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Everything posted by scruffy

  1. scruffy

    RH M14 pack 1.0 for OA / CO

    Here's a small replacement for the BIS M14 with the skewed Aimpoint. Either use the one with the Aimpoint or just the ironsight version. Don't use both, addon is unsigned. Edit: Armaholic now host it. An "official" and signed version by Robert, as a small replacement like mine or a smaller standalone pack as Mr. Burns suggested would be a good idea :)
  2. I already tried that and you can get the HUD to work, but the grenades themselves are unimpressed by whatever distance you set. Seems like it only works for bullets, not grenades/rockets. :( And I haven't tried your Zeroing mod yet, but I sure will. Keep it up.
  3. scruffy

    Track IR users: (un)natural movement

    You will get used to it after a bit. After all you should as you are already doing this when looking at something and turning around. You don't keep your head turned sideways, do you? The alternative would be to have your head separate from the body, so you always look north when your trackir is centered, and when you move south you always have to look fully to the right/left and glance at your screen from the corner of your eyes ;)
  4. scruffy

    AT GUI Pack

    Ok, some news here: I finally fixed the "shuddering" bug, thanks to Alexx78! Though it takes away the possibility to zoom out further when aiming. The old files (with zoom out and bug) will still be available in the pack for anyone that wants them. I also fixed the three M4A1_HWS when using the ANZINS pack (as everyone of you should, the dancing banana commands you ->), added the OA grenade launchers, changed the ANZINS version for 1.32 and added another optional file for Robert Hammers M14 pack. Now I just want to add all the underbarrel GL sights to the pack, but that will take some time. So stay tuned for the next update and thanks for the kind words.
  5. scruffy

    Arma 2 + Eyefinity

    Look for your "Username.ArmA2OAProfile" file, on Win7/Vista it should be in "My Documents\Arma 2" or "My Documents\Arma 2 other profiles" if you changed your ingame username. Somewhere in there you'll find fovTop=XXX; and fovLeft=YYY; Standard for 16:9 should be fovtop=0.75 and fovleft=1.33333, so multiply the fovleft by 3 for three monitors and you get fovtop=0.75 and fovleft=4 for your 48:9/16:3 setup. After that you have the option "Custom" available and chosen in the video settings. Check the standard values by choosing 16:9 ingame first and see if what I wrote is right ;)
  6. scruffy

    To Small ..

    The picture looks like it suffers badly from .jpg compression, so it's hard to judge, but try the following: - put your 3D resolution to 100% (or more), not less if it's set like this - put Postprocess effects to "Disabled" to test if that helps
  7. scruffy

    RH M14 pack 1.0 for OA / CO

    Thank you Robert and everyone else involved for the nice M14 without all the unneeded stuff (e.g. the aimpoint :p). I already replaced BIS' skewed aimpoint for me.
  8. scruffy

    [CO] ANZINS Upgrades

    Thanks alot for this great addon :)
  9. scruffy

    AT GUI Pack

    Aloha :) Since OA came around my pack didn't work anymore. Gladly most stuff was done by kju already, so no update was needed from me. The other stuff should now be working again. AT_GUI_OA v1.0 includes: at_gui_OA_cursor - Removes weapon cursors even if the server has them enabled at_gui_OA_fov_aim - Changes the FOV when aiming to the same value when not aiming -> no zooming just because you look through your crayontech Before unaimed - Before aimed After unaimed - After aimed at_gui_OA_fov_vehicle - Increases the FOV in vehicles a bit Optional: at_gui_OA_fov_aim_ANZINS - Also changes the FOV for the backup sights from ANZINS_Weapons. Must have addon: Use it! Required Addons: Only Operation Arrowhead, but: You should be using PROPER addons in addition to this. They can increase compass size, remove the hand cursor, move actions over the action menu, remove peripheral blobs and many things more. Also you obviously need ANZINS_Weapons when using the optional file. Known bugs and issues: - The stupid " " is still there and I still have no idea why.- Untested in standalone OA so far - _cursor and _vehicle are mostly untested so far, probably miss a few things Credits and Thanks: BIS - for the games that keep me occupied since 2001 kju - All the PROPER stuff that saves me from having to do even more work rg7621 - for TrueView, which I missed in A2 so I started doing this Defunkt - For adding the new OA features to other weapons ArmedAssault.info - ReadMe Generator Name - For having no BAS Download
  10. scruffy

    Arrowhead E08: Benchmark

    Core 2 Quad 9550 Gigabyte P35 4GB DDR2 Sapphire HD5870 Vapor-X 1GB some 550W bequiet psu HP ZR24W 24" 16:10 OA Beta 1.52.71900: Resolution: 1920x1200 3d resolution: 2560x1600 View distance: 3027 Texture detail: High Video memory: High Ansiotropic filtering: Normal Antialiasing: Disabled Terrain detail: Low Object detail: Normal Shadow detail: High Post processing: Disabled Result: 50fps
  11. scruffy

    Where/how/when to buy ARMA2:OA?

