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Everything posted by -HUNTER-

  1. -HUNTER-

    Football World Cup 2006 in Germany

    Strange that I thought portugal lacks sportsman ship. Figo is a dirty bastard who should be kicked off the field instead of Ronaldo. Something maybee England can still do. I hated that moment which started a real drama in the second half. Also the portugese coach should have sad down and STFU! He was also somebody who really deserved getting a yellow card! Coming all the way over to the dutch coach and yelling at him, must have lost his mind. We could have won the second half, but thanks to mister I dont know what the hell im doing so Ill draw a yellow we didnt. Its a shame that a country which upholds football so highly. Has played a dirty lowlife match like they did. But if anyone is to blaim its FIFA for hiring such an incompetent moron to ref these matches. Its just a utter discrace to the whole of FIFA. Too bad Figo can still walk...
  2. -HUNTER-


    First off I didnt know where to put this, so I thought this would be the best spot for it. Does anybody know of any animations switchmoves/playmoves in which the dude makes the peace sign with his fingers? Or well atleast something like that? Can you move the hands? Or can something like that be made? Like the hand command signals somebody made a while back. I would love to have animations like that for screenshots, either ppl really making the peace sign as in we want peace. But also like crew standing in front of their helicopter, like YO WSUP for the picture... thanks
  3. -HUNTER-

    M2 addon

    explain how this can only be for screenshots please? No actual bullets? This is a strange addon, it works but not quite... It looks cool though! Nice work!
  4. -HUNTER-

    Secret agent

    Where is their license? Nice work, going to come in handy in cold war like missions...
  5. GREAT WORK!!! I love the new explosions! Great when your using COC arty! The dust actually stays there for a while! Veryy nice!
  6. -HUNTER-

    Bellylanding sqs

    Ooww nice! Would be great for damaged aircraft. You could simulate hydraulics failures and stuff like jammed gear. Belly landing tis then... Ive had my bumps but as mentioned above the planes blow up most of the time. With some helicopters skidding on the ground does work. I found that out doing autorotation landings with the frenchpoint fennec.
  7. -HUNTER-

    Black SUV

    Nice work! Maybee the back windows a bit more tinted... Maybee some bull bars and bumpers... Maybee the KEEP BACK sign... No but to get back on topic for real. The dude who was making a proper version SUV as requested has deleted the pics from the other forum. But it looked really awesome! I asked him for some slight mods, but dont know if it will be changed... Ive also seen footage from blackwater, in which you see black suv's with 2 military style antenna folded down like on the BIS jeep. Extra bullbars, extra gadgets all over...
  8. -HUNTER-

    Black SUV

    Yes I know somebody who is making one, and Im also looking for the exact same vehicle. It looks great so far, but it isnt finished!
  9. -HUNTER-

    Mapfact discussion thread

    let me help out
  10. -HUNTER-

    Make Them Stop Shooting Me!

    Hahaha I just had a small execution aswell 2 triggers 1 for AIM < dotarget 2 for FIRRREE < dofire 8 russian soldiers 8 civvies lined up EDIT on topic This is very usefull Ive never thought about doing it with the delete thingy I allways had the res dude also running arround which was a problem...
  11. -HUNTER-

