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Everything posted by Aculaud

  1. Aculaud

    Vulcan rearming in "vulcan"?

    ok, as for re-arming, you should distinctly hear your other vulcan say "ready" after hes done re-amring. after this, he'll just go back to fighting. As for the tanks (not BMPs mind you, but the real tanks that come after that), youre not supposed to fight them. you retreat and call in support from the uss midway for two a-10s to deal with the tanks. use your radio for that
  2. Aculaud

    Which is the best?

    ya know, it really is all subjective. you cant just ask which is the best, like your going to start your own one man army or something. Iv shot down an SU-25 with a NATO ah-64 before, iv nailed people with a standard assault rifle at sniper rifle range, iv stayed invisable in broad daylight in a relitively open area with a normal soldier, iv taken out a t-80 with an m60 patton series (with help, of coarse, but i still got it done). So it really all comes down to what your best with. try things out. mess around with different units in different scenarios in the mission editor. see what works for YOU!
  3. Aculaud

    Which is the best?

    best tank would be the abrams. its been proven to be the most armored. best chopper would be the hind. it has all the functions of an attack helicopter and can carry 6 additional passengers as well. plus, it can take being shot by an anti aircraft soldier and not get shot down. both NATO attack choppers only take one rocket to take down. best car would be the HMMWV. it does great on offroad, and is stronger than the brdm. best armored would be the bradley. it can fire two TOW missiles at once, and you can even take down aircraft with the cannon. best weapon would be the m-21. it is highly accurate and holds twice as much ammo as the Russion sniper rifle. best unit would be either a black op or a spetz natz. they have the most carrying capacity, and the highest level of camoflauge of any infantry unit. plus, while prone, they are invisable at night to AI enemys. best plane would be the SU-25. it has all the functions and weapons of the A-10, plus a loadout of 57 mm rockets, which the A-10 doesnt have. But in spite of all of this, it really comes down to what your best with, or what you prefer, which brings us back to the origional statement made, which is, its all subjective.
  4. Aculaud

    Vulcan rearming in "vulcan"?

    first off, i played that mission a few times, and unless anyone else has anything to say about it, i'm fairly certain thats how the mission was meant to be played through. as for re-loading. how do you know he never finishes? i think you have to order him to return to formation again to keep fighting. I'll go play that one again in a bit and get back to you.
  5. Aculaud

    Hey........what'd you think of the mission hmmwv?

    go here: www.flashpoint1985.com Thats got everything on operation flashpoint. its the official site. just mess around there for a while, and i'm sure youl find everything you need. thats how the rest of us did it. OFP gold edition is the retail version of an addon containing the ultimate upgrade 3, and the Russian campeign "Red Hammer". that campeign is not downloadable.
  6. go here: www.flashpoint1985.com Thats got everything on operation flashpoint. its the official site. just mess around there for a while, and i'm sure youl find everything you need. thats how the rest of us did it. OFP gold edition is the retail version of an addon containing the ultimate upgrade 3, and the Russian campeign "Red Hammer". that campeign is not downloadable.
  7. Aculaud

    Starting off prone

    put this in the init. field: This setbehaviour "stealth"
  8. what would i need to do this, or is there already one made? I would like to see a version of everon where all the buildings are like the ones on the origional kolgujev. I think Saint pierre would look awsome a burned out city. Deffinite possibilities for a makeshift fortress in big towns like that.
  9. Aculaud

    Why does nato have the carlgustav and not the at4?

    My mistake. The carl gustav is an american weapon. Its technical name is the M3 MAAWS (multi-role anti-armor anti-personel weapon system). The time in use, however, is incorrect. the weapon was origionally fielded to US special operations command in 1990, and from then it went to the navy SEALs and so on. so, while the m47 dragon would have been historicly correct, the carl gustav is a NATO weapon contrary to what i thought. Sorry all
  10. Aculaud

    "sniper team" question

    thats "F1 - 1 - 1". that should do it
  11. Aculaud

    "sniper team" question

    thats "F1 - 1 - 1". that should do it
  12. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (IceFire @ Mar. 10 2002,07:04)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Hmm, this mission didn't come with my cd? Â What the? I don't have it. Â Must I download this? Â I have the old boxes that is not gold version. Â Or whatever gold version is. Â I don't really know about anything other than what came in my "green" Operation Flashpoint cold war crisis box. What else is there out there?<span id='postcolor'> yeah, you gotta go get the ultimate upgrade 3 from the official OFP site to get this mission. Ultimate upgrade 3 also has other real good stuff in it. Trust me, its worth it
  13. Aculaud

