,while a mediocre game can be made great by a fun community playing it.That's my biggest grip with BF ,it's full of annoying little kids ,while the majority of Ofp players are fun to play with.
  8. Apollo

    The Middle East part 2

    After some thought recently i made a decission to from now on seperate terrorism in 2 classes: -Seperatist or Geurilla terrorism:(or other convention you would prefer) would include all terrorist groups wich opperate mostly locally as they have a local political agenda in many cases promoting seperatism from a country.They stick to the one country that In their oppinion limits their ethnic freedom or claims. These would include such groups as ETA ,Palestinian group's ,IRA ,Tchechen seperatists ,Kashmiri seperatists ,Kurdish seperatists and more. International terrorism: Differs itself from the other form of terrorism as such group's will perform attacks on a number of country's withought having a local political need for it.Such group's have a radically different structure than the other terrorists have ,opperating in cell's of mixed nationality's and fighting under an internional banner. These would afcourse include all group's alligned to Al-Quaida. Those are plenty but not well known ,include's group's from Oman ,Saudi Arabia ,Egypt ,Yemen ,libya etc and cell's located al over the world. The reason why i want to split up terrorism by this is because the first group of terrorists often has justified territorial claims to their local conflict opposed to the second group wich is rather engaged in an religious war agaisnt about everyone they want to attack.Kurds and Kashmiri's for ex are simply fighting for a seperatist state for their nationality ,given the ethnic composition in those region's where Kurds or Kashmiri live seperatism can be justified to a certain degree.Al-Quaida however has not got such justification's for their attack's and that makes them different from the other terrorists from a moral perspective.
  9. Apollo

    Need a bit of help, staging a coup...

    But...but.... the point is that those party's are corrupt ,so whether i vote or not il vote for a corrupt goverment. Yes thats a problem ,you see we got WMD in this country ,sure we got those nukes from the U.S but still... This while i actually need those friendly and nice American invester's to pump some of those nice green ones trough our hands.I might wait till Kerry get's to power and in the meantime i can plant some jungle over here as detterent. Not if i win! Ah coman you cant compare the Belgian national security exactly to the Mossad or Kgb ,i mean they probably still use 80386 computers on their offices with a shared connection of 56modem ,have a bell that ring's every hour to wake the employee's for 5 minutes and have a boss with a royal name and 12 unlawfull children.It's not like the Belgian national security achieved anything to stop extremist groups in this country unless when you would consider last years Eurosongfestival's Belgian contester's were actually Fasict revolutionary's.They CCC didn't take the least of precaution's in their organization for bomb attacks on Belgian govermental building's wich they done for over a year here and it was not the state security that caught them ,heck the CCC at one point even held a meeting in a restaurant that was regulary vissited by State security employee's because it was so close to their office. Well the King is still high commander of the army here ,if i can "convince" him to recognize my goverment then i guess all would be ok.Not that this millitary is actually much of a danger ,most Belgian ship's are wrapped in some hugh conservation bag ,most f16's scrapped means that their air power consists of a fleet of unarmed transport plane's that don't have the engine power to actually keep Belgian soldiers in the air.And it would probably take the land forces 3 weeks to go from somewhere in the country to Brussels due to way to many pub's along the road. Finaly some REAL advice.The chocolate and beer industry must be vital cornerstone's to my buildup.When i control these industry's all i have to do is a national half sale and the army is renderred completly useless for a long time.And with all the foreign beer's that Interbrew control's i might even influence some important neighbour's.But what can i offer these industry's apart from a Shotgun pounted at their nuts?
  10. Apollo

    Need a bit of help, staging a coup...

    OW ,is discussion on staging coup's in specific country's against the forum rules? If it is then plz close the thread ,i don't wanna break any rule's here!
  11. Apollo


    Hmm As i recal correctly the NVA had quite a decent number of armor but afcourse most of it was concentrated along the coast where the biggest fight's were (Da Nang for ex.) ,they were logicly seldomly used inland due to the jungle.The NVA also had a very good number of Artilery pieces or Anti air pieces in that region wich saw heavy combat. The VC mostly opperating in the jungle allong the Ho Che ming trial were by far not that well equiped like the NVA was ,the NVA was an army while the VC a ill equiped millitia. (although comming in big numbers)
  12. Apollo

    Athens olympics 2004

    Well .. actually that comment was ment to make an ass of the Greek olympic comitee ,they are pumping all that money in security anyway with the "hughe" chance of an terrorist attack on the olympic's.
  13. Apollo

    Athens olympics 2004

    less building's=less chance for terrorist attack's I got a vision recently where some Libian transport accidently paradroped a bunch of Nile crocodile's onto the olympic swimingpool ,wich will lead to a smasching new world record and a new and popular olympic swimming decipline. About the roof of the Olympic stadium ,given the builing contracter's i bet that at the start of the olympic's that stadium will have a roof that will strongly look like the Hull of an ocean vessel put upsidedown above it. (glued to the "super" structure)
  14. Apollo

