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Everything posted by Aculaud

  1. Aculaud


    did those missiles explode?
  2. Aculaud

    Automatic weapons have stuck triggers

    theres also the little known (ok, not so little known) fact that Windows XP isn't compatable with anything unless your computer came from half a year into the future cause microsoft thinks too highly of themselves to to make their software compatable with what everyone uses right now.
  3. Aculaud

    Automatic weapons have stuck triggers

    theres also the little known (ok, not so little known) fact that Windows XP isn't compatable with anything unless your computer came from half a year into the future cause microsoft thinks too highly of themselves to to make their software compatable with what everyone uses right now.
  4. Aculaud

    Fantasy pack....add some spooks

    right, and while shooting leprechauns, you could smoke a doobie, make some tiedie, and listen to Bohemian Rhapsody Grooooooooovy!
  5. Aculaud

    Fantasy pack....add some spooks

    right, and while shooting leprechauns, you could smoke a doobie, make some tiedie, and listen to Bohemian Rhapsody Grooooooooovy!
  6. Aculaud

    Were do you stand?

    I would consider myself a liberal, moderate extremist
  7. Aculaud

    Opf trainer

    ya know, if you want to play Rambo style, there is really only one place you can go. And thats the mission editor. The number one way to re-create any game in your won image is the mission editor. Set up a mission where your the leader of a squad of like 8 machine gunners or something, and just go butcher people.
  8. can anyone tell me the weapon and ammo name for the mm-1 grenade launcher? Iv tried a lot of names, none of which worked.
  9. Aculaud

    Weapon and ammo names

    thanks guys, that'l do it
  10. Aculaud

    Opf trainer

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Major Fubar @ Mar. 13 2002,07:21)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Grow up. Â <span id='postcolor'> heed your own advice when choosing avatars, Fubar. J\K
  11. Aculaud

    Opf trainer

    and as you stated originally, you thought you might just be missing the obvious. If you still think of that as a possibility, then thats what you should search for; the obvious. Look for things on the trainer window that you may not know what they do and just give them a shot. something like that could work. In theory (High emphisis on "in theory"), they wouldnt release it if it wasnt just a little bit user friendly.
  12. Aculaud

    Opf trainer

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (overkill @ Mar. 13 2002,04:32)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">yes you are correct, age makes no difference. what I love about the game is that it IS realistic. But the fact is, that it IS a game. Because you find no need to fool around with a trainer does not automatically mean everyone has the same opnion. Because I asked how to use a trainer, everyone assumes that my objective is to use it to cheat. Well you are ALL mistaken. Â Anyone who has playd with me in MP (Overkill) can surley attest to the fact that my gameplay is fair and consistent with the usual statistics of one's gameplaying abilities. And as far as all the members that responded to my post negatively, and are older than 15, then please act your age. It seems like eveyone here is so presumtuous... no?<span id='postcolor'> Your definitely right about one thing. And that is that a lot of people are quite presumptuous as far as responding to questions asked by newbies (not calling you a newbie). And, a game it may be, however some games were meant for rambo style, as was pointed out earlier (i.e. quake, unreal tournament, and to a certain extent, Delta Force Land Warrior.) But hey, i'm not one to tell someone how to play, no matter what the game. So try your luck with it. who knows, maybe it'll be fun? My advice, just try messing around with it. Thats pretty much how lots of people here learn stuff about the game. Try going to the site you got it from and see if it says anything on correct operational procedures. If none of that works, i guess its just back to good old fashioned "kill or be killed".
  13. Aculaud

    Bis developer question

    alright, alright . Just looking for confirmation i guess
  14. Aculaud

    New sp demo with new mission?

    sure wasnt much of a mission. they didnt even use origional voice overs for it. could have used some lengthening if you ask me. I liked the first demo mission better. But hey, a demos a demo. A personal thanks to the Avon Lady for making such things possible.
  15. Aculaud

    Opf trainer

    and for the record, as per my understanding, far less of us than you might think are fifteen year olds with nothing but time on our hands.
  16. Aculaud

    Opf trainer

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (overkill @ Mar. 13 2002,03:49)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I'm a 32 year old guy. Safe to say that I'm not some little kid that cannot play worth beans. I too cannot stand cheating on multiplayer games. It is pointless. I merely saw the trainer and wanted to play "rambo style" on the missions that I have already played. Simple as that. So do not be so quick to judge someone ok? The fact is I assumed that you could not use any kind of trainers in mp to begin with. But if I was a 15 year old, with nothing but time on my hands, Then I really wouldn't need to come to this forum and ask how to use it, for I'm sure that all I would have to do is ask my peers.. Fact is, becuase of my age, I'm not really in the mainstream of whats happening in the gaming world, Â that is why my lame question automatically makes you assume that I am a younger than I am....<span id='postcolor'> Age makes no difference. How old do you think the people that made the game are? Think that makes any difference about weather or not they play it too? It also doesnt make any sense to use it as an excuse to play "Rambo" style in missions youve already done, because the fact remains that OFP is not a rambo style game. this is the reason you cant do things like run as fast as cars while carrying a rocket launcher and still being able to fire it accurately, or fire a fully automatic weapon with little to no recoil while running just as fast. If this game, and everything it encompasses, were to suddenly shift to rambo style, would it be nearly as fun? my vote would go to "no" with no regrets on that one. This game was simply meant to be played realisticly.
  17. Aculaud

    Bis developer question

    I feel i have to ask at this point, Do BIS or Codemasters actually even look at these forums?
  18. Remember how you give code foxtrot to order everyone to parachute out one by one in such a way that no one collides in mid air? How would i duplicate that for my own single mission?
  19. Aculaud

    Opf trainer

    Cheating is for games that arent meant to be realistic. and even those, you shouldnt cheat at. Theres a way to get the same results a trainer would give without using a trainer; Become a Better Player!!!
  20. The AT4 is an american anti-tank launcher. I even compared the in game model with a picture on the net; perfect match. Whats up with this?
  21. This had just been on my mind considering the mission is different than anything BIS and Codemasters had put out before. So what do you think?
  22. Iv heard countless times, people asking for things like hueys, fixed wing transports, aircraft carriers, harriers, etc. and to all that, i say this: Part of what makes games like OFP so good and fun for everyone is retaining its simplicity. if we start overcrowding it with tons of new units, all these issues would come up. we'd have to worry about not putting in units whos jobs are already filled by other units that already exist, we'd have to worry about balance, making sure other sides had their equivilant, we'd have to put in units that had the ability to go against all the new units we added, so as not to make unfair advantages. And if we didnt succeed in any of that, we'd only be breeding a very disgruntled crowd of gamers who would only end up wishing things would go back to the way they were. Take Delta Force: Land Warrior for instance. It was an infantry only based tactical shooter that even had anti tank rockets for no reason (there wansnt a single tank in the whole damn game). But one thing it had was a perfect balance of simplicity, and functionality. this is what will make OFP stand out. It has effectively mastered realistic infantry combat, and combined it with completely fuctional and playable armored combat, and even air combat to an extent. Pretty much all thats left is for BIS and Codemasters to ditch Gamespy and set up a dedicated server thats more user friendly and better tailored to the games functions.
  23. thanks. What would i replace "here" with in the coding? give me an example of coordinates if you would. Or would i need any in the first place? what if i didnt have any coordinates? would that just make them land wherever they ejected?
  24. ok, new question. "Chinook" had a blunder in it. I need to know how can write a script, or a trigger "on Activation" command or something that will eject everyone on board a chopper one at a time at a pace slow enough so that they dont get cought up in their shoots and die before the even hit the ground.