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Assault (CAN)

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Everything posted by Assault (CAN)

  1. Assault (CAN)

    Major us airsoft game

    Looks like alot of fun, but there's no way in hell I'd pay to eat MRE's and practice military tactics for 32 hours when the Canadian gov't pays me to do just that for a weekend a month. Except we use 'simunitions' which are a hell of alot more painfull, I have the scars to prove it. Tyler
  2. Assault (CAN)

    Official Stupid Quiz Thread

    LOL @ Hellfish6 Anyways, on with the pointless tests: Never really had a thing for straw hats... Sweet! Death test: Mark your calendar or Palm V. You can expect to die on: July 27, 2070 at the age of 86 years old. On that date you will most likely die from: Cancer (19%) Heart Attack (18%) Electrolysis (13%) Alien Abduction (6%) Sex with an Obese Person (5%) Woo hoo! I'll die an old man! Tyler
  3. Assault (CAN)

    Coca colas new water dasani

    LOL, I can see it now: "Montezuma's Turbo Lax", Price? Free! Seriously though, this is old news. I congratulate Coca-Cola and Pepsi for being able to market an every day thing like water and make millions off of it from stupid consumers world wide. Good for them. Â As for me, I use a water filter that attaches to my tap. Tyler
  4. Assault (CAN)

    Should landmines be banned?

    Because Bush is an idiot.
  5. Assault (CAN)

    Should landmines be banned?

    I voted for 'no'. I don't have the patience or the time (big paper due soon) to read the entire thread, and I'm sure what I am about to say has already been said. I'm just tossing my 2 cents worth in the discussion, FWIW. The poll question should ask: "Should anti-personnel mines be banned" because Canada (the country that initiated the ban?) still uses anti-tank mines and command detonated AP mines, ala the M18 Claymore. Anyways.... Banning AP landmines would do absolutely NOTHING to get rid of the land mines and UXO's that are already in the places that everyone is talking about, ie: the Balkans, Cambodia, Afghanistan, and Africa. A bunch of UN rules won't do squat to stop people with an intense hatred of their enemies from doing all sorts of nasty things to each other in the future. That includes the use of land mines. If they can't buy them legally, they manufacture them themselves, if there's no industry to make them, they improvise. When war breaks out between or in a third world country the rule books (if there was any to begin with) get tossed out the window. If it's worth fighting for, it's worth fighting dirty for. At least from their perspective. For example, mass genocide has always been illegal but how many times did that happen in the 20th century? As for the 'landmines are in-humane' argument; why is having your foot or leg blown off, your body cut in half, or peppered with shrapnell by an AP landmine any less humane than having the same things happen to you with any other weapon system? By that logic, all weapons should be banned and warfare made illegal, but that ain't gonna' happen, not in this lifetime or any other. The only rules that should be made are ones that restrict the modes of deployment for AP landmines. Ie: no air dropping. Every single landmine and minefield must be plotted on a map using at least a ten-figure grid-reference, and the minefields should be marked off. This makes it easier for removal (or keeping innocent civilians out) when the war is over. The decision by an army to lay a minefield should also come from the highest chain of command and the army must be commited to removing the minefields it lays when there is no longer a need for them. Much like the policy was in the Canadian military before our benevolent liberal party overseers decided to get rid of them. Oh well. Tyler
  6. Assault (CAN)

    Job in the caf

    If you have a degree in civil engineering, then yes. Pay in the CF is actually pretty good, full coverage and benefits too.
  7. Assault (CAN)

    Job in the caf

    Sorry, I have bad habit of posting before I read the entire thread. Â Just remember that if you want to do specialist stuff, you have to do the basic stuff first. For example: you just can't join the Canadian army as a sniper, first you do you basic infantry courses, then probably a comms course (field radios), then a recce course, and if you are good enough, a sniper course. So there are a number of courses over the years that you will have to do if you want to be a specialist in any trade. Once again, I'm only applying this from my experience, I don't quite know how the engineers work, though the structure is similar throughout the combat arms. About trade availability: go here. They list the trades that they currently need people for, combat engineer isn't one of them. That trade may very well be full, though that may change by the time you actually join. Tyler BTW, they will give you a choice of what regiment you actually want to join, but they may put you where they need you. One thing I can assure you is that you will be all over Canada, well, the bases anyway.
  8. Assault (CAN)