    Hey........what'd you think of the mission hmmwv?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (IceFire @ Mar. 10 2002,07:04)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Hmm, this mission didn't come with my cd? Â What the? I don't have it. Â Must I download this? Â I have the old boxes that is not gold version. Â Or whatever gold version is. Â I don't really know about anything other than what came in my "green" Operation Flashpoint cold war crisis box. What else is there out there?<span id='postcolor'> yeah, you gotta go get the ultimate upgrade 3 from the official OFP site to get this mission. Ultimate upgrade 3 also has other real good stuff in it. Trust me, its worth it
  14. Aculaud

    Why does nato have the carlgustav and not the at4?

    this is all good data, but i still just have one question. The AT4 in the game looks exactly like the one dkraver posted under the swedish model for the US. the one in OFP looks nothing like the russian model also posted. So i just think NATO should get the AT4.
  15. i have to admit i liked it a bit. I kinda cheat at one part I like to run the sports car off the road and take the leed.
  16. Aculaud

    Hey........what'd you think of the mission hmmwv?

    i have to admit i liked it a bit. I kinda cheat at one part I like to run the sports car off the road and take the leed.
  17. It Works!!!!!!!! Now if can only get AI to do it on their own...
  18. fascinating. I never thought of grouping all the units before. I gotta try that...
  19. Aculaud

    Why does nato have the carlgustav and not the at4?

    but it still remains that the AT4 launcher is not a Russian weapon. This had just been getting to me.
  20. well, in theory (and i emphisize 'In Theory' because i still havent been able to get accurate results out of the damned thing), you paint a target with it, and an A-10 LGB will pick up on it and drop a bomb on the target. You must have an A-10 LGB present on that mission with a wp on or near your target area for this to work. Just use a seek and destroy wp or something. The bombs are very powerful; one will easily take out 6 T-80s. Getting it to be accurate, as i said, is quite a neat trick.
  21. Thank you, and thanks you
  22. I have noticed that the transport load WP only refers to you, and not the rest of your squad. how do i write a waypoint condition that makes it so the chopper wont leeve until everyone is on board? And for future reference, where can i find, if one exists, a reference guide to all the condition and on activation commands?
  23. Aculaud


    while we're on the subject of things being done to russian choppers in OFP, how about making it so that an AA rocket actually takes them down for a change. The only NATO choppers that can take more than one rocket are the two transports, the UH-60 and chinook. both of the attack choppers are easily swayed by as little as one enemy AA soldier. whats up with this?
  24. call me oldschool, but i still really like the origional campeign. Particulary search and destroy. its fun for a minute until its made all to clear that its absolutely impossible. Anyone else get this? How have other people beaten this mission, because quite frankly, i'm moving to make my decrea that this is just not even possible.
  25. Aculaud

    Need help with search and destroy

    1--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Random @ Feb. 28 2002,121)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">It's the one where you need to find and destroy Guba's Scud launcher. An easy way to do it is to pile everyone into the truck and drive to the chopper base in the east. Get 4 people and get in the choppers. Then fly over the area, kill all the Shilkas as quick as you can, then destroy the Scud (you'll have to target a white square on the radar manually, which is a little tricky). My wingman was shot down during this mission, but I was flying around for a while. Order your wingman to shoot some tanks too if you want (or call in the tank platoon).<span id='postcolor'> ................................You have no idea how far down my mouth was hanging after i read that. You also have no idea how many times iv racked my brain trying to figure out how the hell to beat that mission on foot, cause i thought that was the only way to do it. You get such an inadiquate squad for the task at hand, its un bearable at times. And the support youre supposed to get from the choppers is hardly even present do to the placement of not one or two or three, but FOUR shilkas in one area. AUUGHHH!!!! I just did it the helicopter way, and my wingman never fired a shot, but never died either. got the scud, was about to anihilate some infantry with my 30MM, but i completed the mission too fast. still cant believe it, but thanks a million anyway.