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Everything posted by -HUNTER-

  1. -HUNTER-

    Iraq Addon to design

    Whoah this is nice. Ive been wanting the crossed swords for some time now. Allthough I cannot find a working 3dsmax version... keep it up dude!
  2. -HUNTER-

    An Najaf map beta release

    Seriously I get good FPS on An Najaf, even watching the cemetary with the city behind it, with 4000 viewdistance. Which would probally kill GOON's pc! And He's right about mission making, but with this things get far more realistic. And there are 23904823904823904 places where you can place that enemy sniper, of rpg unit. Really a hard map if you put down resistance! Ive been shot to crap many times now. So I go in the US way from now. Blowing insurgents to crap instead of them blowing me up!
  3. -HUNTER-

    An Najaf map beta release

    It really doesnt lag that much as you would think... Besides there are more areas then the city alone, and also the map is kinda intended to be played with ARMA. Then you can use the map to its full extent. And ppl with high end pc's can also do great stuff! Ive done very large armoured assaults to test the map and Ai paths. Well all I can say is
  4. An Najaf map made by GOON, ACU soldiers, Middle Eastern rebels, DMA middle eastern dudes, SEF humvees, and some few little extras!
  5. -HUNTER-

    An Najaf map beta release

    Little piece of 3d art. Buildings look cool! Extremely orange sandstorm! ok?!
  6. -HUNTER-

    An Najaf map beta release

    A second IED explodes as US forces came under attack from AI forces with small arms fire. Later that day AI forces where engaged with GBU-12 LGB. Another engagement with laserguidedbomb that day. At night US armour heads west to the first highway overpass. RPG teams and a BMP where engaged with 120mm and mg fire. Artist drawing of the Al Hassan highway overpass.
  7. -HUNTER-

    An Najaf map beta release

    An Najaf Cemetary Scene of a IED attack on US forces. IED detonated prematurely... Scene of IED attack on US forces. US soldier scans the area for enemy activity. US soldiers engage AIF that attacked the US forces with small arms fire.
  8. -HUNTER-

    An Najaf map beta release

    Screenshots aye! AIIIGHHHT! Saddam's Presidential Palace An Najaf in the morning New City of Najaf New city of Najaf Old city of Najaf with the large mosque in the background
  9. -HUNTER-

    The Middle East part 2

    And I hope they will get their butts kicked for good this time! Maybee then they will understand that Israel is there to stay and they are much more powerfull... I say the palestinians and their terrorist groups are too blaim for the whole situation and what has been going on for some time. They should have gotten the clue long ago. They use terrorisme and fear as a weapon, but infact only the palestinians themselves are getting killed by their own terror campaign. Because Israel will retaliate again and again. And they if you see the news how many kids have been killed by the Israeli well that probally due to the fact the palestinians are too dumb to understand that you shouldnt go and observe gunbattle from up close!
  10. -HUNTER-

    Project UK Forces

    You guys are going for the maximum release? Because I am getting the feeling you guys are going to drop a bomb of addons on the community in a few...??? I cannot wait for the release of the snatchrovers they are great! Not in R/L maybee but they look awesome. And the .50cal is nice also, by the looks of it, it can be transported by three soldiers?
  11. -HUNTER-

    Alouette II

    FANTASTIC!!! ABSOLUTLY GREAT!!! I would love a newer and nice AL-III aswell... But this will keep me happy for a while now. I love those smaller helicopters they are great for ofp.
  12. -HUNTER-

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    EXCELLENT sat image from bucket man!!! EDIT Allthough I do miss a pair of crosshairs and a "destroyed" pic afterwards!
  13. -HUNTER-

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    SHADOW Y Great night shot with the BMW!
  14. -HUNTER-


