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About =--T0--=

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  • Interests
    I like realism. People often fail to realize how much sophistication it withholds. How artistic and dramatic it is. However, untill now we could never implement them in games but alas, computers are at the break of recreating worlds. I ryme. I aslo like to makes beats but im jus startN off.

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  1. =--T0--=

    Squad Alignment???

    HEY I DONT CARE HOW YOU ASSIGN THE MEN IN UR LINE-UP.....JUST TAKE CARE OF YOUR RTO!!!!! =|[T0]|= <---ArmyCcommunications ...specifically 25C by MOS! However ...if your commo here ....you'll fix everything from satellite dishes to the microwave!
  2. =--T0--=


    4TH QTR Army Fiscal Year? Haha who cares...give me more screenies and two or three bomb A55 vidoes!
  3. =--T0--=


    We all know that OFP suffered sales becuase JIP wasnt in place. Things are good when you have a group of people that do something for the pure love. Now were going to have alot of CS BF2 type people playing on servers :-( People that dont have any true skill or understand their enviorment screaming ...your cheating your cheating! It's even worse when the unskilled one is admin of the server ....
  4. =--T0--=


    Is it bad to dream about flashpoint when you have been in iraq for about a year and havent played it that long? I mean....all i do is get on the forums everyday and look at the new pics coming out.... I wont lie...im a feen. They could come out with AA mid next year for all i care. Just keep the screenies coming. Im feening here! Im stuck here watching this bum aZZ BF2 player and it's killing me!
  5. =--T0--=

    Modern Warfare Mod

    BergHoff is right. Nothing wrong about you guys getting it ready for OFPAA when you can import it. Even as a fan of something that hasn't yet been develeped I know that sometimes....you need to wait and see. GIVE IT A GO FELLAS!
  6. =--T0--=

    Modern Warfare Mod

    Well I just wanted to ask how many addons are you willing to create for this mod....I mean im in iraq now and there are soo many different variations of the humvee and uparmored vehicles and from the time you specified......there were several different kinds of equip. Well I would like to think of this as the largest MOD or if possible.....a series of MODS! Good Luck and I hope to see it around SPC Campos 261ST ASMB "AIRBORNE" COMMO"Holla@meIhollaBAK"