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Everything posted by AK-Chester

  1. AK-Chester

    Syncronize watches

    Not sure if this is what you want but... A trigger with this expCond: DayTime>=12 will be set active at high noon (mission time). A trigger with this expCond: DayTime>=12.25 will be set active at a quarter past twelve (mission time) and so on...
  2. AK-Chester

    Will that do?

    @ DestroyerX: @ amos m: Those voices don´t exist (in full sentences). It´s just single words like "goto", "board", "house", "bush", "man", unknown", etc, all of which are .wss -files from the data.pbo or data3d.pbo or 1985.pbo (don´t remember which)...
  3. AK-Chester

    Two questions

    1. & 2.: It´s all in the multiplayer tutorials on OFPEditingCenter (scroll down). Greetz...
  4. AK-Chester

    Will that do?

    Do you mean this list, amos m?
  5. AK-Chester

    Another question...

    The gamelogic-stuff works f.e. with globalChat, but I don´t know if you can use SideChat on this one - can logic units have a side? The other thing doing this with logic units is... the name of the logic won´t show up when using globalChat, only the message (which is cool for many things, but in your case...). Dunno mate.
  6. Nope, the action command unitname action ["LIGHT OFF"] doesn´t seem to work properly (like many others...)?! Set the trucks (or the drivers) behaviour to AWARE or STEALTH or something should do though.
  7. AK-Chester

    Another question...

    Stoned again, sorry. You don´t even need the unit. This will do: [WEST,"HQ"] sideChat "THIS IS IN BLUE WITH NO SOUND, HAPPY NOW?" Greetz...
  8. AK-Chester

    Another question...

    I don´t understand why it has to be SideRadio... but if you wanna have your fun with the description.ext entries that´s up to you. I´d create a unit (same side as yours) somewhere, call the unit HQ and let it say whatever via SideChat. Maybe this would be too easy, okay then, or maybe I just don´t understand what you are trying to do.
  9. AK-Chester


    Oh... I see, never scrolled that menu down to the bottom (never needed that many different ends)... Thanks Bart.Jan!
  10. AK-Chester

    Oh the pain. oh the "no entry error"

    This is what it looks like here (bad style maybe - works though): // SOUNDS // class CfgSounds { sounds[] = {eliminate, goodbye}; class eliminate { name = "eliminate"; sound[] = {"\Sounds\eliminate.ogg", db+10, 1.0}; titles[] = { }; }; class goodbye { name = "goodbye"; sound[] = {"\Sounds\goodbye.ogg", db+10, 1.0}; titles[] = { }; }; }; Of course... the ogg-files have to be in a mission-sub-directory called "Sounds" if you do it like this.
  11. AK-Chester


    So that lose-outro shows only in case you finish a mission alive but not a success, right? If so: when exactly does the lose-outro get played, after END2 and the (loser-) debriefing?
  12. AK-Chester

    Freeze before brief

    Yes, the number of GROUPS in the game is limited (64 on each side?), but if that was your problem the editor would have told you when you added them... No idea, sorry.
  13. AK-Chester


    @ Tales_From_Topographic_Oceans: init: this setpos[(getpos this select 0),(getpos this select 1),.75] .75 could also be -5 or 10 or -10.259 or whatever you need.
  14. AK-Chester

    Gamelogic trigger?

    Helpful, thanks!
  15. AK-Chester

    Gamelogic trigger?

    Yeah, logic... I´d like to more about how to use it too. Right now I´m just using it for messages with no "ding". Like this: Create a logic unit and name it "Info" (without quotes). Now you can show messages via: Info globalChat "MESSAGE HERE" Shows up in the lower left corner (chat-like) but without the name of the unit, just the message (and no "ding"...). Nice, but I bet there´s much more you can do with logic units. For the killed AI: Simply make a trigger, condition: not alive AIname well... some say it should be like this: not (alive AIName) Didn´t make a difference here yet. In the "on activation"-field place your hint or whatever chat-message (try the logic-stuff above...) you want to show up. Oh... and I have no idea how to use "logic triggers"(?)... Greetz...
  16. AK-Chester

    Add action

    That´s good to know, thanks Bart.Jan!
  17. There´s (some) good missions here: Levels4You...
  18. AK-Chester

    New idea.... problem

    Okay, LaserGuidedBunnyRabbit, I got you completely wrong then. And yes, think it should be this one: thislist select 0 globalChat "GOT YOU WRONG" (...and try using the "logic-chat-stuff" instead of hints if you like the "ding" as much as I do...)
  19. AK-Chester

    New idea.... problem

    @ DV Chris Death: You can! Well, I do it all the time (as explained above)...
  20. AK-Chester

    New idea.... problem

    Dunno what you mean. You can use it in any trigger (with any conditions you want) or even in a waypoint or script. It´s nothing but a message from the logic unit you created, right? Use it like every other chat message. Got it? (If you mean the format%something-stuff... can´t help with that, sorry...)
  21. AK-Chester

    New idea.... problem

    You might place a logic unit (no matter where) and call it "Info" (without quotes). You can use this unit to display infos via the chat. Example: Info globalChat "YOU`RE DEAD!" The good thing is that the name (Info) won´t show up on screen and there´ll be no "ding", just the message shown in the lower left corner, chat-like. I just don´t know if the chat function takes commands like the <format> and stuff but you may try... Nice way to display messages on screen, anyway.
  22. AK-Chester


    Lustypooh´s - How to add your own sound and music files Bloodmixer´s - How to add sounds to your mission
  23. AK-Chester


    Well, the Briefing And Overview Generator wrote it wrong here. I had to change this <p align="center"><img src="/Arschkrampen.jpg" width="128" height="90"></p> to this <p align="center"><img src="Arschkrampen.jpg" width="128" height="90"></p> manually to make my pic show up in the overview (don´t remember, maybe the "/" was a "\", but anyway, I had to remove it).
  24. Mystery? Not at all, really.