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We refrained for ex. of bombarding their city's and economical infrastructure. We didn't engage in a war that most likely will descent Iraq in a very booldy civil war where Saddams reign was a joke compared to. We didn't issue 10 years of Economical sanctions VS Iraq that tottaly impovered their poppulation. We didn't destabilize a whole Region where Turkey is scared of the newfound Kurdish power in North Iraq (toghether with Iran and Syria) ,where Iran is concerned about the Shia poppulation of Iraq ,Where terrorist attacks in Saudi Arabia and Iraq are growing ,... Foremost ,Europe has send an amount of $$$ for the rebuilding of Iraq far greater than the US is paying ,and this while many of  those Paying European country's were even against the war.
I think most Israeli's are well educated and fairly intelligent people ,most Israeli's i met on forum's were very good debaters. i don't think they will go as far as calling Den Haag antisemite ,however they usually seriously question European politics and their support for the Palestinians. (While the U.S for ex. stands more behind Isreal) I remember when my country Belgium started it's own human rights court and some people came to put a complaint on Ariel Sharon for war crimes. (Sabra and Chatilla (sp?)) Not that we were called Antisemite's by the Israeli ,but they din't exactly throw nice words to us neither those days. Â
Day of Defeat shouldn't be on the bottom.While it is a half-life mod like Counterstrike it's far from unrealistic like Counterstrike is. Day of Defeat has the limitations of Half-life ,but for what it has it's somewhat realistic.There is gun recoil ,no bunnyhopping ,serious differences in shooting while standing up or shooting while prone  ,it got machine guns that can overheat and a dammage system where every gun will kill if you shoot in the head. Sure it has it's unrealistic quirks to ,but it's far from as bad as counterstrike or BF. I play OFp for years now ,it's my second FPS that i play for so long.I did play with Day of Defeat for years ,and while i rarely play it anymore i still got fond memmories from it. What i hate when they are reviewing FPS games for quality is that they always compare the other games with OFP cold war crisis out of the box (with those old screenshots) ,this while OFP has grown so much the last years and will undoubtly even grow more in quality and realism. Take OFP with WGL mod ,it's deffinatly the most realistic fps i ever seen.
Though this fence is supposedly for "security" ,it is very doubtfull that this fence can provide the security from suicide bombers that Israel wants. However ,it clearlty annexes part's of Pallestinian territory (wich "supposedly" would be given back when the conflict is over) ,this annexation of territory goes toghether with the displacement of Palestinian civilian ,Palestinians who most likely will end up in refugee camps where Pallestinian terrorists organizations for a large part recruit their bombers.
I heard bad sex hurts the ears... (or in Flemmish: da je van slecht poeppen doof komt!)
I wouldn't lie, to have such a humongous IQ ,you's drpobably have some syndromes from it like autism etc. .I myself am hyperkenetic and while Hyperkenetic people are usually seen as keen and intelligent people they are also seen as incredibly impulsive and unable to complete certain tasks etc. ,and yes in a debate IQ shouldn't matter as there are zillion's of possibilety's why one's oppinion can be wrong.
Anyone want to place a bet on the life expectancy of new Iraqi prime minister Iyad Allawi? I give him 3 months top...
Go Klink , Go Kliiink , you can do it ,Go klink. Â Ad thx Hardrock for giving Klink extra hints. Â
Optimistic news ,were waiting with anticipation.
Hey if youre not very pleased of them there is always that triple allaince on another continent that would like take care of those. I mean it's never to late for some behind the scene's diplomacy isn't it? Seriouslyy ,let me just say that Civilization iSDG games are the hardest that exist.
*points at Raedor AAAAARRRRRhhhhh ,ENEMY! DAmn you evil GCA bootlikking scum. AAAARHHHH....... Â Â Didn't see that last post of you before i saw youre p PM. Â So discard that last PM. *points at Raedor AAAARHH ,ENEEEEMYY.
I'm a civ vet ,played civI/II years even in mp ,though i don't play much civIII.And for me ,even diety level is a piece of cake. I am a member of the Civfanatics ISDG team for those that know that.
Civ all the way! Raedor ,youre member of Civfanatics or Apolyton forum's?
It shocks me in how boring ,long-taking-to explainy (duno how to tranlate ,in flemmish: (or Dutch) langdradig (long-wirely)) it is......................................... And why not.It's typical in modern day politics to have "hard issue presenters" ,guys that have a political oppinion but present it much directly ,agressivly and challenging to have a bigger inpact on the broader mass.Most political party's in my country use certain media gifted people to present certain oppinions in an agressive way to rally people behind their cause.It might not sound ethicly very refined but it's effective and hence used a lot in politics today. So when it presents a underlying oppinion that is good for democracy ,that is distrust in goverment (a cornerstone of democracy) ,then im all for it.
