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Everything posted by Aculaud

  1. Aculaud

    Special forces enthusiasts, lend me your ears

    and for the record, i didnt steal the shilka either, i got in a T-80. this would be one of those unrealistic aspects of the game, that i actually apreciate like how all soldiers, regardless of class, have parachutes. And that is that i was able to shoot down both of the defending hinds with my sabot. AI pilots are so predictable. I guess something like that is possible in real life, but youd have to really know what you were doing as a gunner in a tank, and youd also have to have the chopper RIGHT where you wanted it, which would be inceasingly dificult.
  2. Aculaud

    Special forces enthusiasts, lend me your ears

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (theavonlady @ Mar. 18 2002,09:06)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I personally voted for Interdiction, though Saboteur was fun. I didn't steal the Shilka. I crept into the base placing satchels along the way.<span id='postcolor'> Nice. Yeah, that was similar to my first go at sabatuer as well. This time was so fun though. Interdiction was another one that i wanted to vote for, but.....eh. Its fun for me at the begining, but gets less fun as i play more of it. It just didnt do it for me like some others
  3. Aculaud

    Special forces enthusiasts, lend me your ears

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Titanium @ Mar. 16 2002,00:40)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">YOU know about the really fun way to beat sabetour? You run into that forest next to it, Â Pick off almost everyone. Â Then sweep the base of anyonw else. Â Grab the SHi8lka and blow the enemy tanks to smitheroines. When the infantry carrier comes, kill that too, its really fun this way. Â And then park the shilka next to the uaz. set a charge between tgh two. Â and set a charge next to the fuel truck. Â Evryonthing, and i mean everything is destroyed this way. Â ITs pretty fun, and give some self-statisfaction at the end cause you just owned muliple armored units (although empty) but about 20 infantry with only your HK!!!!<span id='postcolor'> YOU WERE SOOOOOOO RIGHT!!!!!!!! I just replayed that, and OH MY GOD, did i ever kill a whole lot of people. If what i did ever happened in real life, the enemy would have been so completely humiliated and demoralized if they ever found out just one guy did all that. MY KILLS: -over 30 infantry, including officers and spetz natzs -5 tanks including 3 T-80s and 2 T-72s -3 choppers including one mi-17 and two Hinds -4 APCs including 3 BMPs and one BMP ambulence -And the optional objective, the Ammo dump at Levie including 2 ammo trucks, a ural and a fuel truck. I didnt actually get credit at the end for taking down the Hinds, but then again, theyd still be up there if i wasnt the one who shot them down, so HAH! I still cant believe i did all that. that was th first time iv ever gotten so many kills that it had to go over into a second page of statistics
  4. Aculaud

    What i hate the most in ofp?

    iv noticed that only some houses have this glitch, but as a veteran delta force 3 sniper, i know exactly what you mean. More care should have been taken in making buildings more player friendly. I was suprised that you cant even get up in the towers of most churches. And the ones you can get up in arent even facing any good areas.
  5. Aculaud

    Question about resistance

    Can anyone give me some insight about what new weapons will be in resistance? More specificly, any new sniper rifles?
  6. Aculaud

    Opfp? where does it stand for you as a game\sim?

    You guys have pretty much covered it already, so i'll just give my two cents. this game rules. Its got more ptential than anything that has ever come before it, and even some that are still in the works.
  7. I dont care if no one responds to this, but this is just one of those times that i feel it neccasary to share this. I just re-played the mission "Pathfinder". This mission is interesting, because it literally takes your whole squad to get it done. It ends pretty much with you as the only survivor. Anyhoo, I had ditched my issued M-60, and gotten a LAW and an m16 off a fallen comrade. By the time i took out the second shilka, a lot of armor started showing up which the helicopters took out, but there was infantry all over the town. Kilo squad helped with this, but i was pretty much the only one left. I had gotten myself an AK74, so i could get some better firepower, and i just started thinning them out as i saw opportunities. I didnt want to start shooting with a lot of them around, lest someone saw me, even though i was in a bush. But whenever i saw just one or two of them, a few shots rang out and down they went. as soon as no one else showed up, i started moving into the town. I saw an officer to my left that didnt see me, so i leveled my sights on him, and pulled the trigger. Kept moving into the town, i came up right behind the last officer. I was crawling the whole way, and he never saw me. I pulled around to the side, where there was some bushes, and got myself in a good position. i was just lying there watching him for a second, just kinda savoring the moment (yes, yes, call me a sadist if you wish, i still had a damn good time with this), and then i put my reticule right on him, and held down the full auto! Mission completed! Just fealt like sharing this. These are the moments that make this game worth playing for me. If anyone wants, share some war stories, i'm sure youve got some
  8. Aculaud

    Fond fond memories of moments like these....

    I just realized something. That was the first time i got so many kills that it actually went over into a second page of statistics...................I love this game
  9. Aculaud

    Fond fond memories of moments like these....

