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Everything posted by -=seany=-

  1. -=seany=-

    [CAMP] Carrier Operations - Duala

    Thanks for the tips! I had a bit more of a play around and figured most of it out. Accessing the MMA keys option showed me how to use AA missiles and flares etc (don't need to switch to them at all in the normal Arma way). Ty again for the help and the nice campaign.
  2. -=seany=-

    [CAMP] Carrier Operations - Duala

    This campaign is great, very professional job. Some excellent addons used too! I have never really used mando missile before, or a 3rd party jet. I am having some problems with the avionics etc. Is there a manual some where for the F18, eg how you use all those menu commands to do with the Radar warning receiver etc? For example, on the first mission I was unable to switch to A2A weapons, it would just skip passed them. I'm guessing some thing I was doing wrong. I had a look around for any documents but I can see any. Anyway, thanks for the campaign and the hard work you have put into it, it has a lot of atmosphere which I know is hard to capture. Kudos!
  3. -=seany=-

    Terrain Maker Competition 2012

    Well done to the winners. I totally missed this competition was running. Nice initiative by BIS. The talent in this community never cease to amaze, well done guys!
  4. -=seany=-

    Arma 3 Community Alpha - Announcement!

    BiS have a boner for long shadows :D
  5. I have, since the release of OA, had some problems with the lighting on the 2 maps Takistan and Zargabad. Some times the terrain would become overly bright and unrealistically blinding. I was initially blaming this on Bloom. While I think Bloom is still too strong (and compounds this problem), I believe there is another bug to do with the environment lighting that is causing the problem. I'm not 100% sure for Takistan, but definitely for Zargabad. I don't know if these two maps use the exact same type of lighting. Zargabad seems a little different. But I have had this brightness problem on both maps, so it probably affects Takistan in some way too. I was able to get a good reproduction of the problem on Zargabad with Post Processing Disabled. I have posted it over a Dev heaven : https://dev-heaven.net/issues/30017. If any one would care to try it out and give their thoughts and feedback, that would be great. Thanks Here are some screen shots of the problem: Here is the mission: https://dev-heaven.net/attachments/17356/ZargaLightingBug.Zargabad.pbo Here are the reproduction steps: 1). Load the attached mission "ZargaLightingBug" 2). Take note of the lighting/brightness of the sand/terrain and of the Horizon/ Blue Skyline in the distance. 3). Sprint through the 4 waypoints. (you MUST Sprint) 4). Notice that as you move from Waypoint 2 to waypoint 3 the lighting has become much, much brighter. The sand is almost white and blinding. The skyline is now much "hazier" and white than when the mission was started.
  6. Very nice mate, thanks very much for that demo video Easy! I'll add that to the bug report. Ty for the confirmation on Takistan too. Did you find that it wouldn't happen if you just walked at normal pace?
  7. -=seany=-

    Interactive Smoke

    I would love to see this effect in game. Would add a lot of atmosphere in battle.
  8. -=seany=-

    Development Blog & Reveals

    He isn't banned as far as I can see. Pretty obvious it's April fools stuff. Aliens in arma lol could be fun :D . Any way interesting stuff :)
  9. iirc there is an error in that sensitivity line. There should not be a space in the 2nd last value. Here is the Bohemia info on Joystick sensitivity: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Joystick_sensitivity_settings This is what I'm using: joystickSensitivity[]={1,1,1,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,1,1,1,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5}; ---------------- Interesting, I notice that the forum adds a space to my string too. Dunno why that should happen. Anyway, be aware of that. There should be no spaces!
  10. Hi, welcome to the forum. These links helped me. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?78737-Combat-Module-in-demo-how-to-increase-intensity http://sandbox.darrenbrant.com/arma_ii/changing-the-settings-for-the-arma2-acm-module http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Ambient_Combat_Manager_-_Functions
  11. Excellent map, thanks. Only 1 minor suggestion, you could probably remove 3 in every 4 of the road side bollards, maybe even more.
  12. Interesting info. Wonder what Adaptive Vsync is also?
  13. I think what you are actually experiencing there is the "out of breath" affect. When you sprint for a certain length of time you get this wobbling visual affect, to simulate exhaustion. It has been in since Arma2, If I recall correctly. It is probably attached to the Post Processing graphic option, not sure on that though. Heat haze would indeed be a nice addition. Don't see that in many games though, so maybe its quite hard to get looking right?
  14. For the Main gun in a tank, he has to be told to fire every round. Same for guided missile in a Helo etc. They wont use these on their own if there is a human commanding. With MG: If you tell the Ai to target an enemy, then Command Fire, in my experience the AI will (from that point on) engage anything they see in the area that is a threat. They will stop when you either; assign a new target, set No Target (I'm not 100% about that one), or you issue the Cease Fire command. Or they kill everything (unlikely :) ). I'm not sure that the "engage at will" command has any bearing on AI that are in a vehicle. I think in vehicles, only Hold Fire or Weapons Free type commands have any use (even these are not need as you can Use "Command Fire" for this). If there is a bug it is to do with the AI's targeting or awareness/visibility etc perhaps? As I say, I don't think that Engage at Will command is supposed to work for vehicles..though maybe it should? Some people would like to have an Automatic engagement mode for the AI so they don't have to be told to engage with Sabot by the commander all the time etc (they would behave much like the way they are in that mod that PVP linked). My suggestion was that If it was to be implemented it could be tied to that "Engage At Will" command.
  15. -=seany=-

