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    Where is the updates?

    Thank you Suma.

    Where is the updates?

    Nobody said that Suma or any of the really busy developers have to answer the question, as long as the question is answered by someone who actually knows what is going on instead of everyone speculating on things.

    Where is the updates?

    Although BIS/CM does support the community a lot, they seem to not really care about people like quibbly/radishville/fraghaus/etc who spend tons of money to make this game what it is. If they would just give a short answer to the question and not try to dodge it then people would be satisfied and wouldn't be so upset. I know if I hosted a server like these guys I would expect at least some response as to when the fixes would be available. I'm not trying to say they are doing a bad job but they certainly aren't doing the best. I for one am glad for all the updates they give us but some things are more important than new vehicles and things like that (ie. major bugs and thourough testing before releasing patches). And like quibbly said, why don't they make life easier for mission creators/scripters? I for one have seen many people have to do trial and error on many things without any help from BIS/CM. They are the people who bring new entertaining things to the game (which keeps it alive). And I will ask again WHY DON'T THEY RUN THEIR OWN PUBLIC SERVER? If they did they would actually find out the bugs that people experience and it would help them out. I know they have more than enough money to run at least one server that rocks if independent people can run them. How many companies do you know that don't even use their own product to it's fullest extent?

    What is the power u got?

    1910 Athlon 900 384 MB SDRAM TNT2 Model 64 WinME

    Is it just me or is the new forum very slow?

    It's fast with my cable connection.

    Linux Dedicated Server WHEN AND WHERE

    That's why there are thousands of UnrealTournament servers and only a handfull of good OFP servers (which I am glad people keep up). Why don't CM/BIS run a dedicated server of their own??!?!

    BIS, No red square in the laser target designator

    I can see the red dot, you just have to be pretty close and sometimes at different angles you can't see it.

    The "Fade" thing

    With 1.4 came a new version of SafeDisc. Probably won't be a crack for a while. Too bad for those who don't own the game!

    The "Fade" thing

    I agree with Paddeh. I know people who have used warez versions from the beginning with less problems than people with legit copies.
  10. They should definately even out the sides.