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5thSFG Drak

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About 5thSFG Drak

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  1. 5thSFG Drak

    Voice with sockets

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (HellToupee @ Oct. 10 2002,00:44)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">jez sum ppl a rude tho its like, y did u do this y did u do that and they dont even know the facts, the VON was part of dp, and from what ive found other external prgs use less badwith and less garbled than what i got with von, u may not get the channels but many ppl on slower conenctions got very annoyed at ppl using von on GP as it lagged them and was just a garbeled msg.<span id='postcolor'> Anyone have a translator ? Is your keyboard missing keys ?
  2. 5thSFG Drak

    Voice with sockets

    Suma can I ask you an Honest question? Why did you guys take VON out in the first place? And why is there no more support for 1.46 I mean Res is an Addon of 1.46 why go and change what was already the best game out there? I mean addons to me means more Weapons Vechiles and bug fix's not a total change to the base of the game. Motorcycles and a bus are neat and all but why nor more planes , tanks and country units? It's just my opion that you shouldve stuck with what was working. instead of dividing a community into 1.46 and 1.75 P.S. dont give up on 1.46 and plz get a Linux vrs for it. Thk's
  3. 5thSFG Drak

    Addon packs for multiplay

    Dang man.... I would hate to see your vehcile list...LOL
  4. 5thSFG Drak

    Addon packs for multiplay

    DOH.................it's a winter addon.... MAN NO WONDER ....Geeezzz
  5. 5thSFG Drak

    New patch

    Prime example right there .... Tex run's his freaking  pickle sucker . And try's like Heck to make people mad. And Lt.Damage I love the smart ass comments. Your freaking flaming people cause they dont like what your like. Your taunting people to get them pissed off so your buddy's the mods can Ban people when they tell you to F**K OFF !
  6. 5thSFG Drak

    New patch

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (RalphWiggum @ Oct. 08 2002,07:09)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">5--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (5thSFG Drak @ Oct. 08 2002,075)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">And Guy's Harb is right ! Linux was promised ! And calling him a flamer is just being a wanker. Let the guy speak his peace . He has a right too.<span id='postcolor'> he has right to speak freely, but that doesn't mean he can curse and insult other members.<span id='postcolor'> Hey There Ralph.... First off the BIS suck up's call odd and end People who have bought and supported this game All kinds of names. And Mod's Like yourself and Placebo love to toss around your threats to people who fight back or fight for them selfs. Its all over these forums. If a no name guy makes a post that someone whos name is big on these forums doesnt like and flames the no name its ok then . But if that no name fights back he is threated with your big words or ban's. Instead of the political B.S. and closing every topic you guys can , why dont you listen to the smaller names THAT WERE PROMSIED something. Instead of this. Anyways I got this topic off target here... Sorry Gent's. And I hope the support 1.46 cause not everyone like Res or 1.75
  7. 5thSFG Drak

    New patch

    Hey Damage chill. Alot of people do not like 1.75. I hate the fact that I payed 30 bucks to lose voice and gain a Motorcycle... I mean come on. O and you get pistols... Woopie. I like Res just for the graphics. But hate it cause of sockets. I mean VON is why OFP WAS so big. You didnt need to run a crapy Voice program in the back ground. It was in the game. As far as you Tex , Ahhh nm your not worth it. And Guy's Harb is right ! Linux was promised ! And calling him a flamer is just being a wanker. Let the guy speak his peace . He has a right too.
  8. 5thSFG Drak

    Addon packs for multiplay

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (placebo @ July 22 2002,18:41)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Bis still haven't replied to my Email asking why the ground is all white when using Kegetys' winter Kolgujev  <span id='postcolor'> Pssst .... I got an Email from BIS about this and they told me " Buy a new video card". Some tech support huh ? LOL
  9. 5thSFG Drak

    Admin rule of conduct

    thats right , Placebo is the right one here. Geeeezzzz what in the world was i thinking DOH !!!
  10. 5thSFG Drak

