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Everything posted by -=seany=-

  1. -=seany=-

    NVIDIA 3D Vision

    Yah, I Noticed that too with Full 3d vision. It does making aiming quite annoying. You can get around this though and still have some nice 3D effect by reducing the depth to about 15% and then adjust the convergence + or -. It can give a nice effect. A problem I am having with 3D is the screen getting really white. I have turned off Post processing but that doesn't seem to fix it. I can temporarily fix it by switching between the HDR modes. Anyone get this prob?
  2. -=seany=-

    Tank speed

    I'm sure they would, most commercial/large vehicles have them. Stops wear and tear ( and grunts who are enthusiastic with the throttle :) ) The other factor would be transmission/engine, it would be shredded if left to run at this speed, just as a car would. Even if you could use neutral or a clutch you would wreck the suspension parts/wheels/bearings and tracks on a tracked vehicle. But for me, it's a pretty minor "bug"/oversight. Arma3 look to be making a big overhaul to physics so if we see it all it will be in there, that would be my guess.
  3. Why is the ai entering a free for all (uncommanded) killing machine mode when I switch from commanders seat to drivers seat in a vehicle? I can also no longer switch to drivers seat and command from there? PVP anti lock people are shafting the way the game is played for anyone who uses the AI in vehicles. I made a test mission in the editor and using AI in a tank when your in any other position than commanders seat is a mess. I cant believe these major game changing methods are being introduced. I appreciate what is trying to be fixed, but your going about it the wrong way and breaking the way others like to play the game with this "crusade". If I could have it my way we would go back to how the targeting worked in OFP and start from there. At the moment it is one bad band aid on another band aid and as I say... it's a mess. The the most intuitive way the targeting and AI control has ever been was in OFP. Since arma 1 it has gone down hill (starting with the obstructing backspace menu in tactical view and no graphical indication of what has been locked on many objects) Points: 1. I cant switch to drivers seat temporarily to move the tank without the AI running amok shooting every thing in sight/ completely taking over the tank and locking my commands out (even the # commands eg "all-2-1" no target etc). 2. I can't order the AI to cease fire when in drivers position. 3. I can't assign targets from the drivers position 4. I cant command fire from the drivers position. Which actual change is it in the change log that has broken all this? Do you player V player fanatics ever even consider coop players? I could not even imagine attempting any campaign mission now with these changes, it would be infuriating beyond belief. I can't believe Suma is so easily accepting such a change. I also believe the way its presented not many community members are aware of exactly what is begin changed here. I advise them to load up the mission editor and witness it fro themselves. The AI are simply not good enough to be allowed to have this control. If you played coop or the campaigns with vehicles you would know this. That is why OFP had the intuitive targeting (some might say over powered) system it had and it worked perfectly. And was needed (and still is!) due to how bad the AI are at driving and prioritising targets. This change should be reverted.
  4. Is tbb3malloc_bi still the default Memalloc since the 1.6 patch and the following betas? And tbb3malloc_bi has always been the default also, is that right ? Just wanted to check as I feel I'm getting more instability since the 1.6 patch.
  5. OMAC, please try to take the time to think and understand why these controls where put in the game in the first place... and why they have been in the game since the very beginning..OFP 10 years ago. Your not helping anyone by repeating sensationalist statements like that on every page of this thread. Non of these tools/ command controls are to do with realism or fun, they are there to make interacting with the AI as seamless and unobstructive as possible. They are there so you are fighting the enemy..not your own AI.
  6. -=seany=-

