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Everything posted by Apollo
Nice to know youre making solid progress. You mean direct targetting or targetting by officer comando? You can target youre own men with tank for ex. ,left click on man if you wanna target ,left click again on an empty spot ingame will deselect him. When using commands ,you can use the target command and then a number for man to target ,and giving the no target order should deselect that ,or otherwise giving a target that is valid will work to. But i guess this is all to obvious and not really what you wanna know....
You didn't expect that? It's an almost exact reennactment of every first mountain climb he won in every tour the last 6 years.And the time is about the same to ,even the place where he left the maingroup.it's typical ,every first mounatin climb Lance takes 1 or 2 minutes ,after that he usually makes a go on one mountain more just to secure his spot with the help of some others ,then he usually is secure and happily awaits the mountain time trial. 2 minutes is a nice gap for Armstrong ,but i think he will go for something like a 3 to 4 minutes gap before he starts on the time trial ,so i think hell show he's mussle's in the mountains once more before crawling in his secure spot helped by his workers. (he got to push Voeclair of the yellow jersey anyway ,not to hard i think)
Klink ,any new progress? Anyway ,keep it up ,we know you can do it.
Well if you wanna be a tour winner you got to be of an time trialist background these days.From the last 15 Years only 2 tour winners were not pure time trialists. (Riis and Pantani ,both 1 time) And you got to be able to handle the mountains as well ,afcourse ,however time trialists usually are good climbers. This year got 3 time trials ,2 individual and 1 team time trial ,2 of those time trials are over already but the last time trial is one of about 30 kilometers straith onto a mountain. (average 10% of the whole trial) This last time trial will be very important. We also got more mountains than usual this year ,this is to the advantage of a lot of Spaniards and other climbers. Btw. While McEwen is a cycler for who who i have respect ,i don't technicly see him as a Belgian. These days half of the tour cyclers lives in Flanders and/or speaks dutch.... Afcourse that got to do with the excelent training possibilety's and the proximity to the most important cycling events. Virenque rides for a Belgian team to ,not my win though. Anyway the mountains are finnaly near ,time for the real action. Â Btw ,just another remark.Anyone noticed how much US postal and Telekom beefed up their teams with semi favourite's? If this continue's like that then next year Armstrong will have Ulrich as worker.
I got a Geforce5700 and it works fine. Â Thank you Kegetys and Feer ,great job!
At some points it goes well over 50 kilometers into Palestinian lands ,depends on the place ,hower the argument is that even 10km is to far anyway ,afterall an average of 10 kilometers over a border that is a few hundreds kilometers long will easily result in a few thousands of square kilometers land lost for the Palestinians ,take into account that this lost land also include's vital water reservoirs ,towns or fertile agricultural land then it's a considerable loss for the Palestinians. And then you havn"t seen Sharon's final plans for the region.If he could decide it ,he would split the west bank up in 3 parts surrounded by israeli settlement. sSaying that it "only" goes 10 km into Palestinian territory is a worthless argument ,it shouldn't be on Palestinian territory in the first place ,period!
Congratulations with Hushovd's gain. As Belgian i'm happy about this years tour to ,Tom Boonen won a course so thats 1 for Belgium. (and 0 for holland )
I recentlyy "bumped" on this document ,it's really an interresting read. It's an unclassiefied document written by the US intelligence agency's during the Cuban missile crisis  ,the CIA foremost.The document gives advice in how a pretext could be found to go to war with Cuba. The document can be obtained trough The national security archive As thus it's authenticity can be proven. I will posts the most crucial pages of the document. The upsetting thing about this document that at certain point's it advices to kill civilians ,even US civillian's supposedly by cuban unit's wich are faked by US troops just to bring a pretext for war. I advice everyone to read it full trough. Should this not befit the current thread or should be merged with an other, then i'm sorry and any moderator action will be respected. [mg]http://emperors-clothes.com/images/north-11.jpg[/img] A full version of the document can be found at this site.
Thread closed. plz continue discussion in the thread below if you wish. http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....ds;st=0
Belgian Media is relativly unbiased in their reports ,if something happens in Israel, whether it's Palestinians attacking Israeli or Israeli "attacking terrorists" ,it's always reported as it is. However ,the Belgian political establishment seems to support the Palestinian cause more than the Israeli ,and the media often invite's politician's to debate program's where those politician's can explain their stance on Israel. It's not propaganda or anything ,thing's are reported as they are ,however the Politician's are proppagating a pro Palestinian view when they are asked for it ,so youll rather hear the argument's why Israel is wrong first rather than the arguments why the Palestinians are wrong. But i think that most Belgians feel that ,while the situation has escalated so much that both party's have blood on their hands ,that ultimatly Israeli expansion (settlements for ex.) is the source of the conflict.
Ok i appoligize ,cleary i didn't had the knowledge that this thread existed ,excuse me for this.This thread can be closed or merged.
Dude ,this aint no medieval times anymore. But i guess youre joking ,not that mass bombardlments arn't done anymore these days ,but they inflict a lot of dissent especially in democratic nations.Russia for ex. wasn't really congratulated neither for Laying Grozny practicly to waste. And why would they surrender? They can rather lay their arms down and dress them up as normal civilians again and let the insurgency stop for a few days until the Americans are gone again.They are insurgents using guerilla warfare ,they should be used as using civilian clothes as cover. This is probably how it eventually will come down to.Even at this moment the Americans control only patches of land wich are of strategic importance to them.
Maybe it's a BTR90 ,wich uses a 30mm cannon among other arnament.
