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Everything posted by -=seany=-

  1. What about the planes then? when i mention this no one seems to be bothered, but what is with the lack of Yaw control in the A10 and harrier???
  2. -=seany=-

    Hardware and settings for ArmA

    hey, don't know if you guys know about this. Yesterday I was playing around with fraps and I noticed I actually get a better frame rate with shadows on High rather than Low or Normal. The difference between Normal and High is a surprising 7-10 fps for me. I'm using 7800gs 256mb, 3500+, 2gb ram
  3. -=seany=-

    Mouse Sensitivity

    What kind of mouse do you use? I have an MS Wireless Laser Mouse 6000. I get the problem you describe in quite a few games, original OFP, BF2 and Arma.
  4. -=seany=-

    Huge drop of FPS

    Its already low. The point is that 80 % of the map is perfectly playable, its just 20% has these bushes where it chops your frame rate. they need to be fixed. I know you have to compromise on gfx details in every game (so that all situations in the game run at a playable FPS), but I'm at the point with Arma where I don't want to have to turn the gfx down any more and don't feel I should have to. 7800gs 256mb / 2gb ram / Amd3500+
  5. -=seany=-

    Huge drop of FPS

    Its already low. The point is that 80 % of the map is perfectly playable, its just 20% has these bushes where it chops your frame rate. they need to be fixed. I know you have to compromise on gfx details in every game (so that all situations in the game run at a playable FPS), but I'm at the point with Arma where I don't want to have to turn the gfx down any more and don't feel I should have to. 7800gs 256mb / 2gb ram / Amd3500+
  6. The one thing that points out to me that the flight modeling of the rudder for air vehicles is wrong is the A10. At speed, in this too, the ruder is completely useless. This is a CAS aircraft which is highly maneuverable and unless the guys who made LockOn totally messed up (which I some how doubt) that plane should be able to use the rudder with ease to line up ground targets for attack with the gun and rockets. I have never flown a helo sim or a harrier sim, so I was hesitant about posting about the irritating yaw control in these. But since flying the A10 there is definitely some thing wrong here with the yaw control for all aircraft.
  7. -=seany=-

    Huge drop of FPS

    One area on the map were I get fairly horrendous frame rate drop is the town of Yoro, between Paraiso and Somato. Every time I drive by this area my frame rate halves. If just this bush type could be changed/optimized then I would be happy as these bushes do appear in quite a few other places, but not nearly in such quantity as Yoro.
  8. -=seany=-

    Huge drop of FPS

    One area on the map were I get fairly horrendous frame rate drop is the town of Yoro, between Paraiso and Somato. Every time I drive by this area my frame rate halves. If just this bush type could be changed/optimized then I would be happy as these bushes do appear in quite a few other places, but not nearly in such quantity as Yoro.
  9. -=seany=-

    everyone happy with VOIP or not?

    Since buying Arma I have yet to see a server that is using the in built VoIP. The odd time Ill hear maybe one person speak on it. This is the most annoying thing for me about ArmA. I was really looking forward to being able to jump into games and start communicating and working as a team with the voice software without have to mess around with other third party programs. Which, unfortunately seems to be what all the servers I go on are doing. I really hope its use picks up since this last patch.
  10. -=seany=-

    1.08 Troubleshooting thread.

    Patch seems good other than a new annoying bug where I cant get off a ladder when climbing up it. I just stay at the top doing the climbing animation. I cant get down either so I have to respawn or restart.
  11. -=seany=-


    You mean you get no standing up type grass, or no grass texture? servers are able to set grass on or off, this overrides the clients GFX options.
  12. -=seany=-

    Info on upcoming 1.08 patch

    Thanks for the news Maruk, looking forward to the patch
  13. -=seany=-

    GPS is useless

    Its most useful on servers where your player Icon is disabled on the main map.
  14. -=seany=-

    GPS is useless

    I think its kind of silly to add GPS but make the zoom controlled by speed. i know why they did it, because it would negate the server difficulty setting to not show your position on the map screen. Maybe when im flying ill find it more useful. It would be nice if you could toggle it on or off and move it around the screen and maybe add double click small version (like with the watch, compass etc).
  15. -=seany=-

    The scopes in the fix patch are all...