    A forum redesign

    Um changing the outlook is the administrator's work (if he wishes) but as i recal correctly the administrator's arn't BIS programmers just freelance administrator's ,could be wrong though.In any case implementing a new design is easy ,it's making the design thats harder but that shouldn't nessecarily be done by the administrator ,so i see nothing wwrong at this point for a requested redesign. I'm normally satisfied with the outlook the contence (sp) is more important ,however i would like an bit darker background as white isn't that good for the eyes then again i want to be able to still read the words easily.
  15. Apollo


    Fair enough ,another question: Does it still take a whole clip to kill a dude even if you shoot him in the head? And are the players regulary using tricks that are unrealistic? Bunny hopping or a whole team with sniper rifles for ex.? How many sniper rifles shots does it take to kill a tank?
  16. Apollo


    Just a question for the fans ,are BF servers still filled with annoying little brats?It could be that this game can be in essence fun ,however i really hated BF to for the people that used to play it. (hey a game in Ofp full of CS kiddy's sucks to)
  17. Apollo

    'mourning sickness'

    I'm an atheist ,people have the right on their own religion. Those that want a debate on creation or evolution ,all i can say is that Darwin haves more proof for his case than the bible ,and in discussion it outweights any religious argument. I find the Hel dogma in religion rediculous theologicly and damaging socially.I could never understand that an erfect being that create's an unperfect being could be vengefull on the fact that his creation is not perfect.But through century's the Hel dogma has been misused to keep people within the religioun and to make them afraid of not choosing the religion. I would not say that i don't believe in anything.I believe in nature and it's powerfull creation ability.If ghosts or spirit's do exist wich i don't exclude i would merely see them as a manifestation of nature rather than god ,for there are many spectrum's of science still to explore within nature. There is no ultimate God-proof ,so it's useless to try to prove his existance ,it's purely a private matter if you want to take the leap into religion. I never did much ceremonial mourning only when a family member died and that hasn't happend much yet in my family wich is best.Those ceremonials were catholic of nature and ive participated in other catholic ceremonials like wedding's etc out of pure respect to family members. In respect to the Spain bombing's ,i regard Spannish as Europeans and I'm more a European than i feel Belgian (check sig) so i obviously have sympathy's for fellow European's if they are attacked by terrorists ill mourn out of respect for their grief.
  18. Apollo

    Student uprising in the 60's

    I think most of the ideoligy's of the Hippy's have never seen reality simply because they are not compatible with many facet's of capitalism.If certain animal species get extinct ,then it's mostly because there is a shitload of money to be earned with that ,and the money to preserve it usually doesn't outweight the effeciancy of the pouchers.Same goes with preservation of ecoligy ,it is green boys versus big bussiness ,but big bussiness is that much more powerfull than those green boys ,and a lot more agressive to. Same goes for war ,all the hippy's can do is protest ,but for big bussiness war often means big income. in a capitalist country: money=power ; it is logical that big bussines has a multitude of funds compared to green boys or hippy's.In addition hippy's have so many ideoligy's that don't help them in power really ,idea's of pacifism and non-corruption don't really help you forward that much compared to Big bussiness wich could be preppared to use violence ,use funds to corrupt politician ,use fancy laywers in expensive cases ,etc etc and other aggressive act's to get their advantage above those hippy's. It's simple if you look at the U.S.A ,big bussiness has already donated over$ to Bush for his election campaign.Hippy's can't spare that kind of money ,i bet they don't even want to be that rich.Was you surprized when Bush about disbanded the Kyoto protocol ,or gave many exploitation contract's in Iraq to those people that funded him in his ellection?
  19. Apollo

    Albanian terror on kosovo

    Radnik ,i think nobody here really has anything against you ,youre entitled to youre oppinion as an other ,and how others interpretate youre oppinion is a matter for them. That said could you be a deer and stop using upper case letter's? I think people will be less inclined to have a decent discussion with someone if that person uses uppercase as means to shout thing to an other. Nationalism can be a dangerous thing Radnik especially in the Balkan's ,and youre country is still ruled by pretty nationalistic and patriotic Politicians.Just as an advice if i was you i wouldn't trust the national media that much ,in any case i would not be surprized in the goverment of Serbia would be very eager to throw every Albanian aggresion in the media to further feul Nationalistic and patriotic sentiments in the country. I do not disagree that Serbia has much stronger territorial claims by history than Albania or ethnic albanians have.While the return of that area may be possible in the future i doubt that it will happen under the current still pretty nationalistic goverment currently ruled by Costunica(?).You must understand that if it hadn't been for all those years of nationalistc goverment after the Yougoslavian breakup that Serbia (or yougoslavia) could have been in a much better shape now ,but then the Serbian goverment always had to solve a problem with brute force.
  20. Apollo

