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Everything posted by -HUNTER-

  1. Would there be any way that we could have like a ammotruck with extra supplies of rounds for the M109's... If you see the Israelis right now have those stacks sitting there with a bunch of rounds on there. I would really love to have a ammotruck for the COC system, because I kinda run out of ammo allot of times!
  2. Of course people can have it the plug'n'play way: Include the FED-dialog into their resource.cpp; that way it is always loaded, and does not require to create a description.ext and mission directory. But it requires some basic config-editing. (in the meanwhile everyone in this community is some kind of modder, right?) How could I do this the right and easy way. Because not having to place the description.ext file would be great!
  3. Ok guys I have a problem due to ultimate stupidity on my behalf... The sollution would be If somebody would be so uber kind as to transfer the COC UA tutorial missions and normal missions to MAPFACT Nogova, instead of the normal Nogova... Could somebody PLEASE! do that for me? I kinda "lost" Nogova regular Other sollution I cannot write down here!
  4. -HUNTER-

    Addon idea: XM312

    Which would also be good!
  5. + = GOOOD IDEA!!! This current conflict is extremely good for ofp missions. Yes ppl are dying and all, but that happens and has happend in all wars. But the things like the SF raids are great for ofp, or the gunboat stuff, apc and tank stuff, and offcourse their counter kassam / ketyusha launcher missions. The grad does allready have somekind of scripting for UA style missions, but with the AI features the UA has it would be great. *** When I asked you (dinger) how I could get the arty to fire with more accuracy it was because I was trying to hit targets like that! And yes with zero precision its great 3 or 4 shells and the launcher and crew are dead. Still gotta try the new UA on that mission, with airburst and guided projectiles...
  6. Will those upgraded DKM M109A6 with animation work with UA 1.1 Otherwise the dude who made the excellent update for 1.0 can try again! Too bad really... But the other models are much better with the animations and such... Also I get a bug with the m109 that is in 1.1 when it fires something small explodes right in front of it... It does add more smoke but looks very fake... EDIT Ooh and with the new control panel is very easy to set up 10x12 fire groups! For massive WWI style arty barages! GREAAATT! It took me ages with the old system!
  7. Jup same here, just tried it... Allmost all different weapon systems and rounds and settings! This is fantastic. The control panel is VERY nice! easy and fast which is very nice! A great addon made even better!
  8. -HUNTER-

    RKSL OFP to ArmA

    That video is fucking brilliant! The whole addon is brilliant actually! This might be THE best addon for OFP! For me it definatly will be, that stuff with the carrier is fantastic. The water and the hovering is VERY realistic which is great. And well with some textures and those MFD's it will look super im sure! and a side note SFP mod has got a UAV which has a camera which you can point at a certain area and it will follow that area with the camera. Would such a thing be implemented in the Harrier for simulating LGB targeting display? < Im sorry if this came up earlier in the topic... Great work on this for sure! The airbase looks nice, and if its alpha then Im certainly going to change a few things. Mainly trees though! Want some large pines. Amazing how elite the harrier will be. Especially with the airbase with it, and eventually the carrier...
  9. Ooh shit this is very nice indeed. I thought I would take some more weeks, months before this comes out. I wonder how the WP will work against enemy inf... *goes off to test and find out!
  10. -HUNTER-

    Armed Assault Radio Ending

    Yes please that would make this lil mod excellent Yes please, that would be awesome... Like you hear on most US Iraq videos and such, the radios they have in the humvees right now make that sound... Alpha 14 where is that enemy sniper over, PINGG, ehh bravo 21 enemy is on that round building over, PING, a Rogerr copy that PING... YEAHHH! The little things are also very important! Banana time for wilco!
  11. -HUNTER-

    SAF Squad Värmdölandet

    Take a viggen and take off from the road! Very nice map this one... I cant wait to see the changes to the airbase... Very nice with teh viggens! or Drakens for that matter...
  12. -HUNTER-

    Armed Assault Radio Ending

    Downloading... However Im going to make the beep beep into a ping! Nice work anyway!
  13. -HUNTER-

    Armed Assault Radio End

    Its only 1 ping! That would be fucking awesome to have. Ive been trying to get radio chatter with the ping for some time now. the US radio systems use that ping, its very nice to have a mission with lets say a IED and all of a sudden a boost in radio traffic, everybody is shouting things to eachother... Great!
  14. -HUNTER-

    Fish, does someone smell it?

    hmmm something is smelling very fishy in here! Great addon, now if they would only bite the fkn bait you could actually fish for food, and that would heal you or something... could also make crocodiles! or sharks!
  15. -HUNTER-

