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Assault (CAN)

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Everything posted by Assault (CAN)

  1. Assault (CAN)

    Whats the dumbest song you've ever heard?

    Thats a tough one, should have been a poll. There is alot and I mean ALOT of crap out there. My pick: that song by Blink 182, something like "I wanna fuck a dog in the ass" or something like that. Really really dumb. Tyler lol, as a side note. I have seen alot of disgusting videos that play that "scatman" song in the background. The content of which I will not discuss here. Just think "scat" Anyways........
  2. Assault (CAN)

    Real soldiers

    Hmmm, I'm no veteran, but I am in the Army, the Canadian Army Reserve to be exact. Same with Blink Dog. L24A is also in an Army (I forgot which one, sorry) Whats the M-16 like? Well we dont use them per se. We use a Diemaco C7, its a different model. If you can, get an AR-15 or equivalent, head to a range and shoot it. Because I can't really describe it to you. One thing I love is the brief smell of cordite when the spent casing ejects, its pretty neat. The recoil ain't bad, compared to more powerfull rifles. Combat?, well, fortunately the closest thing to combat most soldiers see is an excercise. Whats that like? Very very loud, and fast. I'm sure the others here with much much more experience will chime in on their knowledge for you. (and me) Tyler P.S. have you read "Black Hawk Down"? I suggest you do, it was taken from actual accounts on the fight for Mogadishu. Its a good read, I hope the movie does justice to it.
  3. Assault (CAN)

    Havent posted here in well over a year

    So in other words, is it anything like OFP? Tyler
  4. Assault (CAN)

    human rights for the al-queda terrorists

    Yeah, I heard that Amnesty (sp?) International was complaining that the hand cuffs and the bags over the heads was unnecessary and in-humane. What a load of sh*t. They are criminals and they should be treated as such. Tyler
  5. Assault (CAN)


    Didn't know you were posting under 2 different names. JimzOrz and zverushka Whats up with that? Tyler
  6. Assault (CAN)


    "WRONG! The Mi-24 Hind is as fast as an Apache, is more resilient towards hand-held SAMs, it's armored like a tank, and it has many, MANY missiles" True, but in the real world an Apache would blow that big, heavy, hard-to-manouvre, piece of junk out of the sky. More resilient? Possibly, the Mujahideen were still able to shoot those things down with a single RPG-7 rocket. The Hind is a flying tank, thats for sure. However, the Soviet designers forgot to put armour on the tail section, its made almost entirely out of fiberglass. A simple .30 cal machine gun can take out the tail-rotor. The Apache is more manouverable and has better electronics, thats why I would rather be in one of those than a Hind. Tyler
  7. Assault (CAN)

    Chopper controls..

    I used to have a joystick, a Logitech one, it was pretty decent. The problem I have with most joysticks in general is the fact that I don't find them as accurate (sensitive) as the mouse. As I recall, I was so frustrated by this, I broke the joystick right off the base. I still don't miss it. I used to use it for my Hind and Apache sims, which I still find very accurate (control wise) for thier age. The graphics are 1996 style. Any other decent chopper sims out there? Tyler
  8. Assault (CAN)

    Cheating in OFP

    Cheaters suck!, they ruined the MP in the Delta Force series. I'm glad BIS is trying to put a stop to it. Unlike Novalogic, they didn't do a thing. Tyler
  9. Assault (CAN)

    Some questions I have about OFP *issues*

    I agree, the grenade needs a timed fuze. There is too much smoke from a tank's main gun but I have'nt noticed the visual problem when looking at a forest through the main sight. The rate of fire for what weapon? the 25mm cannon? If so, it is only slightly faster from what I've seen. I'm not sure of any sound mods, but they would be nice. The weapon sounds in OFP are too generic. Some realistic loadouts would be nice too. The coaxial MG in a tank holds thousands of rounds, not just 500.
  10. Assault (CAN)

    Poll between the SVD and the M21 Rifles

    That really is unfortunate. Too bad you live in the "left" state. I don't know why they would ban it in the first place, it was designed to accept 10 round mags and would be the last thing I would want to use in any sort of crime. Tyler
  11. Assault (CAN)

    what is your favorite part of ofp

    Good to see you Blink. My xmas was fine, got a bunch of stuff and saw some relatives that I never knew I had. Nice quote, I think you've been listening to too much radio. on 102.1 Tyler
  12. Assault (CAN)

    wheres the scud???

    It's too late now but for future fun I'll tell you anyway. Look on your map and see where november (2 AH1's) are parked. Take 2 guys with you in the jeep. 1 to be your gunner and the other to take the jeep back. Approach carefully and take out the shilkas, then take out the tanks and BMP's in the eastern area and call your tank support in through there. If you crash and manage to bail out, run to your jeep and drive back for the other chopper. Tyler
  13. Assault (CAN)

    Poll between the SVD and the M21 Rifles

    Now all you have to do is get rid of that thumbhole stock and replace it with a pistol-grip, and paint it black. I think HK made that stock so it would legally sell in some areas, like California. Tyler
  14. Assault (CAN)

    what is your favorite part of ofp

    One day I just may make my own missions but until then MP gets my vote. I love MP, its the first EVER where I can drive a tank or fly a chopper with someone, raid a base, steal the flag, get back in and flee for our lives. Much much better than Delta Force 1,2, or Land Warrior. Plus, there is no cheats,yet Tyler
  15. Assault (CAN)


    Snow would be very cool in OFP, along with a season change too. Since most of the forrests in OFP are evergreen, not much would change except the lone trees and shrubs. Tyler
  16. Assault (CAN)

    Poll between the SVD and the M21 Rifles

    I prefer the M-21 in OFP because of its larger mag. I can do well with both the Dragunov and the M-21, but in the end the M-21 can have twice the ammo. This needs to be fixed in the game, you should be able to carry 2 SVD mags per ammo slot. Its realistic, since the Dragunov's 7.62x54R round is roughly the same size as the 7.62x51 NATO round. Though the NATO round has a little more "umph" and range over the Soviet round. It would be nice to see an M40A1 in the game, since it was in use in 1985 and would be my choice for a sniper rifle. The Barret Light .50 cal would also be a nice "fun gun" in the game. Does anyone know if or what the Soviets used for a bolt-action sniper rifle that was in use in '85? Would be nice to know. Tyler P.S. Wobble, is that an HK SL8 that I see? How much did that set you back?