    COOP Locally Hosted Warfare/CTI [Comp Stomp]

    Cheek out Angry insects/PromanCTI missions. They say they need a dedicated server, but I have played them fine hosting as client.
  16. To me, OFP's method was just more intuitive. I use the Ai a lot and never rely on the quick command menu, it doesn't feel comfortable / I get the feeling it might not always activate what it say it will. It is clumsy, including the "Context" aspect of it's operation. I also hate the way it comes up in Tactical view, forcing you to have to press a "Command fire" key and Left Mouse button to issue Fire command. Why? OFP was just more intuitive Right click Assign target..Left click fire. It also obstructs Tactical View's simple "move to" commands issued VIA the LMB. I also hate the way the "Backspace" menu comes up when you open the map (when in tactical view) and how you have to press CTRL plus mouse wheel to zoom when in OFP you just interacted with it as you would expect. It also makes a mess of giving simple "move to X" commands. Intuitive way to do this is F# to select unit and Left click map to send them there (like OFP...). But with that menu you have to be aware that it is not going to issue some other command you don't want accidentally. I get why they did it, to make the game more accessible, but to me they just went backwards. It really wasn't that hard for some one who is happy with the level of realism in OFP to learn a few extra key presses. Also with the obstructive Back Space menu/quick command lots of new player never even realise there are a whole swathe of really useful AI commands lurking beneath the surface. Ill be interested to see what the do For Arma3. Actually a little scared TBH. The user accessibility improvements with these quick menus since Arma1 have really felt like band aids on top of something that they got right first time with OFP anyway.
  17. -=seany=-

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Nice Blog update, thanks!
  18. -=seany=-

    1.60 fxaa

    I love almost all PP in every game, but the Bloom in Arma2 and Arrowhead does my head in. The glowing ground and sand etc is getting very old. I don't see a reason why we cant have a Bloom control in the .cfg that has at an Off, Medium and Heavy option for Bloom amount. ^ Left pic is PP Very Low, Right pic is PP Normal (what I want to use). The pic on the right has absolutely no basis in reality. I mean, an enemy could be literally hiding on the road in the cover of bloom it is so out of control. To get a proper look at the road I would have to move the "camera" about to temporarily cause the bloom exposure to ease. Or turn PP to Very Low. It is just frustrating, and happens all over Arrowheads' terrain. But...bloom is actually a nice effect (as are the other PP affects you have to loose if you put PP to a setting where bloom is off). We just need it at a manageable level or give us more control over it...Please! Things that are bright/white obviously are more susceptible to blooming. Makes me ask, why is there such high contrast on the roads etc? They are almost white, when you add bloom it just looks stupid imo. This is probably making bloom seem worse too.
  19. All games use some thing called LOD (Level of Detail) for the objects in the game. Objects in the game world (a house, or a tree, or a tank etc) have multiple Levels Of Detail to save computing resources. Obviously you wouldn't want a house that is 500m away to have the same amount of detail as 50m away. So the object swaps between these different Levels Of Detail depending on how close you are to them. The different levels of detail of the object (normally about three levels of detail per model? Not sure exactly how many) change things like the geometry (a house for example: chimney on a roof, 3d window frame, TV aerial) and also the textures (different resolution depending again on your distance to the object) Z- Fighting is where an object (mostly) in the distance flicks between two different resolutions of the objects texture. You see it as a distracting flickering/glitching of the texture. It happens a lot when using the zoom feature in Arma, as lot of objects are swapping between their different texture LODs. It can also be where you see one of the Low resolution textures coming partially through the high resolution texture, even though you are not moving at all. Like this: http://www.zeuscmd.com/tutorials/opengl/images/15-PolygonOffset02.jpg ^ You might see that effect on a texture on the side of house when you are over looking a town with a sniper rifle in Arma, for example.
  20. I would say the first thing to do is check for dust build up in the Card's Heatsink/ Fan area. 85 is quite hot , but not too hot. The card should slow itself down at 105c.
  21. -=seany=-

    Development Blog & Reveals

    I don't mind Sun glare, this looks fine. What I do hate is the reflected glare in Arma2(oa) from things that shouldn't glare. Like a dirt road or a patch of ground. The exposure is all over the place and makes no sense a lot of the time.
  22. -=seany=-

    CRcti Proman

    Cheers, that's pretty neat all right! I'll have fun playing with this! ;)
  23. -=seany=-

    Arma 3 Community Alpha - Announcement!

    Yeah, I agree with Maddog. It is not stupid at all to make the Alpha available if you pre order. That is the way I guessed they would do it. You get fans who where going to buy the game anyway, and the ones with the most dedication on the Alpha team, saves a lot of problems. And by not allowing every one and anyone to get copy of the alpha you have more control over your content and get to keep some of the "Shine" on your brand new product / features. It also stops passers-by (unjustly) dismissing Arma3 on the basis of an alpha build they downloaded, just because its free. Eagle Dynamics did this for their Beta of DCS:A10 and it worked perfectly. The point is that people who are not fans wont pre order to try an Alpha. If your stupid enough to pay to try a demo of a game you don't know you will like, then you are stupid enough pay to try an Alpha...and be disappointed. Not much can be done for such special people. Having pre-order alpha actually stops stupid people dismissing the game based on an Alpha Build.