Asside from the actual message that this person wants to bring forward ,are you saying that U.S media is actually good as an grading factor? It's extremely commercial ,but it's also held by a select few media mogul's that hence draw certain power from it. ,and the medium itself is interresting from a propaganda point of view. I wouldn't say that this particular message is boycotted or something by the "new world order" ,but to say that the U.S media is unbiased and out of goverment control or never used to distorte the truth? I doubt it... Going into unbased and unproven conspiracy's will never convince that much people. But these security act's limiting personal privacy and extra funding for CIA etc since 9/11 aint a thing i would like to see implemented in my liberal Europe ,and i hope this message might atleast convince some people in the U.S that this goverment spend's a enourmous load of $$$ on agencies and millitary (increased a lot since 9/11) and that this is a innefeciant way to handle the current international problem's of the U.S . Really ,it's a staggering amount of money that the current U.S goverment has thrown into security and most of all the military ,don't let me post the figure's or ill make some Americans sick.I think most american's arn't reminded much of the pricetag of the Iraq war for instance ,but might i mention that the funds of the Iraq war spended for development might have turned a problematic 3rd world country or 3-4 in the thirld world into a self sustaining nation.
Some images of relavant pages in Northwoods document. Site allows me to link to it as long as i mention the url: "The url for this document is http://emperors-clothes.com/images/north-7.htm Emperor's Clothes urges everyone to re-post as widely as possible, in any medium, but please post the url and this note." [ig]http://emperors-clothes.com/images/north-11.jpg[/img]>100kb The Northwoods document was obtained by the National Security Archive: "an independent non-governmental research institute and library located at The George Washington University in Washington, D.C. Â The Archive collects and publishes declassified documents acquired through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Â A tax-exempt public charity, the Archive receives no U.S. government funding; its budget is supported by publication royalties and donations from foundations and individuals." We got someone from Washington here?
I'm still looking into it. Next piece of evidence they wanted to put forward is something called the Nortwoods document ,this might actually be an interrest read although i doubt is modern day relevance. However ,If this document is genuine this it's a worthwile note in the history of the US security agancy's. http://emperors-clothes.com/images/north-i.htm these docuents can be found at multiple sources.
Just watched i small section of the low res movie ,man it sux it's really steriotipicly American in style and i really don't want to see the whole movie. Anyway ,in the movie they show article's of newspapers of 1993 etc to proof points on an alleged cia conspiracy ladiladilaa ,i ran those date's trough the search machine's and checked the newspapers archive's and while i found whole section of sport's article's etc of that date the supposed article's seen in that movie i have yet to find. Then again ,it's not that hard to make youre own newspapers these days ,not hard at all. For the rest ,no hard evidence yet.Lots of speculation though. But the political motives for it might be better ,it clearly yells against latest security acts by the U.S goverment that restricts the privacy of people ,and acknowledges that in the U.S patriotism is easy to exploit. well ill TRY to watch a bit more (though i think im waisting my time)
Fame pays off to.Even if you don't cash in directly on this one ,if you get famous by it youre sure going to get a lot of money by tv interviews etc. Thats why britney Spears kisses madonna ,she knows it doesn't make her crapy music better ,she knows that with such fame she can sell any crappy stuff with her name on it ,even mexican hats if you will. I would but all his hi ress mirrors are down. (and i don't wanna see crappy low res ,im spoiled cable user) Got a mirror?
It's just this that puts me off as it's an obvious marketing strategy ,and such a strategy works well in a country with much taboo's like the U.S . You can see that more and more today ,commercials sometimes state that you shouldn't buy this product because it's to good for you. And when Britney Spears goes makes clips half naked and gives Madonna the tongue then she knows it will sell by pure taboo. On the other hand ,user Drow has IMO a healthy share of distrust in his goverment ,wich i like.As a good citizin of a democratic country ,he distrusts it and looks at it with much criticism ,wich is an act of great patriotism in a democracy.
"Controversy" sells well. Just a bit of nitpicking ,but how can you guard the immensly long borders of the U.S ?
I ike the demo for some quick fun ,but i won't buy the full game. With it's 100 players support and some nice vehicle's it has some strong point's ,deffinatly better that BF series to that respect.Also has a low amount of realism ,better than BF were reallism is about non existant. Still ,don't like the jump option (bunnyhoppers) ,there are way to much snipers and the lack of an extensive infantry arsenal bothers me. (to few rifles and equipment)
Thank you Col Klink for using youre knowledge and talent on overcoming OFP limitations ,if wish we had 100's like you. This will be nice for al those falklands boats.
Noonody blames the whole Serbian people for the genocide ,we are well aware of the fact that it was a minority of ultra nationalists that is mostly responsible for that. But as long as those ultra nationalists have a fair share of influence among the Serbian people will the EU and the rest of the world community be vigilant about Serbia. Noobody blame's all Germans for the holocoast ,but a new Fasict goverment in germany wouldn't be tollerated neither ,neither would the Allies have trusted a new Germany after WWII that would be ruled by a facist party. So you have to keep this in perspetive ,nobody hates Serb's ,but we are aware that Nationalism is very strong among Serbians and that scares it's neighbouring country's.