    Job in the caf

    Being reserve force infantry, there's not a whole lot I can tell you about being a regular force sapper. A high school buddy of mine is with 2 CER in Afghanistan right now on Op Athena. I was in CFB Petawawa during the summer before they left, but I didn't get a chance to see him on account of the work up training they were doing. However, I got the chance to meet an engineer who had been in the reserves for about 13 years. Even as a reservist he has done alot of cool sh*t. He had the videos to prove it too. Wanna' penetrate steel with the bottom of a wine bottle and some C4? Need to find a detonator switch in a Toy's R Us store? He's the man to ask, lol. Frankly, he scared me a little. Anyways, I'm sure you will find it interesting if you decide to join up, just ask someone who has "walked the walk" in the CF, and they will tell you everything you want to know. Your local recruiting centre is a good place to start, just don't ask the recruiter himself, they will say alot of things.... ask a serving or recently retired member if you can. The only solid piece of advice I can give you is this: If you are anything like I am you will enjoy the military. There is alot of BS, boredom, and bad times all around but in the end, I'd do it all again. There's a sense of satisfaction and pride you get by serving that you might not by working assorted civvy jobs. By joining the military you also open yourself up to alot of benefits; free (or subsidized) university, a good pension after you serve your 20 (if you go that long), good training you can use, etc, etc. Think, you could have a pension and be on another job by the time you are 40. That ain't bad. BTW, it's no longer the Canadian "Armed" Forces. The "Armed" moniker was dropped by the feds a while ago. I guess they don't want the populace to think we are dangerous or something. *rolls eyes* Remember, we need a kinder, gentler machine-gun hand. Â Also: If at all possible: STAY THE F*CK OUT OF PETAWAWA, it's ok to train there for limited amounts of time, but it has to be the most boring and desolate Army base in all of Canada. The only positive thing about it is that Ottawa is only two hours away. HTH Tyler Edit: I should probably say that you may have a hard time joining as an engineer NCM. Non-commissioned trades tend to fill up fast, and right now the army is hurting for infantry soldiers. A freind of mine tried to join reg-force armour but was turned down because they had a full course load. Just be sure to be specific to the recruiter, lest you find yourself in some other trade.
  9. Assault (CAN)

    Political test

    2004: Economic Left/Right: +4.12 Authoritarian/Libertarian: -0.77 2002: Economic Left/Right: +0.12 Authoritarian/Libertarian: -1.08 Even more right wing. The new (unelected) PM of Canada, hopefully not for long. Tyler
  10. Assault (CAN)

    US Navy recruitment video

    I find it so amusing how the U.S. administration's goal has been switched from finding W.M.D. to 'freeing' the Iraqi people now that they haven't found squat. But that is a topic for another thread. Â Tyler oh, BTW, thanks for posting the link.
  11. Assault (CAN)

    15,000+ dead in iran

    The number will likely rise as they uncover trapped bodies over the next few weeks. Tyler
  12. Assault (CAN)

    Military rifles of the world.

    Or any Canadian who wants to fork out $3000(CDN) cash and pay the $25 registration fee . Owning a Pe90 isn't all that hard to do in Canada. Tyler
  13. Assault (CAN)

    Holiday wishes

    Happy non-denominational gift-giving holiday time. (Don't want to offend anyone) Merry Christmas.
  14. Assault (CAN)

    Military rifles of the world.

