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Everything posted by -=seany=-
Please review CIT tickets on Locking, Radar, IFF and related aspects (list inside)
-=seany=- replied to .kju's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - SUGGESTIONS
Heh comprehensive list! I have my doubts if we will see much of this stuff in Arma2 at this stage. But, if they could even look at 50% of them for Arma3 that would be really great. Personally, I would really love if they copied the ACE2 system for tank gunner(FCS/laser), and the ammo. -
Problem with new mouse steering conflicting with using keyboard to steer
-=seany=- replied to -=seany=-'s topic in ARMA 2 & OA - BETA PATCH TESTING
I never thought about changing control assignments for mouse, that might work thanks. -
Problem with new mouse steering conflicting with using keyboard to steer
-=seany=- replied to -=seany=-'s topic in ARMA 2 & OA - BETA PATCH TESTING
I don't mind that is exists, just that is causes problems when switching to keyboard steering and Free look. I used to use mouse steering a lot in OFP. But since Arma 1 I just use keyboard and free look (I guess because of the better situational awareness Freelook gives when playing tough missions). I even use TrackIr but prefer to have Freelook on also, and steer with the keys. I don't want this to be an "Anti (new) Mouse Steering" thread :), thanks for the feedback though. -
That Karel Moricky did a good job showcasing it. Most stuff I had seen, but he made it interesting enough I wanted to keep watching. + there was some new stuff! ty for the vid ;)
Hackers running wild, no way to stop them...
-=seany=- replied to PreedSwe's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - SUGGESTIONS
For any one who thinks Arma hacking I was never a problem before DayZ they are mistaken. It has died down but but believe me, Arma 1 was nearly unplayable for months due to hackers when it was new, as was Arma2, as was Operation Arrowhead. The amount of hackers is directly proportional to the popularity of the game. I think Battle Eye does a good job and I have to admit even with the massive number of hackers in DayZ, I haven't really noticed more hackers in Normal Arma2. I do see a lot of hackers being banned by Battle Eye whilst playing DayZ though, which is reassuring. It was interesting to hear that the reason Arma is so vulnerable to hacks is the very reason we can also have so many varied missions like Life, Dom, Evo, Warfare etc etc. Maybe it seems obvious, but I could never understand why they (BE) could not just block and detect users doing the things hackers like to do (teleport, spawn items, etc), it just frustrated me that players where able to get away with such blatant actions. I would have loved to hear this reason all those years ago when I was ready to give up on online Arma due to hackers, it makes me much more tolerant to putting up with hacker knowing this. I mean, if putting up with hackers for a short time while the game is popular means we can have the type of game that Arma is, then I can live with it. However....Arma3 is on the horizon and BIS and BE don't need to be fortune tellers to predict what is going to happen when that is released - hackfest 2013. I think (hope) DayZ has given them a good head start on dealing with the inevitable. I wonder, would it be possible to add some extra "protected" multiplayer mode along side our current open mode? At least if the hacking gets bad we could have some thing that is more secure to fall back on. Of course not being knowledgeable in how any of this anti cheat stuff works I have no idea how it would be done. -
ha ha :D classic video, well done!
LOD switching issue since 1.62
-=seany=- replied to .kju's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - BETA PATCH TESTING
I can confirm that omac. I have noticed it too on Bystrica. I also am still getting the stutter, as you do in the video, when you are zooming. And the same as in the last segment of Daio's video. -
I too have seen a lot more new players on TAW domination where I play quite often. It's great to see, even if it is a bit chaotic at times :D
I use arrows keys for moving and the surrounding keys for other actions, I have never really liked using WSAD. Any one else use arrow keys for movement? Things I really liked in the Arma2 controls where the ability to: 1. Use double tap for a command 2. Using Toggle or Hold 3. Being able to have conflicts (Very Important) 4. Being able to stack more than one command to the same button/key I really hope these things remain. One other thing; I find the DayZ interface change they made where you can click on items in the gear menu and perform actions quite interesting. I wouldn't mind seeing some thing like this in Arma3 in some form or other.