    Ofp moments in gameplay

    I had a MP game with a m8 of mine, we were Aussie SF doing deep penetration mission in afghanistan. We were riding in a open landrover with our squad I was gunner and the other guy was driving. At some point he told me he made a ambush, I didnt know where. We had a long drive and well there was some light traffic on the same road, some cars and a bus coming our way. But then the AI busdriver has a brainfart and very suddenly blocks the road with the bus. Like completly across the road. I went like ambush, ambush and started to light up the bus with the MG. Cease Fire Cease fire friendly's, my team mate shouted. But then allmost at the same time we were getting incoming fire from RPG and HMG... 1 RPG hit just near the rover and it was damaged, we quickly got out and ordered our AI squadmates to hold back. We both went out passed the bus and discovered a bunker position to the right. Took it out and killed three enemy. Buutt then we still had to complete the mission, we went back and looked at the smashed rover, no good. Shall we restart, NOO I shouted and pointed at the bus. We went to check it out and found some 20 dead civvies, But atleast the bus still worked, so we got on the bus with our SF team sitting between dead bodies in a bus towards the target objective... So to conclude the story Some AI busdriver farks up exactly at the spot of the ambush while he should have just driven on. And create a real roadblock with the bus. And then we steal the bus to complete mission! That was absolutly really really reaaaally COOL! Before ambush teammate in stolen bus Driven towards objective Really, UBER SF, getting ambushed and then stealing a bus! EDIT When I searched for those pictures I found these. Again I played with RANGER44 he played forward observer this time in Vietnam with me as CAS. A very large offensive was underway and about 120 VC soldiers were trying to cross the river. On the other side three squads of US soldiers were defending. So I had to come in and kick some arse. After two high speed passes I found the right area, and started bombing run. Reports from the ground were that like 20 VC were lauched into outer space. I also strafed allot after the napalm run. That was really fun, about 10 soldiers made it to the other side of the river crossing and those were shot to hell by the us soldiers. Not 1 US soldier died, but about 130 VC got pwned. Waiting Waiting for coordinates for attack... Checking tgt area High speed pass over tgt area... HNWY Happy Newyear Mf's... -121 VC
  12. If everybody is posting aircraft... SU-30MK sea SU-30MK low lev B737 An Najaf Airport Top Gun Not as good as you uber shot posters...
  13. -HUNTER-

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    Blackscorpion I see something german instead of british! The tornado, isnt that the german marine version instead of RAF? There are even 2 RAF tornados out there... hahah noo j/k great pics! AngusSingle's sasr picture is very cool aswell!
  14. -HUNTER-

    Nasty Class 80' Vietnam PTF Boat

    that addon works great for me, veeery nice if you have VC on both sides of the river while you cruise thrue it, blowing the crap out of the enemy!
  15. -HUNTER-

    RAF Chinook HC.2

    Are there or are you going to add some sqn badges? and maybee even serial numbers? If you are going to please make one of the former 18th sqn based at RAF Laarbruch... Im making that base! There were also two sqns harriers stationed there, and well RKSL is making some fantastic ones! These are great work! They fly nice, it could just be a little bit lighter not much, but you cannot pull away from LZ as fast and tilted as they do in real life. But that is just minor detail! Great work!
  16. Agrees with wipman! Those units are great! Piccy! EDIT hmmz poor quality one... And the weapons are great except this isnt in the original pack... Piccy! An Najaf map by Goon is a great map for iraq stuff, but it need a good pc... Also the CBT humvees, or the SEF humvees are needed for iraq missions... SEF humvees The two other vehicles are nice aswell, CBT Bradley and the M1A2 SEP ABRAMS! Yes a piccy And then for some iraq stuff you need targets, the the following guys do well! Graphic LOL See they match the shot up truck perfectly Pwned Gotta watch out for these guys though! RPG Middle Eastern Rebels (targets)
  17. -HUNTER-

    SJB Weapons Pack Released

    How far have you progressed with the M16A4 range?
  18. -HUNTER-

    An Najaf map beta release

    On the first picture its 120 IED's that create a very large dust cloud!
  19. -HUNTER-

    Constuction Kit

    I ment static models!
  20. -HUNTER-

    An Najaf map beta release

    Its not real! Its in ofp but not a sandstorm, just looks f... awesome! edit Sandstorm 2 Sandstorm 3 Sandstormed
  21. -HUNTER-

    Constuction Kit

    Wooow this is nice! Great work, very nice for missions and to give the feeling that there are ppl living and working in towns in ofp. edit Maybee some larger mobile cranes would be cool! Or a bulldozer
  22. -HUNTER-

    ORCS machine gun pack

    Conclusion, the bullets should be bigger!
  23. -HUNTER-

    An Najaf map beta release

  24. Sandstorm over Najaf Sandstorm over Najaf 2 sandstorm over Najaf 3 Sandstormed
  25. -HUNTER-

    SJB Weapons Pack Released

    So how long is the list right now? Like over 300 weapons or am I wrong... Cannot wait... All the weapons in the pack that arent out there is great aswell offcourse, new guns... But I do hope you put them into a crate or something, because when testing them, putting down 300 dead bodies is really not doable... Keep it up anyway!