    UKF Major Release

    Mate, your ofp is gunna run like a dog.. Let me (without any malice) present to you the wonderfull invention called MOD FOLDERS You can place yours addons by type, class, group, or what ever you damn well feel like.. but it does prevent you loading up an insane amount of addons you will never use in a mission. Plus it will help you debug problems you have. hahahah actually Ive also got mod folders that werent included! And my ofp runs quite well considering all those addons. Ive even had more addons in the folder then that and only starting up took some time. I do have a P4 at 3GHZ with 1024DDR2 so 2048 megs of ram... the problem is, I hate using crappy units, and well therefor I have many addons, also many small addons like camonets, or boxes, or weapon addons, and ALLOT of stuff for Iraq/Afghanistan missions. Tanks, jeeps, trucks, soldiers, weapons, buildings, aircraft, helicopters, boats, the lot... But also the problem is many missions wont work anymore without the addons. Im going to sort stuff out again, but also gotta figure out which addon is which .pbo and does it need other .pbo's to run... That sort of shit... Ive recently placed all the larger mods in modfolders. But I like playing arround with addons for 1 conflict and then go over to another conflict with also requires a whole bunch of other addons. ********* BTW Ive gotten the bug on other map aswell, only If I go offroad. I tried it on An Najaf map, on which Ive never had those bugs. To be honest its really cool when you offroad like in mountains and jungles, the jeep bounces all over the place which looks very cool. But on a flat desert surface its crap... It also slows down the addon allot. Its kinda like the jeep thinks its playing on MAX quality terrain, but I only use normal quality settings in ofp... So maybee you guys should look in the direction of soft terrain handling or something... Because other vehicles (tested yesterday) dont have those bugs on the same places. The first post about this was really the map, but now Ive tested on other maps it has occured more often... I thought it only had to do with some maps but it seems it does involve something on the rovers aswell... It mainly occurs on desert/ sandy terrain... But they sure look nice... I wonder if the snatch rovers will have the same thing. The other rovers (normal ones) dont have that problem as far as Ive been able to test. But as I mentioned above, when your really driving offroad it looks cool! Like the fkn camel trophy!
  16. -HUNTER-

    UKF Major Release

    Yes they are great work indeed, tried it out, had some quick missions! NOICE! Do we have a problem? Covertly positioned Al Fadr Highway An Najaf west bound towards city Near cloverleaf overpass An Najaf airport
  17. -HUNTER-

    SJB Weapons Pack Released

    Ooh yeah that reminds me somehow of a question I wanted to ask you... Would it be possible to see a piccy, of the minimi para with the large elcan scope on it, please! < I dont know if you have done anymore work on it? Anyway keep it up! Lots and lots of new weapons is good, especially allot of weapons from this pack!
  18. -HUNTER-

    Carry Addon release

    OO YES! It is getting better by the fkn day! First a map to play on... With the new UKF toys... Doing hardcore SF on some guys smuggling nuclear shit... Awesome!
  19. -HUNTER-

    UKF Major Release

    Give us a laugh and tell us what you did? HAHAHAHAHH! Well I tried the rovers on a certain spot on the Leusderheide training grounds. And well the terrain is giving bugs on that particular spot. And I didnt realise it till I tried it out with a CBT humvee! Talk about being a twat aye! EDIT So now that is solved I can go on and make some Iraq missions. Gotta put all the gadgets on the rovers first though... Goes off to play with l337 addons!
  20. -HUNTER-

    UKF Major Release

    Messiah troubles are over! It was me being a utter and complete fkn idiot/ noob! Problems solved!
  21. -HUNTER-

    UKF Major Release

    If we are talking addon conflicts then things get difficult... Why.. you ask?! Because Ive now got 5.7Gb of addon in folder... And Ive tried clearing stuff out allready, the PC addons are gone. But still the bulk of the addons that are in the folder right now I use many times. So tracking down the addon conflict will suck. Will try again right now...
  22. -HUNTER-

    FFUR 2006 FOV

    I think I heard that tarik was off for exercises in real life, if im not mistaken... Maybee the thing that you dont get a reply...
  23. -HUNTER-

    UKF Major Release

    Right ok... The rovers start out good. They are placed correctly on the ground. But when I get in the gunner seat they give those strange bugs. I tried driving somewhere after they were levitated. But they like wobble into the ground. Then the frontwheels, then to the left then to the right, to all sides actually... I know about the bis signs. That wasnt the problem, but I had a MG attach script ages ago, that sometimes gave the same problems... Very strange And yes the milan comes out of the tube each time that way, but then it flips to the correct angle and flies off... Its too bad you cannot zoom the scope on the milan, hitting targets at longer ranges is hard... But I will mainly use the .50 and gpmg versions anyway...
  24. -HUNTER-

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    Fkn hell mang thats a VERY nice picture with the tomcat and noe2! I havent tried the island yet! Going to play in a few!
  25. -HUNTER-

    UKF Major Release

    OOOOOOOMG! Yesterday Nogova, and now this! (great addons released this week! GREAT GUYS! ABSOLUTLY FKN GREAT! (now all I would love to have is the snatch) Thanks again for the excellent work you guys have done! Super, now I can try out nogova, and check the map with these units! Fantastic! Going to be a long night... EDIT Am I like being a noob, or something worse. Because Im getting bugs when I wanted to try out the weapons on the new rovers... Why is the vehicle looking like its bogged down into the sand? Check the wheels. Im only aiming up, this is the 50cal one. Not really an error but it looked funny. ooh noes bug reports! I dont exactly understand what is the problem. I though I should check for any game logics but nothing to do with that. I dont know whats wrong, the old ones worked well!