    Taiwan's president chen shot

    I guess Taiwan has an over-abundance of a certain type of Mushroom.
  21. Apollo

    Religion gone wrong

    I recently read an article in science where after a number of tests Scientists had concluded that about all Male gay's have an Hypotamus that has developed differently from the normal male ,and wich looks more like the female one.These tests although not all concluded yet have so far almost proven that Homosexuality has it roots in fysiology rather than a being tudored by social enviroment ,some people would simply be born Gay and others not,and scientists argue that in survival of the species gay animals have an certain value to their group ,supposedly they would be gay to aid their older brothers/sisters with multiplying (how strange it may sound).Gay's are usually born in large family's and usually are the youngest of those family. Those results are purely scientific and show that a gay man is usually born gay. What does this mean for god? Well since he created all if he is against gay's then he sure must be a hypocrit as he made them like that all along.But god made us in his immage ,so he must be bisexual. Anyway the God vs Gay debate is retarted.
  22. Apollo

    Taiwan's president chen shot

    A fruitcake clearly Could that be an insentive for this assassination attempt? Do you think the gunner worked for a local politician or for a Chinese one?
  23. Apollo

    Albanian terror on kosovo

    Don't forget to bomb Austria-Hungary to.
  24. Apollo

    Good news

    Welcome back Martin.
  25. Apollo

    Albanian terror on kosovo

    ------------------------------------------------------ From Wikipedia: Albania is one of Europe's poorest countries, with half of the economically-active population still engaged in agriculture and a fifth said to be working abroad. The country has to deal with a high unemployment rate, corruption up to high government levels and organised crime. Albania is aided financially from abroad, notably by Greece and Italy. The country exports nearly nothing and imports a lot from Greece and Italy. The money for imports comes from the financial aid and from the money that refugees working abroad bring to Albania. This is a good status-quo business for both Greece and Italy. Through FY 1998, the United States committed approximately $300 million to Albania's economic and political transformation and to address humanitarian needs. This figure comprises about 10% of all bilateral and multilateral assistance offered since 1991. Italy ranks first in bilateral assistance and Germany third. The European Union (EU) has given about $800 million since 1991 and pledged $175 million in 1996-99. In FY 1999, the United States will provide $30 million through the Support for East European Democracy (SEED) Act, up from $27 million the previous year. The U.S. also will provide an agricultural commodities grant of $10 million. The $30 million Albanian-American Enterprise Fund (AAEF), launched in 1994, is actively making debt and equity investments in local businesses. AAEF is designed to harness private sector efforts to assist in the economic transformation. U.S. assistance priorities include promotion of agricultural development and a market economy, advancement of democratic institutions (including police training), and improvements in quality of life. The SEED funding request for Albania for FY 2000 is $25 million. ------------------------------------------------------ Hmm did we invest in Albania a lot already? Frankly i have no idea how much $ it needs to put a country like Albania on it's tracks however it ain no big or populated country neither.And i wonder if it all were gift's or if some of them were loan's.In any case a good deal of that money has so it seems gone in imports as it's foreign funded agriculture seems to be unable to provide enough food for the local market.Given the hughe state corruption and maffia ,how much of all this money remains after it has slipped a number of "official" hands? 40 to 50% maybe ,and that would be optimistic Imho. ------------------------------------------------------ Wikipedia on Albanian crime: Increasingly active transshipment point for Southwest Asian opiates, hashish, and cannabis transiting the Balkan route and - to a far lesser extent - cocaine from South America destined for Western Europe; limited opium and cannabis production; ethnic Albanian narcotrafficking organizations active and rapidly expanding in Europe. These activities are now sided, presumably by the same criminal groups (mafia-like associations), with an increasing traffic of prostitutes from former communist countries, of which the Albanian coasts seems to be the gateway to Europe through Italy. ------------------------------------------------------ I would be surprized if the situation is much different in Kosovo or east Macedonia.I agree that it's not the normal Albanian population that is in fault i would never make such generalization's ,but i dare to state though that a major percentage of all young ethnic albanian male's living in Albania ,Kosovo ,Macedonia or inside the European union are involved in maffia activity's.I agree that raising the living sandards of normal ethnic Albanian's could go a long way in solving much of the problem's ,but i wouldn't trust the Albanians themselfs to invest the money ,and i wouldn't cooperate with the current all to corrupt Albanian goverment. In addition ,and i'm serious here ,it would solve a lot of problem's for European country's to.Take the situation in Italy ,i do not doubt that a man like Berlusconi has partly come to power due to the Albanian maffia problem in Italy and their growing human trade trough italy ,definatly if you look at Berlusconi's coalition partners.Another ex. is the Belgium city of Antwerp ,it's local politic's ,police and justice is virtually controlled by the Albanian and Gerogian mob. (don't get me started on the Georgian mob ,or in fact the Russian ) The ast decade has seen a hugh influx of Maffia organizations from east Europe.These organization's are highly efficiant and a growing problem ,for the E.U i would prioritize fighting maffia above fighting terrorism actually.