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Everything posted by -HUNTER-

  1. -HUNTER-

    Sniping-Jacks Mapfact Nogova2

  2. -HUNTER-

    MP games

    I wanted to join some MP games. But I keep getting kicked because Ive got a high ping. But Ive never had any lag, and basicly my ping isnt accurate I think. Could it be because my pc is behind a router. Its strange I keep getting kicked because of this ping and that ping, but in the list I have pings arround the 20mS that isnt that high now is it??? I dont know why it is that I get kicked, my game still runs smooth as, and Ive never had any lagging.... ? Help me I also want to play MP!
  3. -HUNTER-

    MP games

    P2P turned off, and MSN turned off, and nothing else is running when I go to play online!
  4. -HUNTER-

    OFP videography

    DEANO that is a great video, and Ive checked the others and they are great aswell!!! Good music and nice visuals! Loved the iraq one. You should check the An Najaf map dude!
  5. -HUNTER-

    Stryker Armored Vehicle

    WOOOW nice! Have you got a piccy on the extra slat armour version??? Nice work dude keep it up... But ehh are you making it for vixer? Or cuz what happened? hhaaha no matter its still in good hands!
  6. -HUNTER-

    RKSL OFP to ArmA

    Hahahah, I had the same thing with the airbase. Looking very realistic. As do other addons. Im also still working on RAF Laarbruch. We are going to see some nice addons in a few weeks/months!
  7. -HUNTER-

    RKSL OFP to ArmA

    Never knew that! And great news about the harrier, Im also looking forward to that addon. Im looking forward to all the RKSL addons to be honest!
  8. -HUNTER-

    OFP Tides and the Sea

    DUUUUDE! Ive just gotten a masterfull idea, however I cannot make such a thing myself but it worth mentioning... How about you have like this cave with a entrance that would be fully underwater with high tide. The cave would run upwards a bit and you'd be able to sit in the back of the cave and have a hiding place above the water level. And with low tide you can enter or leave the cave... Sort of a SF mission thing in which you can put your zodiac because otherwise beachpatrols will catch you. Or CSAR missions... Its not the best english but I think you guys understand. This hasnt been done btw....
  9. Would it be hard to make such an addon? Is there anything allready in the works? Would could be best used as stand in addon? Could they be used in OFP as in RL?
  10. -HUNTER-

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    Those footmunch F-16's are nice but ehm Did I miss something, have those been edited? Not the pics but the aircraft themselves? Those planes dont look that way on my pc!
  11. -HUNTER-

    Iraq Addon to design

    Still confusing, if your gonna make it.Why are you looking for a 3dsmax version? Well to create such a thing I would need to have something to model it with wouldnt I?
  12. -HUNTER-

    PBO Memory usage

    I dont have anything usefull to add to this topic, but I think this is a great idea, and well worth looking at. I also use many big .pbo's from which I only need a little amount of addons, so a solution would be good for many players. And I think if you need something from a large .pbo it will load the whole thing, instead of just the file you need... So making lots of smaller .pbo files would increase performance! *goes off to talk a bit more about this on msn... I love this game, after 5 years ppl still get brilliant ideas
  13. -HUNTER-

    Pretty Artillery

    Is a setting in the COC system... You can shoot directly if its possible, or you can shoot at high angle.
  14. -HUNTER-

    Pretty Artillery

    The TOS is an awesome weapon. Ive tested it and well it finishes off anything I target it at. Great work on both addons! The m109 is super because of the animations, and also the barrel having recoil. Is there a way to make the whole unit bounce arround a bit more when it fires a shell. because on the telly right now you can see many pics of the M109 being fired, the israelis use it. And you see the whole vehicle bounce arround from the recoil...? But thats just a minor thing offcourse. great work, this also makes for some great missions.
  15. -HUNTER-

    Destructable buildings/walls/etc

    I was thinking about something some time ago. Will it be possible to shoot a piece out of the building without damaging the whole structure? Or will it be possible to drive thrue certain pieces of the building without making it collapse? Because having pieces blown of the building without collapse will look great after a big battle. You'd have damaged houses and such but not everything blown to rubble.
  16. -HUNTER-

    An Najaf map beta release

    RGR! Beta MP testing will start very soon. Also when the next beta comes out other ppl can try it out aswell! I think MP will make this map a really intresting map. Especially COOP against well placed AI... Or convoy attack, or or or or or or or or or or the amount of missions that are possible on this map are endless!
  17. -HUNTER-

    Pretty Artillery

    The sound of the LLW /KMM Leopard 2A6 is awesome! That really gives a good impression your riding in a large armoured vehicle!
  18. -HUNTER-

    COMBAT! HMMWVs 1.2 Release

    Ive wish we could get humvees like the ones used in iraq today. M1114 without the tailpipe as on the SEF humvees. And with more armour for the gunner then the m1114 SEF humvees have. It would be awesome to have CBT humvees with the right armour and weapons... The m1114 is nice, but no weapons... The m1025 is nice but no armour!
  19. -HUNTER-


    I was wondering and made a seperate thread about it. But is there any chance that you guys are going to make the small home made ketusha launchers. And maybee also the qassam and raab launchers? That is a nice target for arty or chopper missions...
  20. -HUNTER-

    Ketyusha and Raab rockets

    Maybee I should have written it differently. I kinda ment katyuska rockets as used by the hezbollah.. From a home made rack... Offcourse I have the grad!
  21. -HUNTER-

    Ketyusha and Raab rockets

    OOH DAMNIT! I did post it in the wrong forum, damnit wanted to post in discussion... Sorry placebo please move this topic...
  22. -HUNTER-

    Pretty Artillery

    YES!!! THANK YOU VERY VERY VERRRY MUCH! I was playing arround with them yesterday, and I tried to get that to work. This is great and exactly what I needed! SUPERRR! bananas for you man! EDIT Ive just tried them, they work very nice! With the animations its great! But I wonder is there any thing in the config that I could change to get a better targeting? They spread out the shells too much. I just shot 10 shells at an area and still didnt hit the target... The problem is probally with the COC system itself, but maybee somebody knows if I can change it.
  23. -HUNTER-

    Iraq Addon to design

    LOL... Hmm it was late, but still most of my text made sense. Since Ive been thinking in making the crossed swords! Allthough I cannot find a 3dsmax version. Either in my large pile of cd's or on the net. And no I dont need info where to get it. < well maybee in a PM!
  24. -HUNTER-

    'ArmA' BUS addon

    I dont know if you can edit the way the front wheels turn. But I would keep in mind that busses can turn very sharp. This will also be handy in ARMA/OFP... It looks great keep up the work!
  25. -HUNTER-

    An Najaf map beta release

    Thats exactly what we did! And the sharp edges might be my editing...