    Gamevoice & ai

    Hey Damage this is when the reg issues come's into play. you have a group of guy's you know that wont do it then your problem is solved. I have seen this alot. I mean "ALOT".. and it's real easy to break it down to who it is when I know 3/4 of the players on the sever. Heck most of the time I get the guys on the 2nd kick. And just tell the other person that I was sorry but it had to be stopped. most of the one's that I kicked that were not doing the mic spamming understand. It may sound harsh but what else can you really do ? sit there for how ever long it takes and wait it out? No thats not the best idea in MHO Hope this kinda help's till BIS help's us.
  11. 5thSFG Drak

    Biggest ofp mp match in history

    Hey Quaker, We added more slots to the map. to make it 64. We tryed it on a couple other maps as well but with Vehciles it didnt work to hot. Even on an OC3. But high noon wasnt as bad. And yes we had a few 56kers on at the time. it's just with the present netcode it wont take that many over the net. Lan maybe. But if you can beat that go for it. I would like to be there when you try thats for sure. Good Luck and remember shoting them when there just standing there counts 2...LOL
  12. 5thSFG Drak

    Admin rule of conduct

    Placebo, There were email's there were comment's in that topic's asking to remove it. You all stood back and did nothing. No one replyed to my email's or the others that were sent to you guy's. So dont refer me to Ed , It Has nothing to do with Ed it was About ME ! I sent the email I posted comment's in the topic remove this. None of you cared. So dont play the political role and act like you all mighty and you care. Cause you dont nor have you. You wana ban me. DO it , dont say You will. You said what you said. So I replyed back. And Yes Dick's like you always say the Admin was an Asshole. I wouldve never replyed to this topic if not been for your Idiotic reply. It's Crap like this that ruin's fun not only for admin's but for player's. You guys wana scream admin's abuse but you never stop and look at what people do to piss off 30 other players fun. I am a OFP player first. So when you make me stop playing a great game to kick some snot nose kid for blowing and tk'ing every thing in sight It ruins my fun as well. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">If you or anybody else don't follow the rules you get banned, take it as a threat, don't take it as a threat, it's all the same to me, it's really only fact <span id='postcolor'> LMFAO... when did you make this up ? Cause it was never a rule before. Or was this just said to sute YOUR needs at the time? Cause you was called an Idiot?
  13. 5thSFG Drak

    Admin rule of conduct

    Hey Damage , If that how you admin it's kool man. I and some of our other Admin just feel that way. Players come on our server and dont cause problem's then they have earned the right to play. And I reward them with slot's. And let them enjoy them self's. It's just the way I am. You earn respect you get respect. I would rather have 20 or 30 guys in the game that I know wont be ass's and blow up the spawn crates or run around tk'ing everything. I dont see being an Admin as a popularity contest. If I knew it was this much trouble to just play a game I wouldve told Ed NO to being an Admin. I took it cause He asked and when I played no one was around to pick map's it was the same 4 map's over and over and over when I played. It's get's real old having to stop my fun to kick a guy. Anyways I repsect your opion on the matter. I just feel different about the reg's issue. O well ... This is turning into another off the wall topic.. Peace
  14. 5thSFG Drak

    Admin rule of conduct

    Would you like for me to list some topic's that I took alot of personal insult's ? Cause I can for you. And dont threaten me ! If you wana make the statement about admin's Being Asshole's , Then you should live through and deal with what ever is replyed to your Personal Attack on Admin's ! If you dont like it when some reply's back with the same tone you give out. DONT REPLY !~ And Damn sure DONT THREATEN ME ! I could sit here and call you some of the names I have been called on your OFP forum's. But I wont. If you wana ban me. GO FOR IT ! but dont cry and whine about being called an Idiot ! There is much worse I could call you ! Just go back and look for the down with Drak Topic ! All because a bunch of people got cought Useing an Ammo Trainer and Rage and I banned them. I went through Hell on this forum and YOU and the others did nothing. But If I say your an Idiot you wana threaten me with Banning me... LMFAO I think you need to take a step back and look at what your saying. It's a Catch 22. Do as I say not as I do. well I wont do either . Ban me for that ... hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. *Cough**Cough*hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...................... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh  hahahahahahahaha ,.i.. ..i., get the point yet ?
  15. 5thSFG Drak

    Admin rule of conduct

    Placebo..... Dude your an idiot . Pardon the pun Man I have been bashed like a mofo on these here forum's for being an admin. And I ban the least amount of people ... For you have let all the down with Drak post go on and on and on and on and on... So dont  " find it odd " what a joke