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About 5thSFG.Demag

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  1. 5thSFG.Demag

    2 records made today

    yeah dude those noobs i swear for like 10 mins we kept sayin hold your fire 10 secs into it some nood FFs someone then its nuclear apocalypse   although its great to be apart of another record breakin round  this was mammajahammba what da yoyo crazyness out da gizzo yo gameplay today
  2. 5thSFG.Demag

    2 records made today

    yeah dude those noobs i swear for like 10 mins we kept sayin hold your fire 10 secs into it some nood FFs someone then its nuclear apocalypse   although its great to be apart of another record breakin round  this was mammajahammba what da yoyo crazyness out da gizzo yo gameplay today
  3. 5thSFG.Demag

    Whats the on-line record?

    yeah that 64 player night was quite a slamfest youd see an OH getting chased down by 5 blackhawks and then 50 RPGs would come outta nowhere trying to hit the blackhawks if you just sneezed 5 people would smoke you it was great fun
  4. 5thSFG.Demag

    Addon packs for multiplay

    fubar you forgot SA85 G3A3 M4 M9 claymores Fn2000 Famas and a GE minigun on the blackhawks which whould be sweet
  5. 5thSFG.Demag

    You know ive always wanted

    oh yeah they do they aint fast in the water but they can what i wish could be done is making the m2 submersiable im sure they can do it there is a NBC versoion of the m2 which is waterproof
  6. 5thSFG.Demag

    Addon packs for multiplay

    hahaha good answer