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Everything posted by Architeuthis

  1. Architeuthis

    Ecp released!

    Any updates on implenting that cool gras from Khallo (inv44)? Arch.
  2. Architeuthis

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    Cool, can you make one for the ECP mod too? Arch.
  3. Architeuthis

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    I'm currently using the ECP mod, so I'm afraid I can't use your method Arch.
  4. Architeuthis

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    Hmmm, I can't find the parts of the config file which I'm supposed to replace    Im Using the ECP mod. I know this sounds really lazy, but could you upload a version for the ecp mod (the config that is) or if that's not possible, please send it to my e-mail: [email protected] I would be quite gratefull  Arch.
  5. Architeuthis

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    Thanks will try it out right now Arch.
  6. Architeuthis

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    How do you merge a config file? And with what config file should I merge it? Arch.
  7. Architeuthis

    Tigershark interview

    In the interview he said he was from Melbourne, Australia. Arch.
  8. Architeuthis

    My m4a1 carbine is completed!

    Lets see you do better  Anyway, bmgarcangel, though it might not be the best m4 around, it still leared you a trick or two about addon making (atleast that's what I hope  ). You can use your newly gained experience to make more models, which will reflect the amount of experience you've gained! So, keep up the great work and good luck with your campaign. Arch.
  9. Architeuthis

    Question about ofp 2 marketing strategy

    I was under the impression that people where optional. You might want to replace them with personnel and (even more importent) presentation. The discription you gave at 'people', could best be placed in promotion (the both do the same thing and 'people' is actually a subcategorie of 'promotion'). presentation: Though narrowly connected to promotion, it differs enough to be a element of the marketing mix of its own (though still less important then the original 4 P's). I found this to be quite adaquate, atleast in Holland. You see, presentation has to do with the store flashpoint is sold in and the way the product (flashpoint) is catagorized (as a militairy sim). The marketing team preformed quite well in this area (in holland, don't know about the US). It was quite clear that this game was meant for the the more 'serious gamer'/soldier having time of (or whatever you can that in the army). As said, presentation also includes the way the store present the game (your local games dealer). In Holland this was done with a quite modest way, though it forfilled its purpuse. Personnel: This is not really an issue with marketing a game. But this would include anyone who has something to do with the 'selling' process of ofp. This is quite hard, if not impossible, critisize since we do not have the necessary information to do so. In all other accounts I agree with Havocsquad! Lets see if CM can do a better job! Because remember, a good product doesn't sell  itself! Arch.
  10. Architeuthis

    New bas thread

    I believe they are going to make a woodland and a 'woodland dust' of the pack. Arch.
  11. Architeuthis

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    How come the choppers 'shine', it looks like the choppers are using reflective textures. Is it a photoshop effect, or is it ingame? Arch.
  12. Architeuthis

    Bas tonal-tango pack

    BTW, why don't you guys update your site anymore? It's been quite a while since anythig new has been reported. Not that is matters that much, we get plenty of information about BAS projects via the forums. But still, I'd like to know.....server down or something? Arch.
  13. Architeuthis

    Bas tonal-tango pack

    Perhaps those mercenaries from the HK pack? I remember seeing some sceenshots of them with shotguns. Arch.
  14. Architeuthis

    New bas thread

    Will the new tanks have new interiors? With all those fancy displays and buttons? Arch.
  15. Architeuthis

    When you see the flashes

    Hmmm, didn't we still have Wim Kok back then? Arch.
  16. Architeuthis

    New bas thread

    From their site  Arch.
  17. Architeuthis

    Swedish sharpshooter revolver

    Oh   Flame baiting! Best to warn a mod right now   Arch.
  18. Architeuthis

    Lowlands Warrior - Progress Report

    Nice chopper! But didn't we put them out of service because of their of age? Arch.
  19. Architeuthis

    New anims by hunter

    Make sure you put it in waypoint 'activation' thingie. Problem is however, that the new animation is only displayed by the soldier for a short amout of time . Does anyone know how to fix that? P.s zit jij ook wel eens op FOK! ? Arch.
  20. Architeuthis

    New animations!

    When I put -this switchmove "stand7"- in the 'on activation' field (waypoint), the soldier is using a new animation, but only for a short period of time. Can this be changed? Or is there something I need to do with the waypoints? Arch.
  21. Architeuthis

    Did some one say

    It's probalbly for the best that they both deleted their posts. Arch.
  22. Architeuthis

    M551 sheridan

    Well, I believe all of the SEB members are on BAS and I believe BAS is a little busy at the moment, so that would explain alot. Arch.
  23. Architeuthis

    Did some one say

    Hmmm, this doens't make alot of sense Best to let the mods handle this. Arch.
  24. Architeuthis

    Did some one say

    Wow, that sucks May I ask who the thief was? Arch.
  25. Architeuthis

    Bas pavehawks

    Well, you'll probably be PR'ed for this outburst Arch.