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Everything posted by ALDEGA


    Ideas for the next flashpoint upgrade

    Do you honestly think a soldier with a LAW/AA launcher, or a machine gun on his back can swim? He can't. It's the same reason why there isn't a jump feature.

    Resistance rec/min specs

    V5's aren't exactly super-recent, are they? OT: Even the Matrox G400 can display the water effect from Lomac (and that card is pretty old). Lomac will be using as many features of todays videocards as possible. This is great because it means the game will still look great in one or two years. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">So, with prices of games going up, with lack of manuals so then you need to go out and print one. Graphic cards running over $200 USD for a good one and needing processors over the 1.Ghz this hobby is going to leave alot of potention buyers behind..... <span id='postcolor'> It's always been like this, and it's probably never going to change. Love it or hate it.

    List of bugs in 1.46

    Yep, but when you use the binoculars and you have a town-sign in sight, the name of the town is flickering. With w-buffer the town name doesn't flicker. So you have to choose, flickering town names or flickering roads Or another driver. DV Chris Death, when the game loads, it automaticly enumerates all addons in the addon directory. (to do this it doesn't need to read the entire addon pbo for each addon. Just the cpp.). To prove this: Make a new mission on desert island, put a brdm in it, save it. Then exit the game, go to the OF addon directory and remove the brdm pbo. Then launch the game. Load the mission editor. Load the mission that you made with the brdm. The game will now show a warning saying that it could not find the "brdm" addon. Btw, the game could check the mission.sqm addons list, send that to all clients, and let the clients check their "addon enumeration" and see if it includes all the addons required for that mission. If everybody has all the addons, the mission will be transferred to all clients. If not everybody has every addon, then it should do the following. On the host it should show the list of users with missing addons, on the clients (who don't have certain addons) it should state the specific addons. (that way they could download it somewhere).

    List of bugs in 1.46

    "BIS would do that only for official addons/weapons/magizines etc.. - they could create a database where all those would be inside, and you could" - No need for any database. Mission.sqm lists all addons which are used. When pressing preview, it should first run a check. If all addons are present, continue, else go back to mission editor.

    Dedicated server and all-seeing eye

    http://www.3dactionplanet.com/flashpoint/deddyinfo.htm Read the part about reporting.

    Ideas for the next flashpoint upgrade

    Is this some kind of late 1 april joke?

    Ideas for the next flashpoint upgrade

    Is this some kind of late 1 april joke?

    Rain effetts

    There's only one game out there with excellent rain effects: Metal Gear Solid 2. If you've seen the rain in that game, you've seen it all.

    Can't fsaa with ofp

    Have you tweaked your lod, or anything else? (especially regarding textures). FSAA works just fine over here with those drivers.
  10. ALDEGA

    Flashpoint font

    You *could* remake it into vectors. It's not difficult.
  11. ALDEGA

    Instant replay

    I'm pretty sure this is not possible.
  12. ALDEGA

    Please one more patch before resistance!

    Who said OF uses Maverik E?
  13. Pressing escape works too. Creative has got really, really bad driver support (for ALL of their products). The only drivers that are getting updated are the Audigy drivers, it seems.
  14. ALDEGA

    Please one more patch before resistance!

    "it's theirs" (I'm gonna get flamed for this ) "No you can not lock the lasertargets with the Maverik." Maveriks aren't laser guided bombs. The laser designator can only be used to guide LGB's.
  15. ALDEGA

    Negative lod bias with 28.32-

    Yeah, but the GF4 MX don't have pixel shaders and any other newer features. They're cheap and that's it
  16. ALDEGA

    Bad performance

    Which videocard have you got?
  17. ALDEGA

    Why ofp is better than other games

    "a true skill of a soldier" - rather the skill of a good OF player
  18. ALDEGA

    All seeing eye

    From OFPN dedicated server reference: </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"> reportingIP = ""; // no registration reportingIP = "www.planetflashpoint.com"; // alternate IP address If entry is missing, program assumes reportingIP = "master.gamespy.com";<span id='postcolor'> I suppose the servers, that don't show any info, have reportinIP set to "".
  19. ALDEGA

    Winxp and ofp, the ultimate clash =(

    Win9x can't run on an NTFS partition. You need two partitions. 1 FAT32 and 1 NTFS. You can use dualboot to have both win9x, xp on the same system.
  20. ALDEGA

    List of bugs in 1.46

    Look there thousands of requests for thousands of small features (some of which are just irrealistic). BIS have done alot of fixes and addons. You don't appreciate that? As I said, they've supported OF for over 9 months. When you bought the game, you paid for the game, not for any support. Many companies out there release games and NEVER release a patch, let-alone addons (for free). SUMA gave a clear answer in that thread. "The over all goal in mind hopefully is to create a large pool of users that play the game". - The game has been out for over 9 months: If someone wanted to buy it, he/she would have already done so. There's no point in keeping to fix the game until the end of time, like Valva/Sierra are doing with Half-Life. Also the saying "some people are never satisfied" is definately at hand for some people in this forum. "There is a fundemental problem with releasing addons on top of unfinished work-that is it's still unfinished work" - The employees who make 3d models, textures are not programmers, so they cannot fix "all those problems" (note quotes). Thus the fact that they invest time into making these addons does not interfere with that.
  21. ALDEGA

    Please one more patch before resistance!

    "The M2A2 commander can not look to the side (only up and down)." - He CAN do it. really. but only 90° to the left and right. The gunner must turn the turret to see the other 180°. This is normal. "22. The Hind´s gear should be retractable (it´s such a nice looking chopper)." - Heli's never retract their gear when flying fairly low. "15. It seems the A10 can not lock on the lasertargets (should be possible)." - It does. In general: these are all cosmetic things. There are alot more important things. Question: What do you mean "by the new ejection seats are so cool"? Are there any new ones?
  22. ALDEGA

    Problems with upgrade

    That Viper2 has a Savage 2000 chipset, no? You shouldn't run D3D HW T&L mode (eventhough that vidcard has actually got T&L). Disable it in the preferences screen.
  23. ALDEGA

    Winxp and ofp, the ultimate clash =(

    Ermm, I think it's better he dowloads the 28.32. These don't have the infinite loop problem. (and nvmax's fix isn't failsafe).
  24. ALDEGA

    Ural truck driver bug

    I believe that is called "suspended animation", really
  25. ....south..bridge But yeah it happens with other chips too. The VIA chips just have it alot more.