No i'm not.Rather i'm questioning the ideological crusading versus "terrorism" when it seems that the CIA may consider certain mean's resembling terrorism to achieve certain political objective's. In addition ,i make the statement that hereby is proven that not all "conspiracy-thinking" regarding the CIA is all that absurds. Btw that national security archive is mighty interresting...
Ok sorry ,didn't know it was known already ,ad since the other thread was closed and din't handle this specific topic i thought it might deserve its own topic ,also taking into account its relavance to the war against terrorism. If a moderator think's it's best closed then ill respect that as stated.
Rather the reverse i guess. They wern't sure if they could complete the olympic stadium on time (the roof may not be completed anyway) ,i suspect that all thse days of party etc won't have put them much forward on the timetable.
Buffer zone? ?? First of all that would be illigal anyway. secondly why the heck do you have a bufferzone wich in one region is 5 kilometres wide (a bit much for a buffer zone) ,and in other places 50 km wide??? (repeat ,tad to big for bufferzone) Third ,how could this bufferzone ON ISRAELI SOIL be more efficiant in keeping terrorists OUT? Shouldn't the bufferzone be on the other side then??? (between Fence and palestinians rather than behind fence? ) As i see it once the Palestinians are trough the fence they are trough ,and no 50 kilometers empty bufferzone won't stop them there. Besides ,you either annex a lot of Palestinians inside youre bufferzone right into Israeli territory (so the terrorists that  MAY be among them are right into Israeli territory) or you displace them from youre bufferzone and they begin to pileup along youre fence. (not very good security wise neither)
You know that i agree Denoir. But sometimes i fear that if we don't shut up soon about all the thing's were right in that the American people will vote Bush the next upcomming ellections just to do differently than the Europeans want the Americans to vote. What the average Joe smoe in American think's is not much of my bussiness ,but i see it as an interrests for most Europeans to not have GW Bush as the next American president ,he still can cause a lot of dammage if he gets the next 4 years. But American's are just so erradice in their political oppinions that i still fear that GW Bush will win the next ellections.
User Hoboman is full of patriotism and nationalism ,and probably think's , just like 98% o the poppulation ,that being patriot means supporting "the boys" when they are going to war. Sure about now 50%-60% of American's are against this war NOW.But what difference does this make?? Before the Iraq war a solid percentage of Americans was against the war ,but when the war actually started the US poppulation stood Massivly in support for their president ,a staggering 98% of the poppulation supported the war at that point.Why did so many people changed their mind at that point? Patriotism is a strong cultural fundament in the U.S it seems ,so much that it can be used at any point by any US president to rally a hughe percentage of people behind a certain cause. It's a cultural mentallity that Not supporting "our boys" is almost morraly wrong. Therefor my fear ,why we might convince a lot of Americans at this point about the nonsense of this war because of the situation on the ground.What can we Europeans do when an American president declares war on any country withough our support and uses patriotism to rally support for his cause resulting in a staggering percentage of support? As i see it ,as long as America has such a strong Patriotitic and nationalistic culture it will always be easy to gather support for a new war ,however war weariness will rise very fast if the situation doesn't go as intented.
And besides annexing palestinian region's ,this wall is also very strategicly placed when it comes to water sources. (water being a very valuable good in that region) I agree ,their are lost of Jews lobbying for Israel in the U.S as far as i know or heard ,but it's not an argument that can be proven easily.
Well ,i rather had the impression that he got his arguments somewhere from a site called "100 arguments why We are the braves and France Taliban Allies". (sponsered by Enron) Seriously ,how dumb he's arguments are ,they are clearly the same dumb argument's made a 1000 times by other US war supporters.
But it's also Israel's colonization policy that over decade's has displaced so many people from their own towns and chased them into refugee camps where they live in poverty and surrounded by Israeli troops that often make incursions into these camps with a large infrastructual dammage as result. (asside from the toll among innocent civilians) This is a war of infrastructure to ,it's kinda rediculous how you can see a Palestinian town one day and a day later a whole Israeli collony has been planted 500 meters from it ,pre-fab buildings brought there on trucks complete with fortifications for the settlers to defend themselfs.One day a refugee camp ,next day a Israeli checkpoint.Yes i might be exagurating ,but if you check the evolution of Israeli expansion in Palestine the last decade's then it's a steady expansion for Israel.
To be fair ,the Iraqi civilians were only weakened by the first Gulf war and the Trade embargo. Prior to 1991 Iraq was the most modern country in the Middle east ,it's people enjoyed economical prosperity and (for the middle east) a fair amount of liberty's. it's only later when the country was put to the ground by US sanctions that Saddam behan a really opressive reign. AND THE WORLD IS FULL OF DICTATORS ,what will you do to stop them?? Absolutly nothing! Million's of people have died the last years by Ethnic cleansing ,oppresive reign's etc in the Congo ,multiple country's are involved in a conflict that is as messy and bloody that it possibly could have gotton. Not a reason for the U.S (the "willing" fighter of freedom and demcracy) to intervene??
Funds will rebuild those Iraqi infrastructure ,US millitary demolishes it. And btw. From the 20Billion $ in funds prommised to Iraq from US only .billion got trough and has been spread for 100% among American contracters in Iraq.
Dumb argument ,almost every country in the world has trade relations with the rest of the world ,it would surprize me if all those country's hadn't had trade relations with Iraq. And the argument is not who's "to chicken" to go to war ,the argument was that the action of war was a dumb thing that only could reach an even worse situation in Iraq. (as proven now) Europe didn't want to keep Saddam into power ,however they didn't want to go in a war neither that would replace Saddam with an equal bad or worse situation.