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Everything posted by Rocco

  1. Rocco

    Custom face textures in ArmA 2?

    Must have, same with squad.xml and logos, it´s a tradition. I think the template will be the same, except for higher quality.
  2. Rocco

    Sahrani - the actual size

    SO what happens, if we fly to the edge of the map?
  3. Rocco

    ArmA II release date discussion thread

    morphicon says release date may... http://petergames.de/Armed-Assault-2.48.0.html
  4. Rocco

    ofp2 helped arma2

    If Arma2 is bugged at the beginning/unplayable = CM/OFP2 might attract more people I think thats why we dont have a confirmed release date for ArmA2 yet, BIS tries to release a bugfree game to get good reviews. I think the community will buy both games though to test which one is better, but in the end, the more action oriented/non realistic gamers will play OFP2 while (we) play ArmA2.
  5. Rocco

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    If Arma2 is bugged at the beginning/unplayable = CM/OFP2 might attract more people I think thats why we dont have a confirmed release date for ArmA2 yet, BIS tries to release a bugfree game to get good reviews. I think the community will buy both games though to test which one is better, but in the end, the more action oriented/non realistic gamers will play OFP2 while (we) play ArmA2.
  6. Rocco

    Sahrani - the actual size

    so true man, so true! :) It´s amazing, how motivated you are, deadfast, especially when one will look at your age, keep it the good work! Regarding the landmass, i think they said Arma2´s map will be 200km^2, but this includes the sae too,e ven though it´s not as big as in Arma1.
  7. I guess the PC version wont have the autoaim stuff that the console arcade boyz get.
  8. Rocco

    Deadfast's Translations

    Thank you so much for those awesome translations! I´m really concerned about the realism though, the UI looks horrible (way too big, background color where its not needed) and those really ugly console style icons for units and other stuff...argh... oh and lol about the autoaim for consoles, since this statement, i cant take the console version of arma2 serious.
  9. Those huge icons and the general Ui are way too big and i hope they get fixed until release. By the way, release, some say 26th June? But you also hear 29th May, wonder which one is correct, 26th June is quiet late and a very bad time to release a game. People are on holiday and do other stuff when its sunny and warm outside.
  10. Rocco

    We want KOZLICE!

    Oh yes please, i can already see a new profession in Sahrani Life, the Hunter.
  11. Rocco

    Interface discussion

    I only wish for a scaleable UI, the current UI that we can see in the videos are way too big and take too much space.
  12. Rocco

    AC-130 Spectre in ArmA 2 ?

    I could think about balancing issues, this plane is nasty and without air defense against it, you cant do anything about it.
  13. Exactly what i want to express, but i´m obviously unable to express it like you can because english is not my native language. I´m working for a big gaming company and the influence MS has is ridiculous, wish i could say more, but cant for obvious reasons...
  14. What i´m trying to say is, that if people keep pirating games and keep buying consoles instead of highend PCs, we won´t see quality games or ports for PCs, because it´s too expensive or not lucrative enough to develop games for the PC anymore. So if people get fooled by MS marketing (old hardware in the xbox and extra fee for playing online) and keep buying their xbox and if developers take the money, which MS (Games for Windows banner anyone?) blows them up their , we wont see many high quality game products for PC sooner or later.
  15. Like GTAIV, Bully, Resident Evil 4, Double Agent, Final Fantasy, Devil May Cry 4...? Want me to go on? I still have some in peto.
  16. Rocco

    ArmA II and KA 50

    Pretty sure that countermeasures will be in, we already have them as a mod and they work perfectly. so there is no reason for BIS not to implement them, they can just reengineer them from our mod :)
  17. Very nice info, good find! I just hope we can scale down the UI a bit, for me, it´s a bit too big.
  18. Rocco

    Beta test plan ?

    even though you received a warning, you continue with your kindergarten fight, your last post is nothing but trolling and bringing old topics up that have nothing to do with this discussion. Stop trolling and try to argument. Some posts up, i posted my arguments, but you fail to comment them, so please stay out of this discussion if you have no counterarguments. Thx.
  19. Rocco


    1680x1050 16:10 aspect ratio, but it messes up the UI like in this pic (the chat boc for example should be at the edge of the screen):
  20. Rocco

    Hookers in ArmA II?!

    OK, the hooker is nice, but check out the neat houses and the environment, damn, i want to play ArmA2 now! And i guess it takes some time to get used to the head bobble and the blur effect when you turn around, but it looks fantastic!
  21. Thank you so much for this comment, at least BIS shows some brains and dont follow the marketing campaign of Microsoft and other companies! To the OP: It is expected, that ArmA2 will run better on multicore PCs, because it will support them which ArmA1 didnt. So keep your hopes up and if not, buy a new pc, it will be a complete different gameplay: mouse, trackir (if you have it), mission editor, anti aliasing, anisotropic filter and especially MODS!
  22. Rocco

    Beta test plan ?

    More than clear to see, it´s far from as smooth as a pc gamer could move with a mouse. I´m not bashing anything, i´m just concerned about the gaming industry going a way, i can´t follow. A console will never have the upper hand over a new pc, the development of the hardware industry is way too fast for consoles to keep up. And the way you answered my post shows, that you are kind of young, but your forum name reveals that anyways.
  23. Rocco

    Real Time Strategy or First Person Shooter?

    I wouldnt call it "first person shooter", because you might sneak more around the vegeation then actually shooting at people/AI. Its a balance between a tactical military simulation and a game.
  24. Rocco

    Hookers in ArmA II?!

    Dont forget that ArmA has a big RP community (Sahranilife community), it would be quite nice to more real life scenarios ingame and having hookers would be great after a long fight, far away from home! :P
  25. Rocco

    Beta test plan ?

    - erratic, arcadish movement caused by controller input - no TrackIR/free head movement that makes OFP/ArmA so special and standout from other FPS games - inability to mod - no Antialiasing/Anisotropic Filters - extra cost to play online (xbox live account+internet service provider) That´s what i call "dumbed down". A console game will never be as good as a high end PC game counterpart. The fact that consoles are so popular is, that people tend to take the "easy way", it´s the same phenomenon as with "World of Warcraft", it´s an easy game, that runs on every PC. I´m really shocked, that the community leader compares the original, older OFP with the console game OFP Elite. The much older OFP has still more features and i would prefer playing the original OFP over the what i called "dumbed down" OFP Elite any day.