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Everything posted by -HUNTER-

  1. -HUNTER-

    Best Island(s) List

    1. Nogajev << Excellent island, fills missing parts of Nogova 2. Afghan Everon << Those houses are great 3. Leusderheide << Best training ground for whole of OFP 4. Trinity << Large island, and I build my house there! 5. Mapfact Nogova (normal) << Great ILS!
  2. -HUNTER-

    SJB Weapons Pack Released

    Will these weapons be stuffed in a crate??? Last time I wanted to check the weapons, I had to put down like 200 dead guys!
  3. -HUNTER-

    SJB Weapons Pack Released

    Excellent work on the LR-300 it looks superb! The one in the previous release allready was very cool. BTW which units use this weapon, Ive never seen it on pics on site like milphotos.net and such website... Any chance on a piccy of the Minimi para with the large elcan?
  4. -HUNTER-

    Upcoming lost brother addons

    Yeah and your definatly not alone in that. Whoa also the Achzarit has 4 mg's mounted. Which will be excellent for driving thrue a street and shooting up the whole area! A nagmachon would be awesome to have. Too bad you cannot shovel things in OFP. Otherwise we could have the armoured bulldozer aswell! Awesome equipment the Israelis have. Unique is a good word for it!
  5. -HUNTER-

    OFP Navy - Frigates

    Mfg Lee, just use createunit to call them. Like; _gun1 = "Kashtan" createvehicle[0,0,0] _gun2 = "9M317Tur" createvehicle[0,0,0] _gunner1 moveingunner _gun1 _gunner2 moveingunner _gun2 @manhunter09 Yeh, but most Aircraft addons in OFP are designed to take out Tanks in general. Try a test with BIS aircraft. Anyhow, maybe I'll up the armour value in the next beta. Yes cool. Ill try some more angles of attack for the Mirage Fighter Bomber. The seawiz should be a bit more accurate though... Or the AA rockets, but im still testing that because that was a head on approach. And when I tried with like 10 HAWK sites on shore close to the ship the mirage still got thrue. Still testing, awesome work on these ship! BTW> The other thing works very well indeed, nothing is lagging or what so ever!
  6. -HUNTER-

    Upcoming lost brother addons

    wahahahahahah! And nice explosions and smoke plumes on the ketyusha launchers aswell! Are you guys also making the Negev mg??? And stuff like those ketyusha lauchers on pickup trucks? And maybee a dude who looks like Nasarallah would be elite for sniper missions. Allthough Ill probally go for the JDAM strike option. Good work, Ive played arround with the older units and tanks and stuff in making missions arround the current conflict. Which is nice for OFP sims because most of the stuff is doable in OFP. keep up the good work!
  7. A battleship with the super large cannons would be sick to have for OFP. Very usefull and realistic since most maps are islands. It would be elite to call in arty strike with ships guns. Massive explosions...
  8. -HUNTER-

    How do I move through Forests?

    I also pop some mortars into forests before going thrue them. Or I have to be sure about possible engagements. Or have a SAW in my hands. Too bad we dont have flamethrowers in OFP...
  9. -HUNTER-

    Nogovan Light Infantry

    Too bad Nogova 2 is so heavy on the pc. That map has got resources that could be used to become a rich country. But for the normal nogova. some infantry units, few commando units, few high speed patrol boats, and a few light attack aircraft such as Pilatus Pc-9's or something. Modern but not expensive. Can be armed reasonably well. I would give the army a few leopard I style tanks. Modern but old enough to be sold to other country's by original owners. And some apc's mostly wheeled. The FN fal and mag would be nice for infantry weapons, with Law's... The commandos should get high speed kit though IMO fully tricked out like the rest of the world. To provide equipment for 1 commando unit would be affordable even if its M4's and nightviz stuff... They would have to do allot of work incase of invasion. And now for the important part. Think about Switserland and how they use their terrain to their advantage with bunkers in mountains, and anti tank guns at strategic places. Or the sea defense gun turrets, that the FDF mod has made from t-55 turrets such things would be a good defense for a low budget army. trenches and well dug out positions that is something that isnt that expensive but could just as well provide victory over possible invasions. Also even though this island doesnt have lots of money, a few donated modern weapons like guided missiles like anti ship or anti tank rockets would be nice. And offcourse the US also delivered stingers to this country to shoot down russian attack helicopters. Back in the days of the russian invasion. so maybee some old AT guns and crew served weapons would be cool to have. In larger numbers like abbandoned after the russians left...
  10. -HUNTER-