    Exactly and that's exactly the problem. Please reassign Track-IR controls back to zoom-in and zoom-out. The bug is possibly gone in v1.07/8 final What is the Trackir Axis called that is supposed to be assigned to that zoom in/out? so i can fix it thanks
  16. -=seany=-

    Hardware and settings for ArmA

    AA is always the biggest performance hit. I cant use it, as I don't want to have to run everything else at "Very Low". I found using post processing can give the same effect to a certain extent e.g. removing the "jaggies". You could also try to switch off AA in armed assault and enable it in your graphics driver. Some times your drivers can provider a more optimized AA for your GFX card than a game can. A third way is to increase your screen resolution, running at 1600x1200 for example, you wont need to use AA and it may not take as much resources. what resolution are you running at? you wont really notice it a high-res. you should see the difference on lower resolutions with AA enabled. Sean
  17. -=seany=-

    Commanding a tank

    I think I should post a video or some thing, I'm not explaining this properly.
  18. -=seany=-

    Commanding a tank

    The problem for me is that these two functions do not work properly when I switch to machine gun, "Ordering gunner to attack target with current weapon:" with the machine gun selected I can target by holding down the space bar then RMB over the target, but the only way I can fire is when my cursor is directly over the target I just selected then I press space then LMB. The target also has to be live enemy infantry, i cant fire this way at an empty vehicle or building for example. when I target it and then use space LMB to try to fire, it issues the move command. "Ordering gunner to stop targeting target:": Again, these controls don't work when I use the machine gun. With a target already "locked", I press space then RMB over empty space and nothing happens, I have to press Backspace,2,1 to select no target with the machine gun. Sorry my explanations arnt the best, Im just trying to work this out hope you can help. PS, I just noticed doing some more testing, that the Main gun also cannot Spacebar RMB to set no target or Spacebar LMB to fire if you select a building (works on empty vehicles though), you have to use the keyboard. you can always select targets though, even without the space bar just by RMB over anything.
  19. -=seany=-

    Commanding a tank

    I have been struggling to get used to how tanks operate in ArmA for a while now. I am a former OFP Player and some things I just find very confusing. when I am the commander in a tank and Sabot/heat is loaded I can select targets using my RMB and I can see a targeting box for the target and that the gunner has "locked" it. I can also then use the RMB to instantly deselect a target and straighten up the turret, also the LMB fires a round. This is not possible when you switch to the main machine gun. With that I have no targeting reticle so I cant tell if its locked and I also can't fire unless I use the "command fire" button on the keyboard and on top of this is cant select "no Target" unless I press 2,1 via the backspace menu. So why the double standard for main gun and main machine gun? it seems to make no sense to me coming from Operation Flashpoint where the whole tank fire control system seemed so intuitive. I wonder why everything in the game is not targetable like in OFP? (by which I mean everything, buildings, manned and unmanned vehicles, civilians, enemies and friendlies all have a visual target box) I think that is where the problem lies.
  20. -=seany=-


    which is why I said I had'nt noticed it before sheesh
  21. -=seany=-


    I actually hated PP the first time I used it and have had it low since then. Yesterday (in the constant battle to figure out the best looking video settings Vs performance) I noticed I could drop resolution to 1152x864 and turn on PP to High and It acts like a kind of AA ( I cant use AA, as it brings my frames down too much) I also like how objects which you are focusing on are not blurred, I didnt notice that before. Although some times, with scopes, it seems to take a bit to figure out what your focusing on. P.S. specs are : AMD 3500, POV 7800GS 256 AGP, 2 GB Ram.
  22. -=seany=-


    cheers for the reply. So I have to get 200 points in one armory session? without leaving or the points will be reset. is that right? I thought it would store your points so you could work on stuff over time..60 points here, 100 points there. The transport vehicle giving me problems was the BMP and BMP ambulance, have not tried the m113 yet, Ill give that a shot and see what happens.
  23. just wanted to say I think this is the best sound modding work yet, Keep up the good work Machine gun post, Grenades/mortars, missiles all sound very good. Also love the echo return of the SAW. only gun i think sounds a bit odd is the "woosh" sound of the M16/M4, not sure which it was.
  24. -=seany=-


    It would be nice if you could see over all how many points you have whilst in the armory, I have done several challenges over the past week or so and unlocked nothing. Also the transport missions never work, I go around picking up the stoopid AI, then get to the final destination...wait for the time run out....Fail! am i missing some thing here?
  25. -=seany=-

    2nd Beta 1.07.5157 feedback thread

    Same here, is it supposed to be like this for this beta? I have an x52 and its doing all sorts of weird things, some buttons cant be mapped and seem to have there own programming that you cant change...like scrolling through the menu and "fire" activating options...very irritating