    OMFG 30x Ive been playing this Fkn game for 4 years or more and still learn new shit everyday!
  15. International forces during exercise Sand Lion 06 at Leusderheide, NL Swedish Hawk AA battery opens fire with 2 missiles German Leopard 2A4 tank on its way to the front German Leopard 2A4 tank during large simulated assault across the plains at Leusderheide during Sand Lion 06. I have some more to show later... Oh and this one! Hadji gets pwned!
  16. -HUNTER-

    Camp Craft

    Well still an little ammo storage tent would be nice, or like a home made camoflagued observation tent thingy, that you can stick ontop of a high point.
  17. -HUNTER-


    Request: BLU-107 Durandal Link
  18. -HUNTER-

    Camp Craft

    Maybee some modern tents, small ones, but also civilian ones... Little dome tents... A camping gaz bottle with cooking device... chairs and table made with wood... also a nicer firepit with stones... maybee a map made with stones and stuff, like written on the ground... pile of backpacks, large military ones maybee also civie stuff... homemade tent made inbetween 2 trees made with wood and leafs and shit... maybee a fishing rod, or more then one in a rack, as if they are waiting for fish... great idea!
  19. -HUNTER-

    RKSL OFP to ArmA

    Was wondering about the differences in mechanical stuff between the Sea Eagle and the Harpoon. Am I right to assume that the Harpoon only has a rocket engine, and the Sea Eagle has a short stage rocket and afterwards a mini jet turbine engine??? Which would increase the range surely? The Sea Eagle is like a small plane, great, those will look great under the Tornado's later on... EDIT Oow, another question just popped into my mind, about the Nimrod... Will there be any features for ASW? Like something with sonar buoy's? Long time ago in '93 I had a base visit to RAF Kinloss, where the Nimrods were based back then, dont know if they are still there. We had a very nice whole day event, with the tour taking us thrue the whole of the Nimrod Sqn, from the crew areas, to the flightline, to the repair facility, and also to a hangar where they were performing mid life updates and whatnot. Was a nice day, and well great to see all that kind of stuff up close. We also had a look inside a nimrod. Will you also make all the different crewstations? And will there also be AA weapons? Ive seen Nimrods carrying sidewinders for self defense, however I doubt it will help them much. Well, keep it up anyways!
  20. -HUNTER-

    Project UK Forces

    The new textures look awesome, I cannot wait to play arround with these troops together with the SnatchRovers... Yeah dancing bananas for you all guys!
  21. -HUNTER-

    RKSL OFP to ArmA

    Yeah, I ment the proximity fuse to make it look as if it would slam into the ship even more. Because now the explosion and OFP's physics kinda spoils it a bit... Just a little bit though, because its really great! I knew about the way ASM work but I purely ment it for the visuals in OFP! Great work, would love to see the Sea Eagle!
  22. -HUNTER-

    RKSL OFP to ArmA

    WAAHAHA GREAT! When I saw this topic and read what is was about I reaally wanted to blow the crap out of that particular ship with this! I download the movie... ! Seriously cool addon, and the video is nice aswell! And is there a way to create like a proximity fuse, so it would look more like the explosion is on that side of the ship. So basicly it would explode like 0.5m before the ship. I know its not done offcourse!
  23. -HUNTER-

    Destructable buildings/walls/etc

    The way you decribed it GOON was awesome, made me want to blow things up again! Maybee you should also test what happens to the wall when its hit by 2 LGB's! EDIT EEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK! Dude That stage 5 video is super cool! EDIT I allways use scripts to create lots of debris when I feel like blowing the crap out of something. But just think these could be real parts of buildings blowing into 2390832490 pieces! Grreeaaat! piccy
  24. -HUNTER-

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    Excellent Tiger meet camo on the typhoon!!! And the USMC stuff looks very promising!!! ** And Ive also seen a black typhoon, and read something about texture pack? Could somebody explain this to me?
  25. -HUNTER-

    Secret agent

    So which positions are open still? And when will this be played? Date and time... I wouldnt want to miss this action. I wouldnt mind flying the chopper. < note I gotta have somebody under my command, like the gunner, so I can use commander view! cool idea btw!