When this was reported ages ago I think it was fixed by some thing the mission makers changed in their code. It used to happen all the time in Domination, but Xeno changed some thing in the missions to stop it happening. In other words I don't think it was anything BIS fixed. I think it is caused by joining a game in progress that has destroyed vehicle wrecks, the fire from one vehicle take up the whole view from large distances away. Very basic and some what vague description I know, but I'm sure the ones in-the-know will be along to better explain. :)
lmao, what's with the hostility toward the Help tips? I too had a bit of a smirk at the "noobiness" of it, but then saw one I didn't realise after playing the game for 8 years :D "The last 5 rounds of a magazine will be all tracer to let you know you are out of ammo" Besides, even if I where to mock them to myself..I wouldn't come on here to bitch about it. They are COMPLETELY unintrusive and may actually help some one who is new, so who cares...sheesh. I own the full DLC and Performance seems worse in general for me too. And there are LOD issues. I am also experiencing similar problems when playing online with Takistan though.. If I had to pick some thing specific about the DLC that seems much worse than Chern1.0 or Takistan it would be that bushes and foliage, when zooming and scoping, seems to give me more FPS loss on the ACR maps. But LOD probs and stutter are everywhere for me since 1.62 full
Empty Magazine "Click" sound, randomly playing since 1.62
-=seany=- posted a topic in ARMA 2 & OA - TROUBLESHOOTING
Since the latest patch I have been hearing the empty magazine/no bullets "click" sound at random while playing. Anyone else had this? I hear it mostly in Domination. I have not heard it in DayZ or the ACR campaign, yet. As I figure out more about it I'll post it here. -
LOD switching issue since 1.62
-=seany=- replied to .kju's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - BETA PATCH TESTING
This would be excellent. LOD and stutter worse than before 1.62 on Takistan Domination Now that the Linux beta server has been out for a while I have had a chance to get a good few games of TAW Takistan Domination going. I feel I am getting far worse performance due to this LOD swapping when I am in towns. I get very heavy stuttering and notice buildings and objects only a 200m or so away with very low LOD that then swaps to correct LOD. It reminds of a problem I use to have in Arma1 where the game would start stuttering and running badly while it was waiting for one texture to load some where that seemed as though it was stuck. Also zooming in and out, again gives this very heavy stuttering when around lots of objects (eg a town). I know this is subjective and I guess no real help to pinning down the problem but I just wanted to add it. ACR Aside from this current LOD problem, it appears to me that some of the foliage on the "new" ACR islands just aren't not finished. There is a particular bush that looks very bad all the time: Also this fir tree: Seems very 2 dimensional for a linda tree, maybe its the shadows, but I game it just doesn't look "right". Both of these where with Object Detail @ Very High Thanks, it will be interesting to test. -
ACR - Patrol: Died, failed mission, but can't revert to previous save.
-=seany=- replied to -=seany=-'s topic in ARMA 2 & OA - OFFICIAL MISSIONS
Ahh, it's already reported, cheers kju. Hopefully they will fix it for the ACR bandage patch :) -
I have noticed that wheeled vehicles in general seem to take a lot less damage from crashing. The Stryker MGS, which was previously very prone to spontaneous combustion upon contact with anything, now seems to take a lot more abuse. I spent a few minutes ramming it into walls, rocks and trees and didn't loose any wheels. Anyone else notice this? ---------------------------------------------- In the first mission I did have that thing where one of the AI suddenly decides to not follow any order after giving the disembark command, had to run him over with the Landrover. "where are you?" ---- DIE!!!!!!
City stutter fix (* That worked FOR ME)
-=seany=- replied to blanchjo's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - TROUBLESHOOTING
Well -winxp is meant for SLI systems running on Vista or 7, so if your running SLI it would run better. Interesting idea from the blanchjo though. -
I think being able to use a second monitor would be great. I suggested this before, and as here I got a lot of negativity about people "cheating". But this is easily solved by using server difficulty settings (and besides who cares if your just playing the campaign or coop?). There are also many other possibilities for an ability like this other than simply looking at the map on a 2nd screen while as a soldier. You could have it (completely realistically) display a map when your are in a vehicle (chopper/tank etc), or show you a FLIR camera view. As a gunship pilot you could have it showing you a copy of what your gunner can see. You could have it show you the "Picture in Picture" image from a mirror/VDU etc It could be used for pilots to show the Cockpit instruments It would make High Command, Warfare type games much nicer for the commander: one screen for tactical map, one for game view. Plus many others
Day Z Announced as standalone title.
-=seany=- replied to Placebo's topic in BOHEMIA INTERACTIVE - GENERAL
Congrats to Dean and Bohemia, I think this an excellent partnership. -
Agreed, damn shame they are not coop. The first mission would be great coop with 2 -3 players.
Comrades in Arms Online Coop Mission List
-=seany=- replied to Variable's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - MULTIPLAYER
Thanks, this is very useful! -
So when is BIS going to admit this was released too early by accident? I like the new DLC but there are A LOT of things that seem to point to an accidental early release :D eg: Obvious bugs, Things that seem unfinished (soldiers using same face, tree roots sticking out of ground, texture oddities, no real polish on campaign, Cut scenes etc), Non proof read mission instructions, EULA not in English, No announcement of release, The fact it wasn't supposed to be out until mid Aug. Heh anyway like I said, I like it and don't want my tenner back :) . I just have to give you BIS guys a poke when you mess up. I aint no fan boy :P. The main reason I don't mind is that even though it's a mess up, I know you will fix it. That's all I ever ask from a developer. -------New bug---- I'm sure the rest of you have seen the odd levitating trees by now with their cut off roots? I put this on Devheaven if anyone wants to add to it: https://dev-heaven.net/issues/39789 Looks pretty bad to me.
LOD switching issue since 1.62
-=seany=- replied to .kju's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - BETA PATCH TESTING
Was this a change that was released in the one of the betas, or does it look like some thing they added only to the RC patch or Final patch? What I don't get is I was using the Betas up to about 95248 and I didn't notice these problems. With a bit more testing I am also noticing that I am not only getting LODs swapping too late, but also stuttering/poor FPS when zooming with a scope etc. -
How can you command your AI to attack/kill another freindly unit?
-=seany=- replied to gummybear_qc's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - QUESTIONS & ANSWERS
Ai on vehicle guns will kill friendlies if told to target them -
Nice, thanks!
LOD switching issue since 1.62
-=seany=- replied to .kju's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - BETA PATCH TESTING
Just wanted to report that I too am getting LOD problems since the patch. For me the biggest problem is the LODs not changing until you are way too close to the object. Tress/bushes, Vehicles etc all allow you to get way too close before switching to their Higher LOD.