    Tank speed

    Yes, but you can't deny how much fun it is :D :moto: WEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeee I too agree uphill speed is fine.
  7. The original CIT issue that caused this problem was to do with getting the AI to attack automatically when in a 2 seat vehicle without a commander. https://dev-heaven.net/issues/2353 This fix for this (unintentionally) broke existing AI control features that where put in place to make the AI more usable in game, given their current abilities (or lack thereof). It also didn't really fix the bug that was reported, as (If you try the Repro mission) the AI only partially engages automatically and partially follow your orders. Essentially making the AI less useful than before the fix. The bug report has nothing to do with realism or wanting to restrict the abilities of the Human to command the AI from another position than the Commanders seat. That would need to be addressed by a Feature ticket. One of you who does want this kind of behaviour/game play change to be implemented to the game should create a new FEATURE request on the CIT to get it discussed/voted on/Added. Not by hijacking (maybe too strong a word) an existing bug ticket. That is a bad way to implement feature changes imo. I still think the original idea of an Auto engage Radio command to your gunner in a vehicle is a good idea. But changes to how we interact with and control the AI to increase realism factor should be put on hold. I don't I am being that unreasonable. I am also glad that we now seem to be having a calm discussion, with some good ideas and interesting suggestions. The important thing is to have consideration for how others play the game. Most things can be made an option too.
  8. Thank you for the response and I am relieved that all angles of different kinds of players game play styles are being considered when making drastic changes like this (although I really should have guessed this!). It is also interesting to note the long term vision, which I think will be very good if we can get the AI to a good enough level to allow us to play like that. ----------------------------------------------------- As a side note: The original request of the bug fix that caused this problem was basically to get the AI to enter a free fire, automatic engage mode when the human player was in the vehicle. Would it be possible to have the Radio Command "Engage At Will" trigger this behaviour when in a vehicle? And have "Disengage" disable the behaviour and revert to standard, current style of control/command. I would be happy with some thing like that. My main problem with it was loosing the default ability to command the AI from the driver position. An auto AI engage mode could be useful, given the option to enable and disable it (like a combat state) of course.
  9. My feelings are not hurt. Why don't you answer some of my points I made/asked? A reply like that really suggests that you have no more valid reasons to counter the legitimate objections (ahem.. "ranting and crying") I made about this feature change? I really am curious as too why players who like the level of realism you do want to force me to change the way I have been playing the game for 10 years :confused: Thank you Gremlin for putting forward a compromise to the problem. I too am happy to have a feature change like this implemented as a difficulty setting. Making it a hard coded default setting is a bit much. One very ironic thing about this change is that it will most likely cause me to play them game in a less realistic manner than I ever have. It will be so annoying to do anything in a vehicle with AI that I will simply kick them out and go solo in the tank, swapping seats as needed....hows that for realism! I can see many others doing the same.
  10. Are you trying to wind me up or start a flame war? Why are you insulting me by explaining how real life tank crews operate? Do you think I am stupid? You know exactly why I switch to the drivers seat to command, beacuse the AI arn't and never will be as good as a human at tactics/ ambush/ conserving ammo/ prioritising targets/ moving into hull down positions/ making speedy movements to avoid hits or detection etc etc etc. I don't need to ask for impossible fixes like; "better AI pathfinding, AI situational awereness, AI communication and AI following order" because BIS gave us the tools to circumvent this in the very first release and it works flawlessly. Why does it matter to you how others play the game Offline or coop or in the campaign? You guys are fooling your selves by believing your some ultra realism gamers by making all these unintuitive changes to how the game works. You want that kind of realism? play a real SIM; Steel beasts...DSC A10...etc etc that's what I do when I want ultra realism. And yet again I'm not saying these changes cant be implemented to make PVP more fun, but I want the current mechanics to be left as they are when using ai in Coop etc. Why are you so against this? Cant you realise other players enjoy the way the game has been for 10 years and don't want it changed to please a small number of players. Where are you coming from with stupid statements like this? Your saying that for all these years Operation Flashpoint and it's sequels (the most realistic open ended shooter on the pc) are now suddenly "popcorn wargames with instant gratification" because there is some thing that has been in the game for 10years that you now don't like... So...up to now your saying OFP etc have basically been no better than Cod or BF....and only with this change will it be actually realistic? Do you even think about what your writing?