    OFP Navy - Frigates

    The Falklands Mirage III bomber will take it out no problems 9/10 times...
  11. Thanks I will try! Want to get them to start and end at the south east platform... *goes off to try stuff out!
  12. -HUNTER-

    Nogovan Light Infantry

    I vote for making a NEW camo pattern for Nogova troops. The most elite camo you guys can come up with. But Nogova has money, so lets see some other stuff than the standard old russian stuff...
  13. -HUNTER-

    Well I'm In A Great Mood...

    Oohh frost that is awesome! Are you planning on releasing that vehicle??? That is exactly what I need for some missions. I started working on IDF missions with the theme of the current conflict which can be simulated in OFP perfectly. SF insertions by helicopter, and also insertions into Lebanon with armoured convoy's using Puma's and Merkava II and IV's but there was 1 vehicle missing. And you actually making one! Fantastic work BTW it looks wel! Many of those vehicles have 4 mg's ontop I know these wont be functional but are you making those weapons?
  14. Could you maybee give me a small explanation how I can change the ILS taxi route??? Or atleast like a place where I can find the proper tute for it cheers!
  15. -HUNTER-

    PMC suburban

    Yes, but arma is coming! They arent my models, Drill Sergeant made em. They are very nice indeed, well they arent done so the skilled ppl can play arround with em... I would like to see how OFP would react to such a addon. And then see how various systems would handle it. Also if you make it less high speed, for ofp, and then continue making the cool high poly version for arma... < If that will ever be released...
  16. Yeah man, I saw it today! < The extras are really nice! The NE is excellent, I wont reveal it! I flew arround the whole island with the Afro Chinook... I managed to land on the things aswell, walk arround. Going to recreate the piper alpha disaster some day! Also the huuuge radar is cool! Also the happy forest area will be excellent with the harrier. I tested it out with the older Sea Harrier addon. The island is nice for low level flying indeed, tested with several jets. Ill probally build a target range on a empty part of the map. Further Ive modified the main platform a bit, made it somewhat smaller. And have been thinking in creating another shelter area on that side, but probally will be too much work. Im now trying to get the Mapfact stuff on the map, however I cannot seem to get it working. It doenst work well in Wrptool. So for now Ive just placed it ingame. It fits exactly between the trees on the military side of the field. A rotating radar above the trees was missing for the view from the cockpit when taxing out of the shelter area. I used the grouped trees to make the shelters more camoflaged. Now I need to make some more buildings for like radar room, and things like sqn buildings, and other stuff like fire department, and just lots of buildings that would represent the various things a working airbase would have. Also Im building a huge fence arround the base itself. Going to put down some small pillboxes, and going to create some signs. Also creating a main gate, with Welcome sign. Not sure with sqn badges Ill put down on the sign. Probally Tornado's, Chinook's, and eventually the Harriers! Gotta check which sqn's use which aircraft nowadays... Ill take some aerial shots when Im done. But I still have allot of work left. Also got to figure out where Im going to put the AAA... Ive seen you've placed various fortifications near the oil terminals for example. Are those for the SAM addons your making??? You werent planning on a gun anti aircraft system were you??? *** Ive been to RAF Laarbruch many times, also had two base visits. Done some aircraft spotting and allmost had all the aircraft from nr 3 and 4 sqn harrier, and also the puma's and chinooks from 18sqn. I even have a piece of the runway at home as souvenir. Ive had many good times while spotting aircraft there with some mates. Particularly sprinting backwards to read the serials on the random high speed tornado doing mock base attack... And then quickly back because another Harrier was ready for take off. Ive seen a new harrier roll out of the midlife update hangar, and made the maiden flight. Tailcode 77 harrier GR-7. Also finding golf balls that have been shot over the fence by the noob golfers. Or getting chased by a angry farmer with shotgun because I was walking across his field to look inside the nr 3sqn hangar... And Ive been to RAF Bruggen also few times and also had a base visit there. And we walked arround in a shelters area which look soooo much like what you've created. So Im very thankfull that you've released such a awesome map so I can play arround with it in OFP!
  17. -HUNTER-