    In Canada we use the Diemaco C7A1 as the standard issue service rifle. C7A1 A C7A2 version is also in the works: C7A2
  15. Assault (CAN)

    Stock up your air to air defense

    The Avro Arrow. The best fighter/interceptor in the world (Mach 2+), in 1957. Diefenbaker, what the hell were you thinking? Bye bye national pride. Tyler
  16. Assault (CAN)

    100 years of powered flight

    Happy 100th (or 102nd, or whatever) birthday, flight!
  17. Assault (CAN)

    Real world

    I'm 20, my real name is Tyler Stefanich, and I'm in my first year of university at Nipissing U in North Bay, Ontario. (if you see the picture, I'm in the townhouses on the right) I'm majoring in History and I plan to go with a career in the Canadian Army. Though that depends on wether or not we have an Army by the time I finish school. I wanted to join the Armoured Corps but there's no point in that when your government decides that the Army no longer needs Tanks, and that APC's with oversized 105mm guns on top are a good replacement. I wonder if the British Army is hiring??...... Anyways, when I'm not in North Bay in school, or on some isolated base or training area as part of my army training or summer tasking, I live in St. Catharines, Ontario with my folks and thier dog. In my spare time I enjoy shooting, snowboarding, cycling, PC games, women, hanging out with friends, gettting drunk with sed friends, and building scale models. Tyler
  18. Assault (CAN)

    Gun control debate thread

    Bowling for Columbine and anything touted as 'fact' in it is purely fictional. Have a read. Tyler
  19. Assault (CAN)

    Infantry weapon of the century

    The portable, wireless, field radio.
  20. Assault (CAN)

    Gun control debate thread

    Sadly, it's more like the Canadian one. Regular force army = 15,500. I'd rather have a gun and not need one, than need a gun and not have it. I'm glad Denoir is over in Sweden and not here dictating policy. Time to crawl back to 'ma pick-up truck with 'ma confederate flag on it.
  21. Assault (CAN)

    Hidden & Dangerous 2 is out

    I don't know why people are making such a big deal about there not being any co-op. It's really a non-issue with me, but hey, to each their own. A free patch is coming out that is supposed to include co-op along with some bug fixes within a week or so. Tex made some good points, especially about the stealth issue. Why bother shooting people with a silenced Sten gun or a De-Lisle carbine when you can blast away all you want. You'd think automatic gunfire going off in the middle of an airfield would sound some kind of alarm, but I guess not. As for the AI; sometimes they are brilliant and sometimes they aren't. When you stop moving in a field or in a house, they automatically go into an all-round defensive. As you move along in a house they will sweep rooms and cover down hallways, all by themselves. On rarer occasions, they will let enemies into a room and not even shoot them, but apparently this is a bug issue and will be fixed in the upcoming patch. I'm glad I got the game, but I still feel that the developers have turned a possible '10.0' into a 6.5 - 7.0. But if you have any gripes, go to the official forum at godgames.com and let the developers know how you feel. If enough people bitch (and it seems they are) I'm sure they will do something about it. Tyler
  22. Assault (CAN)

    The Forgotten Battles

    I recently just got back into flight sims after buying a copy of FS 2004 after upgrading my PC. Remembering my bad experience with CFS 3 (no heavy bombers in Europe?? WTF?? No mission editor?? WTF??, and so on), I decided not to get it again, even with patches and a better PC. Is 'IL2; Forgotten Battles' worth getting? Is the terrain actually in the same scale and shape in-game as it is IRL, like in FS 2004? It's getting cheaper, so I might as well pick it up, but being a university student living away from home and paying about $12,000 a year, you can understand I'm on a tight budget. And 'Hidden & Dangerous 2' should be in North Bay by Wednesday, so I may wait a while to get it, if I do. Tyler
  23. Assault (CAN)

    Coyote and lav iii updates

    Sigma, Powerslide. Could either one of you please delete my account on Operation Northstar's site? I forgot my User name and I can't create a new one because I can't create two users off one e-mail. Thanks. BTW, have either of you been to this page? LAV III pictures. It has plenty of usable pics for any future versions. Â Tyler [edit] Nevermind, judging by the interior of the divers compartment of the LAV III in game I see you have already acessed the site. Â Does anyone else have problems with the LAV shaking violently when sitting alone in the gunners seat while the vehicle is still? It only seems to stop when I fire a shot, then it starts again. I had the same problem with the Jeep/.50 cal.
  24. Assault (CAN)

    Mirimar air show

    If I do wear glasses, is it possible to get corrective eye surgery? Do they allow it? For people in the commonwealth, , it's apparently not too hard to join the British forces. Though I'd hate to live in England, I'd do it if I could fly.
  25. Assault (CAN)

    Military photographs

    That explains the red beret. Meathead!