    New Story for ya. Talk about sabatage! I just got done playing that mission, and OH MY GOD!!! Did i ever cause a rukus! I made my way around Levie, taking out all soldiers i saw, and then i made my way into the woods beside the tank base, because the BMPs were on to me. I went around to the side of the base, and took out everyone i saw with my hk. Took guys out of the tower, everyone running around on the ground was dead in minutes, and then when the coast was clear, i got myself into a T-80! I took out all the tanks, all but one BMP (for the life of me, i couldnt find the damn thing), over 30 infantry guys, the ammo dump, two more trucks, the mi-17, both hinds that showed up (Used the sabot, AI pilots are soooo predictable), and a BMP ambulence! It was amazing that all that is possible for a black op. that unit has sooooo much potential if the player knows where and when and how to use him. Same with the spetz natz too, i'm sure.
  10. Aculaud

    What would be you're ideal island?

    It would be a little larger than malden, and it would be about 2 fifths city, and 3 fifths rural, and forest etc. There would be a big city that would resemble Nueville from saving private ryan with lots of burned out village type buildings, and burned out industrial type buildings, and a big church that you could get up in the tower of. and then there would be off shoots of that city to some sides, with little villages and residential areas and whatnot. And then there would be a good beach for storming, complete with a seawall and everything. Its basicly my saving private ryan island. Iv tried like hell to re-create parts of that movie in OFP, but it just cant be done without the elements i mentioned.
  11. Aculaud

    Fond fond memories of moments like these....

    That must have been quite fun, paintfreak:D . I love finding new ways around the same missions.
  12. does anyone know if the Black Op has better camo at night than the Black Op Day, or do they just look different?
  13. Aculaud

    Fond fond memories of moments like these....

    3--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Sheriff @ Mar. 17 2002,053)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I can't remember much because i was always an OFP Ace, Cutting down those russkies left and right. Â Great fun indeed<span id='postcolor'> Dont make me laugh ! No offense, but you were a newbie just like the rest of us, pal. You had to learn too.
  14. heres what you gotta do: First, you have to synchronize the load waypoint for the chopper with the get in waypoint for the leader (Click synchronize, and click and drag one waypoint to the next. You should see a blue line between them if done correctly). This is how you let the game know who the chopper is supposed to load. Second, you need a 'Transport Unload' waypoint for the chopper where its going to drop your team off, not an 'Unload' waypoint. And you have to have a 'Get Out' Waypoint for your team synchronized to the 'Transport Unload' waypoint where the drop off is going to be. Synchronizing is very importaint when you make a mission that calls for a transport and an infantry team working together without being grouped. After the 'Get Out' waypoint, you can put whatever waypoints you want for them to go about their task.
  15. Aculaud


    I'll second that. War is just about as dirty as it gets. this could add much more of a lifelike effect to the game
  16. Aculaud

    Fond fond memories of moments like these....

    Let Nothing Stand In My Way!!! Just pled ground attack 2. Not exactly a truely epic story, but it made me feel proud of myself. I killed EVERYTHING. The shilka, the whole convoy, and even the mi-24 and the su-25 sent to kill me. I had never done that before, so that was kinda cool. I had taken down the two enemy aircraft before, but never actually gotten credit for the kills, so this was a first for me.
  17. Aculaud

    Fond fond memories of moments like these....

    thats one high score........
  18. thanks, i'll give it a shot
  19. Iv got a situation where i need a UH-60 to set down and pick up me and my team. Iv got a load WP for it synched to a get in wp for me. It just hovers there. I need it to actually sit down, so we can actually get in. I mean how the hell does it think we can get on board from up there. Are we just gonna jump up there 60 meters in the air, or what? When i order my guys to get in, it lands, but i need it to do that by default.
  20. Aculaud

    War and games, your opinion?

    good call, Sith
  21. Aculaud

    Fond fond memories of moments like these....

    IdeFire, your my kind of player I love taking a few hours to complete even a simple black op mission. Iv only gotten into that house once. On the way back, i got to the fence, and realized i hadnt taken out a patrol. It was just two guys, but there they were; the saw me, shot me, and i yelled and swore a bunch........Iv been trying to get that mission down myself.
  22. Aculaud

    Fond fond memories of moments like these....

    yeah, thats a campeign mission called "combined Arms". Deffinitely a fun one. I never hesitate to run like hell when i see the Abrams explode, due to a slight case of a T-80 cadre blowing the living hell out of it.
  23. Aculaud

    Fond fond memories of moments like these....

    I can remember having a good time with that mission. I would drive a way laughing "Aaaah! I gotchur car, I gotchur car!" Good stuff
  24. Aculaud

    War and games, your opinion?

    agreed. A storyline can only be made better by putting the outcome in the players hands as much as possible. You see this a lot in Role Playing Games, and it really helps the storyline and the re-play value. It would be cool to start seeing this in games like OFP