  11. There we go, finally showing your true colours. YOUR personal opinion is that how I like to play the game is wrong and so is anyone else who likes to make life easier and less frustrating when working with the AI in a vehicle. The way we have always done since OFP. And what is the right direction anyway may I ask? How can you possibly know what way BIS want the game to go? My guess is they are pretty close to it after 10 years wouldn't you think? If these tools BIS gave us to help work with the AI are causing problems with PVP game play then fix it. But, don't beak fundamental mechanics used by lots of other players that work perfectly well. There must be other alternatives, but this is not it. If it takes a bit longer to work it out...fine. But don't cripple the useful features that many use to full fill your dogmatic quest of forcing anally retentive realism on everyone. This is the difference; I am willing to accept changes and understand that others like to play the game differently to the way I do. I will make reports and give feed back though when these changes negatively affect how I play the game. But you and your ilk don't give a damn about anyone else, you some how get the "warm fuzzies" by making everyone else suffer with your quest to make the game be played how you want. How about a little empathy to other users? why is it always your way or the highway attitude? Would you not be happy if we could fix these exploits and allow me and my type continue to play the game how we wish, and as we have done up to now? Am I not being reasonable here? How about you guys show some of the same?
  12. Sheesh.... getting offtopic now (surprise, surprise), but: In OFP or Arma1 : Get into a tank as commander with 2 ai crew and an enemy vehicle nearby, switch to driver seat press tab OMG, the AI gunner locks the nearest threat. That is all I meant and is what you told me was not possible prior to 1.50. and i said was possible since OFP..ok? Not surprised though as its obvious you don't read my posts properly. whether or not there is a graphical radar at the top of the screen has little to do with anything imo. And like I said, I rarely used tab lock in a tank anyway. Good maybe we can get back to topic now... All I want to do is properly command the Tank from driver position as I could up to this change. EG: Assign targets from the driver position in in tactical view. Cancel a target in tactical view from drivers pos Cease fire command in tactical view from drivers pos Command Fire from the drivers pos in tactical view.... All of this is now broken.. Get rid of tab lock if you like. But breaking all of the above is unacceptable. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Also you miss quoted me Beagle: "Says who" was in response to this retarded statement:
  13. sorry, but you are wrong. You could always tab lock from the drivers seat since OFP. And fine...remove Tab lock (I never use it in a tank anyway), but why does this also mean I can't Right click lock/assign targets, and fire, and set no target, and issue cease fire from drivers seat? What? says who? This is just your warped personal opinion, are you saying BIS added it by mistake?...BIS allowed us to do this since OFP....Guess why..... TO HELP WITH THE AWKWARD AI..:rolleyes: Your doing this discussion no favours mate....
  14. And what if i want to switch to the drivers seat beacuse the AI is stuck or just generally sucks at driving, I'm supposed to give full control to the AI? wasting all my ammo, giving away my position etc? You PVP/realism people really have blinkers on that are stopping you seeing the big picture, I don't understand why you have no empathy for the way others play the game? People who like coop are not constantly pushing for changes that mess up how you play the game are we? If this is supposed to fix a bug ok, fix it. But at the moment this "bug fix" is actually making major changes to the way the game is played and it's mechanics. PVP, answer me this: do you agree that you should be able to fully command AI in a tank by switching to the drivers position? You don't seem to want to mention this. Seems to me you are trying to force your game play style on to everyone in the guise of a bug fix. Have your bug fix..But do not alter my ability to command from the drivers position as I have done since OFP. This is not about exploits its about intuitive control, which this is breaking. It's important for the Devs not to be overwhelmed by the noisy few on a forum who want the game to be changed to suit there play style. Bugs should be fixed but not at the cost of how a lot of people like to play the game. PVPscene: you may have legitimate bugs that need fixing here, but look at some of your supporters posts here, their response is "great you have altered the game to make it play more like we want" not "thanks for fixing some bug". Are you trying to fix bugs or shape the game into your favoured style of play? To me it seems the latter. DONT ruin the games' mechanics to fix problems with people exploiting in PVP multiplayer. These "exploits" where added since OFP for a good reason, BECAUSE THE AI are a nightmare to control. The tools /"exploits" BIS gave us to work with the AI and minimize the frustration are great and work well. Until we get some supper AI that actually does what you want when you want, you are just devolving the game and making it more frustrating by adding these changes. Try to play the BAF campaign with this new "fix". You will be pulling your hair out very soon. And I'm not anti PVP game style. I think it would be great if you could get rid of some of the exploits to make it more fair etc...but not at the cost of how I like to play the game....We need an alternative.... This is what I mean ^ , Beagle doesn't care about the bug fix, he just cares that now an "exploit" has been removed and players are forced to play the game how he thinks it should be played. And Beagle; what about players who use these "exploits" to work with the AI in Coop and campaigns? Sod them yeah? Only your play style matters, is that it? And it wasn't like that in ArmaII? Get your facts straight, it's been like that since OPERATION FLASHPOINT.
  15. -=seany=-