    PMC suburban

    Ive got good news, but need somebody with skills to make such a vehicle. Which is 50% done allready, its a great model. And has been released on the opflash.org forum. Ive been nagging for such a vehicle for some time now. But I really cannot work with O2, If somebody wants to complete a great model, check out this page... there are also more good addons ready to be made further by the Pro's take a look here LINK! For this topic PACK 3 will be right one!
  18. I just saw the runway lighting! That is fantastic! Never seen such amazing light displays in OFP... Ive figured out how WRPTOOL works a bit more while I was working on the island aswell! Ive made the changes with the trees and moved some hangars, and put some more shelters down. Now I need to try to get the Mapfact ctrl tower and airport in, and also some baracks and other buildings like radar stuff. I havent had time to check out the rest of the island, except for a high speed pass in the tornado. 10/10 island even though its alpha!
  19. FANTASTIC! The airbase is exeptionally great! Going to do some tree planting though, and maybee changing the hangar without textures for now. Getting the mapfact airport stuff on there, making the main platform a bit smaller. But definatly NOT touching the rest. The HASs are very nice, just great work!
  20. -HUNTER-

    Detecting smoke

    But there was like a script or addon, that you could call on a helo evac to the point where you tossed the smoke If Im not mistaken...
  21. -HUNTER-

    RKSL OFP to ArmA

    Yeahhh sure! From now on I will only bug you about the other 394839 greaat addons that your making! This island will definatly keep me busy for a long time! Ive wanted a realistic airbase for some time now. Cant wait to make it "alive"... Does the ILS work on this map? >> On some maps the ILS is great you can take awesome pictures, allmost like RL!
  22. -HUNTER-

    RKSL OFP to ArmA

    Now that is Fkn funny... I wanted to ask you about this island. And clicked the discussion topic. And then this topic and I scroll down and OMG Rock you can read minds! < maybee some small side effects from the server+head situation! This will be a great island im sure. Finally Finally a REALISTIC airbase! uber great this is!
  23. Would it be possible to stuff a ammotruck with 155 HE shells? And so have a ammo truck that can resuply my arty group? I run out of shells allot!
  24. -HUNTER-

    RKSL OFP to ArmA

    It doesn’t stop instantly if you look properly. The real harrier goes for 150kts to 0 in 3 seconds on full throttle @100Degrees. The scripts simulate that if you watch the speed carefully you’ll see I am using the airbrake right up to changing to 100 nozzle and I go into 100 nozzle at about 200kph slowing the plane. To change the scripts to would also render the system not only inaccurate but mean the breaking transition to a hover almost impossible to control accurately. No. Its been asked almost everyday since we started modelling the Harrier. I have no plans to make an AV-8A/B or Harrier Plus and no interest. There are 2 other mods out there that are making USMC Harriers I see no need to make another. I’ve explained why several times in the past too. Sorry if this sounds a bit shirty but if you are the same person that been emailing me everyday for the last month you'll know why. If you would like switch the modes (75/100) very quickly would you be able to make it look less like its stopping instantly...??? So not using 100 nozzle from 200 speed but first slow down to allmost stalling...? And also whats the stall speed for the harrier? The system is great anyway, just some small details... And another small question, you did link the buttons to change the nozzles to the keyboard right? So I would be able to use extra buttons on my joystick, because Im definatly using the joystick for this bird.
  25. -HUNTER-

    New M109A6 and TOS-1 Update

    YEAAHHH GREAT WORK MANG!! The DKM M109 is such a cool vehicle. With the barrel and the fire and smoke it does look very real!