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2Lt High-16AAB-

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Everything posted by 2Lt High-16AAB-

  1. 2Lt High-16AAB-

    British kit mod for arma

    Hmmm I see a difference between these 2 choppers and the ones posted before.......... But hey, I dont think people as you call it "nick stuff"....... My view is it could be down to jealousy here...... Maybe because another Squad is getting somewhere with their Mod....... At the end of the day, Does it matter? you all fight the same game(maybe with different mods) But there is a lotta BACKSTABBING going on(as usual) Maybe you guys outta start playing your cards right instead of keeping them to yer chest and gloat over others....... You are ALL one community who are ALL wanting the same stuff here...... BIS should actually be helping all you guys out(insted of the other way around)& keeping you lot in the dark all the time. REMEMBER BIS brought out an unfinished game, you lot just pick up the pieces mend it and give it back to them. I have seen nothing but bickering/backstabbing/flamebaiting within these forums. ] I suppose BIS will be taking sides now!!!!!!!!!! [/i
  2. 2Lt High-16AAB-

    AAS Map night, Sat, 18th August, from 8pm UK time

    Roll on next week
  3. 2Lt High-16AAB-

    Player looking for Squad/Clan

    He meant 16AAB
  4. 2Lt High-16AAB-

    Server Ban list

    That is not a bad idea Wolf!!! Sometimes it may be easier to admin the guys as a Go insted of a NOT GO!!!! However, you would need to open servers to allow ppl in!! e.g. Mo - Thu from 1900 -2300 Hrs Then from Thurs 2301 - Mon 1859 Hrs have your server passworded etc etc...... This is only an example!! You could do otherwise!! Tell me your thoughts pls!? The idea is not bad!!!!!!
  5. 2Lt High-16AAB-

    Hacks & Cheating..

    There is a thing here Key reg files & here is the proof, which has been brought to the attention of BIS............................... **Edit reason Pic was 2 big
  6. 2Lt High-16AAB-

    wanted: ingame admin menu

    What this game needs is a Wolfrat!! Desktop icon where you can see all that is happening within your server/s, without being in the game itself........... As at the mo Admins have to be in game to see what is happening, even then you are constantly admining stuff, without even touching/playing the game...... Great lil instrument but sadly not involved within ARMA..... Â It's about time Bohemia looked at this situation.
  7. 2Lt High-16AAB-

    aussie oi, etc

    Nicely said Infam0us
  8. 2Lt High-16AAB-


  9. 2Lt High-16AAB-

    server admin duscussion

    Need I add anything else ? Â P.S Nutty, your doing a good job M8..... keep it up, allthough you might get grey hairs........ GJ laddie!!
  10. 2Lt High-16AAB-

    Public Ban List

  11. 2Lt High-16AAB-

    Problems with ArmaProfile

  12. 2Lt High-16AAB-

    An interview with a seasoned scriptwriter

    The things we have found up till now are..... the ppl playing ,developing ArmA maps are very, how would you say, playing their cards..... up on their chest. The 16AAB with Tom Anger mean no harm!!... We would like to show everybody that maps can be done in a different style. Tom Anger is a lead mapper although we have all left JO we still need your help/ideas..... etc etc. The 16AAB & Tom Anger would like to have/see a different gameplay, namely Teamwork from top to bottom & this is one of the reasons why Boss/Armo/Tom try their best to evolve a map & construct it to the teamplay needed within ArmA. We just hope we receive the constructive comments to go forth & develop maps , so ALL can enjoy.
  13. 2Lt High-16AAB-

    Public Ban List

  14. 2Lt High-16AAB-

    Public Ban List

  15. 2Lt High-16AAB-

    Public Ban List

  16. 2Lt High-16AAB-


    The AAS maps that have been develeped are great fun, just need a worthy team to try them out with us..... i.e. battle it out with us guys on an AAS map just for fun to see how well these maps are & also give us all the fun back in this (for now dreary ArmA world) Soo......... waddya say guys?
  17. 2Lt High-16AAB-

    Public Ban List

  18. 2Lt High-16AAB-

    Public Ban List

  19. 2Lt High-16AAB-

    Too much CHEATS

    If you do see cheaters, hackers, deliberate TKers....... Then tell the ArmA GBL (Global Banning List) Â
  20. 2Lt High-16AAB-

    Too much CHEATS

    ***Cough*** Let us pray !!
  21. 2Lt High-16AAB-

    Public Ban List

  22. 2Lt High-16AAB-

    Public Ban List

  23. 2Lt High-16AAB-

    Cheats and griefers out already

    That could easily get abused though if left to human input. What I would like to see is massive co-operation between clan servers maybe having something like a network blacklist that the servers share with each other, updating each other on playerid's every week or so  Check Here!!! Â
  24. 2Lt High-16AAB-

    Public Ban List

  25. 2Lt High-16AAB-

    Easier ADMIN selection?

    Sorry Jackal!! OTT I know but do you see any MOD/DEV even slightly or remotely looking here or even answering to any of this info?? NO!! ........ Thus my small outburst  Anyway I would still appreciate it, if any DEV/MOD could even reply to us, so that we dont think we are not being listened to..... Kind regards  "This is a game for all to enjoy, help us to achieve this" Â