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Everything posted by ALDEGA


    Arrogant newbies in MP piss me off!!

    "They think that when ever a person's name tag is red, they're an enemy!! When you're a russian, then all your friend's names are in RED. When you're american, then all your friend's names are in GREEN." ermm, isnt green always your side and red the enemy side?

    Which age-old bug should be fixed ??

    "The enemy team can see your map-markers in MP." if you only want your own team to see your markers, first set the chatchannel to side channel, and then create the marker (suma posted in an another thread)

    Windows XP Audigy crackles

    http://www.reric.net/linux/pci_latency.html take a look here, it explains everything you need to know about pci latency

    State of OFP...

    I think it was in "OF Post Mortem". The same thing is the case with "MAFIA: The City Of Lost Heaven" (being developed by Illusion Softworks in cz). They also started out with the idea of making a great single player experience. But then it became clear that people were gonna want to play it online too. So they've been adding some multiplay too. When the game is out it will only feature a 'race around town' feature, and later on they will release a multiplayer more like the game in single player. SWAT3 was initially also single-only, but after a (long) while they did release a multiplayer addon.

    Merge bug:(

    Are you using 1.4 or an earlier version? (I think this bug was fixed)


    *cough* some 'real' moderator should move this thread to off-topic forum

    Between the lines will not start help!

    KT266 is a VIA chipset.

    Bug in fog

    you can change the viewdistance while the games is running, using a trigger or script

    Is BIS gonna fix this BUG

    there appears to be a bug involving ai getting in boats in version 1.4, other people have reported it too
  10. ALDEGA

    Between the lines will not start help!

    btw, Between the lines is an unofficial (crappy) addon campaign. So you should ask the creators of that thing for help.
  11. ALDEGA

    Between the Lines Add-On preview

    it IS and you know it
  12. ALDEGA

    Sound crackling

    I've been (in every OF version I think) having problems with sound crackling. Pretty much every vehicle (land/air/sea) causes the crackling sound. I don't have this in any other game. (and I do not have the VIA 686B southbridge chip, so that can't be it either). My soundcard is a Sound Blaster Live 5.1, using the most recent drivers. tip: I was playing another game (which also uses EAX) and when I entered certain areas the sound would mess up completely. In these areas the 'reverb' EAX effect was active and causing the problem (it's like it was causing very bad feedback -> like an 'infinite loop' in the EAX software). This problem always goes away after I reboot (but it does occasionnally pop up). Now, since this problem had to do with EAX, I went into the 'EAX control panel' (which came with the sound blaster cdrom) and I tried some EAX presets, when I increased reverb too much, it made a crackling noice, similar to the one I have in OF. So, either OF uses too high settings for reverb in EAX, or there is a bug in EAX (this one is certain , dunno about the other).
  13. ALDEGA

    Zombie mod

    no offense, but this is one of the least good ideas (to be polite) that I've seen thus far. No zombies.
  14. ALDEGA

    Maybe you already know this....

    the best thing would probably be a plugin for gmax (it's free, and sufficient for modelling I think)
  15. ALDEGA

    Crime city is gone :(

    Brentk, there are editors for GTA1&2, some are user made, some are officially released tools (or format specs, eg for the gta2 scripting). GTA1&2 are 100% 'moddifyable'
  16. ALDEGA

    Crime city is gone :(

    <off topic>*looks at DnA's sig* Will OV have 'Tour Of Duty' influences? I really like these tv series and it would be a pity not to consider adding at least some element(s) of it to OV. just asking
  17. ALDEGA

    Crime city is gone :(

    hmm, I don't really mind. Mistake number 1.-The mod Baroba wanted to make, is a mod that should have been made using another type of game engine, like Q3, not OF. Mistake number 2-Baroba stopped the mod because there are no editing tools. But, the game wasn't released with ed. tools, and BIS never said that they would release all the tools. In the end the mod wasn't anywhere at all. They didn't have solid plans and nearly nothing had been accomplished yet. So why make such a big deal out of it? So Baroba get's his name on popular OF website. (I know it's a bit exaggerated but you get my point) Just my honest opinion, you do not have to share it
  18. As you can see the 'target reticule' is not correctly positioned. Basicly what happens is: -the reticule is positioned correctly in the beginning -but as the target moves, the reticule will start going away from the actual target -after a couple of seconds the reticule will be repositioned correctly -but the bad positionning will occur again after a few seconds and restore again etc etc This has bug has been around for a long time think (so it might have already been reported).
  19. probably, I just wasn't sure, tnx for confirming this. Has it been reported yet?
  20. ALDEGA

    cant install the any patch

    "and XP now (which won't let you change the settings)" In Windows XP you have to go to "IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers" and then change the settings of either the primary ide channel or the secondary one. (depending on which channel your cdrom device is connected) Once there you can choose "pio mode only" and "dma if available". If you don't want DMA, just select pio mode only. Eh voila (if you have a scsi device, then it's a bit different ofcourse )
  21. ALDEGA

    Sound crackling

    "form 1st to 3rd, sound prob clears up" it's exactly the same here Mr Fragg -I cannot run the very latest detonators because of the notorious 'infinite loop' problem. I do have the latest SB drivers, VIA 4-in1, AMD etc...
  22. ALDEGA

    No resolutions shown in Preferences

    about the refreshrate (in win2k/Xp) you can either set it in the options window (in game) or open flashpoint.cfg and find the following line: "refresh=75;" (it may be set to a different value, in your case it's probably 0)
  23. ALDEGA

    Sound crackling

    I know about the VIA prob, but that's not the one. I'm sure it's an EAX glitch. (and yes I know avonlady faq )
  24. ALDEGA

    What will be fixed.

    Bouncing vehicles (when you shoot at them)
  25. ALDEGA

    Detonator xp 23.11

    When I used them, they worked great in the beginning, but then I just kept getting the infinite loop problem. (sometimes just after boot, sometimes after an hour). It occurs in every possible situation, so it's not a 3d acceleration prob 'per se'. I'm now back to the 21.88 driver, which is slower but stable. btw, in WinMe I cannot use these drivers at all, they will cause the gfx (windows) to be completely distorted. With 21.xx I had this too, but after 'nvtweak' updated the clockspeed of my gf2mx, the screen was restored and all was working well. (it's odd but true)