    Leaning in heli/fixed wing.

    +1 I would love full 6 degrees of freedom for Arma. It is really immersive and useful with Track IR
  16. Voicing my opinions on large sweeping changes to how the game is played by a vast majority of players is rubbish eh? I posted it here so we could get a broader community view of these changes. Most players do not visit Dev heaven. And as I also said, I did not know what ticket(s) have caused this change. 1. I can no longer switch to driver seat and use tactical view to "lock" targets. I would say that has plenty of relation to the locking issue. 2. I have never experienced that bug, and if that is what all these changes are caused by then it has caused more problems than solved. 3. Yeah and what else does he say? "I understand the change may be unpleasant for someone used to previous functionality, but I am not sure what options do we have" Such statement pretty much confirms that this kind of fix is far from perfect. 4. Firstly, using the command menu is unintuitive and really terrible alternative for assigning targets that no one would ever use in the heat of battle. Also, from the drivers position the context sensitive cursor does nothing. At least in my test with an M1. 5. Ok, good to hear. What about all the other commands like: No Target, Target That, Fire etc? None of these work from drivers seat now. Please don't refer to this as a rant or call my opinions rubbish just because it opposes your view on how the game should be played KJU. I have a lot respect for you and I know you do a lot for our community. But I wont sit by while changes like this are implemented that break how a lot of people like to play the game. Or cause more frustration when trying to work with the Ai in vehicles. As I said earlier I appreciate what you are trying to do but at the moment this change is messing the game when trying to use vehicles and AI... even more so than it already was.
  17. Play as a team:- explain. Should I have team chat with my Ai before I start the mission? Or do they now use VOIP or some thing? What chance is there to put your issues across with brain dead comments like that on this forum... :rolleyes: Why do the first few post when ever I bring some thing like this up involve having to explain and re explain basic concepts to ignorant members who cant even be bothered fully read my post and try understand what I am trying to explain.... "Be sure your brain is in gear before engaging mouth(keyboard).."
  18. -=seany=-

    WarFX : Blastcore

    Just wanted to bump this problem. Hope that's ok. Thanks for the Mod! I use it all the time.
  19. Same problem for me in helos. Pitch is ok, but roll is terrible on the stick, I have to move it an inch left or right(X52) to start any input. As far as I can see there is only sensitivity sliders for the mouse. How does the TOH handle these things? I'm sure it must be better than Arma? If so I hope Bis can get these things across to Arma, preferably before Arma3. Another thing that is annoying with flight in Arma is the way some options cut analogue throttle input so you start falling like a rock when you start typing in chat, open the map or look at the player list. This does my head in, does TOH also have this annoyance? Imagine the situation: on a server with 40 people. Some idiot has an open mic blasting irritating noise into my ear hole while I'm being shot at, or making a landing. I want to mute him, I open the Player list and start falling like a rock, too many players to find him...close the list gain altitude. Open the list again, find him and mute. Exit and regain alt before I become one with the landscape...bloody annoying.
  20. ok, thanks! I'll make a bug report soon.
  21. If you test this and don't get the problem could you please say, or if you have never seen it before please say. At the moment (due to lack of response) I can only assume it's a problem on my side. Which to be honest I doubt. But with out feed back I can't know. If it is a problem for everyone I need to report it on Dev heaven. Help me out here people please! Test Mission: http://www.mediafire.com/?7uai727xddifjvr All you have to do is load the mission, turn on NVG and sit back and watch for less than a minute (no user input or complex procedure is required). Then exit & report! Thank you :cheers:
  22. -=seany=-

    VOTE - "Most Anticipated Game 2012"

    voted, might have given it to Generals 2, but that's not out 'till 2013 so I don't know why they have it there. No idea what DOTA was either. They must have a big forum community :D
  23. I'm not using any mods at the moment. I do normally use Warfx Blastcore, but for this testing I am running combined ops + BAF.