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Everything posted by -HUNTER-

  1. -HUNTER-

    ArmA Photography

    Is that made for ofp and ported into arma. Or did you make that for use with arma? Looks nice, .... C-130....
  2. -HUNTER-

    Mapfact.net releases An-12 pack

    Freakin Freckin AWESOME AS F! Ive been waiting for these planes for so long now. These will be great fun to play arround with im sure. thanks!
  3. -HUNTER-

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    hahaha nice pictures all! @parvus With this dude on the AA gun you can be sure that he'll go thrue all the ammo in no time! @Wilco Cool picture, the word PWNED comes to mind!
  4. -HUNTER-


    yeah Ive been playing arround on that map. Its absolutly incredible for flying. Low level high speed! Also the AI manages quite well, Ive also been sitting in the back seat on several high speed rides and well its Fkn great! Also for low level apache stuff its cool, but with a jet thrue the canyon is uber cool!
  5. I havent seen the question in the forum. If its not a good one for this forum please do move it. Do ofp addons, maps, units, vehicles, work in arma? And that is a question I would like to ask the ppl who are allready playing the game. I would like to see if its possible to see some of them, some ofp addons, like the mi-8's or the hinds, or something high speed in the looks. And with the new graphics whats the fps on older ofp maps? thank you!
  6. -HUNTER-

    ArmA Photography

    Find the christmas trees!
  7. -HUNTER-

    505's ArmA Special Edition - What ya want?

    A good map! A notepad and a pen!
  8. -HUNTER-

    Rebels Banner addon

    yeah and better, sharper ones.
  9. -HUNTER-

    DSF's Advanced Cloaking Field Completed

    Wooaahoowww wtf! This is very cool! Haha awesome for some missions about future events.
  10. -HUNTER-

    Iraq National Guard SF

    SWEEEET! This is what I needed for allot of missions! The Iraqi SF are becoming quite high speed btw...
  11. -HUNTER-

    RKSL OFP to ArmA

    Woaaah that would be very very cool. Could that be done by the ai. Scramble when a rescue beacon is going off. Fly to that location, and pick up the pilot in the water. And then fly back?
  12. -HUNTER-

    project "SCI-FI"

    How about making it more into a C&C orca... With a helicopter like tail (without rotor offcourse). How about doing weapon bays like the comanche!
  13. -HUNTER-


    Nooh you dont have to do them all over again... But more like if you have a road, the plants are placed all at the same distance of eachother and in the air it looks like a runway with lights next to it allmost... Just some high speed moveing randomly without thinking. To make it look less linear! Ill see if I can get a picture of what i mean... edit
  14. -HUNTER-


    I flew over the island a few times. Really really great for flying in missions themed iraq and such. only little thing I noticed is that the bushes on both sides are copy pasted and only 2 different ones. Also they are all linear to each other. But Im going to have lots of low level fun with jets here! edit or MP border patrol
  15. -HUNTER-

    Saria Island

    EXCELLENT! this picture Is F'ing great! Good work. May I suggest some light filling of areas like the coastal city. On the edge where it runs down to the sea it looks a bit empty...
  16. -HUNTER-

    GOOD..! Desert Soldiers?

    Yeah the safetycatch pack is great!
  17. -HUNTER-

    La Drang Valley map released!

    * puts on Paint it Black... Excellent work!
  18. -HUNTER-

    Su-24 Fencer addon

    Ask and ye shall recieve, a link. Hunter Thank you! you will hear...
  19. -HUNTER-

    Su-24 Fencer addon

    Ohh, could you maybee provide me with a link for that one?
  20. -HUNTER-

    my tonal supplements

    Ooh s*** I forgot about that... I do check it most of the time if my head is working properly...
  21. -HUNTER-

    my tonal supplements

    I didnt say Il-2 yes your right, I was thinking about that game before I posted here actually. But still that planes is the best suited for OFP imo. I would love to see that in some kind of awesome third world camoflage! EDIT I know these are allready out! http://www.zap16.com/koksijd....MCE.jpg But one of these would also be sweet for the Tonali Government! Pilatus PC-6's arent that expensive. < naah rather stick with the low budget russian stuff! Please watch the image sizes - 146k - Fubar
  22. -HUNTER-

    A-26 Invader

    WOOGHOOOOOWWW! Shiiiiit mang! 8 50cals gotta try that out... Oohh poor opfor! PWNAGEE!
  23. -HUNTER-

    my tonal supplements

    the AN-2 is cool! But the dragonfly is extremly cool to have in ofp. Low speed with allot of rockets, especially ffar's...
  24. -HUNTER-

    USMC Mod V 1.4

    sweet! Really well done dude! Keep it up, I loove the mk19!