    I now preordered from BlahDVD.com, as the few cents less than play.com mean no toll when importing in Germany. I guess I will see for myself, but I'd like to know if anyone has previous experience with that shop?
  12. scruffy

    Vietcong 3

    The tool VC Starter fixes the HradBa kicks with Vista/Win7 and has an option that should fix the Mission 2 crash. I got it to work in MP on 7x64 but haven't tried SP yet. Vietcong 2 was dead from the start when the publisher waited for weeks to release the finished patch that fixed a CD-key bug which prevented ~95% from playing online. But they did find the time to update the copy protection and add another splash screen... They added objectives for coop, and the Fist Bravo mod expanded the map list (amongst many other things). Sadly the second part has AI that don't care about being shot anymore, if it doesn't kill them they brush it off, while part 1 incapacitated them for a moment. That and the stupid spawn triggers make us still play mostly VC1 on LANs. Well, that and my bayonet ^^
  13. scruffy

    Horn not broadcasted to other players?

    I think I remember this also coming to Arma 1 in patch form, not from the start. A solution would be great, even more so for reloading.
  14. scruffy

    pimp my gun (beta)

  15. scruffy

    Wings Of Prey

    Looks interesting, thanks for the video. Can you do something about the odd lighting and post effects?
  16. scruffy

    Reflector sights?

    There is a feature request on the CIT (with only 17 votes so far, so vote everyone). Mondkalb had an idea to use the mirror effect (see barracks bathroom for example, north from Utes tower) but that didn't work very good and only when facing north.Maybe ACE2 will at least tune down the "shaking" again as in ACE1, but that only helps a bit with the symptoms and not the cause. I think it's hardcoded to remove crosshairs when aiming so far. Yes, it seems only BIS can do something. I guess seeing it outside would be not a real problem as the parallax is never so extreme when aiming. Another way would be a seperate pilotLOD only for aimed view, but again nothing a modder can do.So again: Please BIS, at least fix this for OA :pet5:
  17. scruffy

    My laptop running Arma 2

    As already said, upgrading a laptop is nearly impossible. The biggest problem should be your graphics card, try lowering the resolution if you have a big one on your screen which you most likely have with a fast laptop as yours. The next problem might be your hard disk, most laptops have pretty slow ones and A2 is using it often. Maybe post in this thread and tell all your system rating scores, Windows only uses the lowest one as a total. And most importntly what are the settings you use and want to use? Anti Aliasing and Post Processing should be bad ideas for your graphics card and have you tried disabling shadows? That said the demo is an older version and you might get some improvements with the full version on the latest (beta) patch. But the most important will be the mods: You could try different things to improve performance like PROPER mods reduced buildings, plants, GDT Mod plants or FPS Helper. I haven't tested most of them and can't say how much they will help. You could also try CAA1 and play with mostly better working Arma 1 islands that have fewer objects instead of Chernarus. But how much tinkering are you willing to do? If you want to build your own missions it's even better as you can keep the performance in mind or use other better running islands. You might not find many missions for them if you don't do some work yourself though. If it already runs in normal quality I think you should try the full version, my laptop has an even slower graphics chip and only runs smooth with everything on lowest. That way everything more than 50m away is unrecognizable, but you will be able to play significantly better ;) I say try it :)
  18. I tried around but can't get them to work properly. The method used in A1 (even though bugged for some) doesn't seem to work anymore. I use this method, but can't get it to work properly. If I try to hide the dot I get this bug described here. The solution there doesn't work for this. So, is anybody else working on this? Do you have any ideas or want something to start with? I can upload what I have so far. As I suck at modeling, texturing and pretty much everything else needed for this I don't think I will get any further :rolleyes: If you want to try a working reflex sight get this, a simple M4 CCO from the A1 MLODs using A2 textures and a sample mission. It's just a weapon crate in front of you with 2 weapons, one with working dot and one for comparison with working and the normal wrong dot. It doesn't hide the dot when not aiming but nicely shows how bad the Crayontech sights are.
  19. scruffy

    Using your PC in living room on tv ,ergonomics of it ?

    You need a good armrest or pillow for the mouse, big enough, best flat and pretty stiff. At least for me that always worked best, without it my wrist would hurt after some time. Something like this armrest, but a bit smaller. I'm comfortable with the keyboard on my knees, if you are not and the pillow isn't enough because you don't want it lying on your legs look for a bed table. Depending on your setup a wireless mouse & keyboard are needed.
  20. Where exactly can I find that with the new drivers and running Win7? It's not where it was before, but I haven't tried 9.11 or 9.12 yet. That was the reason to install CCC for me too. My Vietcong looks horrible, everyone is bloated.
  21. scruffy

    pimp my gun (beta)

    The all new SPR - Laser Edition: It will melt through most unarmored and lightly armored vehicles with ease. Yes, it still can shoot, no a sight for the gunner is not included for obvious reasons :p After first field tests the candidates keep on moaning about hauling around and changing all the batteries...
  22. Aloha :) I see you use my GUI pack. Depending on what parts you use from it, also try PROPER addons as a supplement and instead of my chat fix (if used) get the one by Deadfast. Read the first post in the thread for my GUI pack, link is in my sig. As another recommendation, look at ZGubas gameplay modifications, search for it.
  23. scruffy

    pimp my gun (beta)

    I'm having way too much fun with this :D My take on a totally overloaded shotgun: http://img266.imageshack.us/img266/5200/myweapon2h.jpg The SCAR-G: G is for Gatling :p
  24. scruffy

    Reflector sights?

    Mhh, posted in the editing section, should have searched up front. Sad to see even someone not as incompetent in modding as me has the same problems. Please BIS, fix this for Arrowhead :pet5: I agree we really need working parallax free sights. Anyone who wants to see the difference can use this test addon.
  25. Awesome! I'm looking forward to getting my ass kicked by the AI :o