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Everything posted by scruffy
Toadie's SmallArms and Animations for Arma3
scruffy replied to toadie2k's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
Hey Toadie Great AK pack. I'm very happy with my shiny new RPK :) I think you need to adjust the size of the weapons though, I could fit both an AKM and AKSU into my vest. Who needs a pistol as secondary ;) But I also have an odd bug to report: Something fishy was going on while trying them out in multiplayer. After a few minutes when I was using the AK-47 my two teammates would crash. Not at the same time, but one after the other. Both use a Nvidia card, one 670 and one 660Ti while I have got a Radeon. Their game would crash with a blackscreen and driver reset message from windows. I don't think it had anything to do with a special action like reloading or shooting. The same mission worked when not picking an AK from the crate. We just tried a new mission, just two players and a crate on Stratis airfield and the crash happened after a few minutes (4-5?) of shooting into the air and fooling around. Maybe it is another addon that conflicts, still need to test this out, but between that we played nearly 2 hours without hiccups on a normal Escape. Can other Nvidia users try this or does someone know what could cause a bug like this? -
ARMA 3 Startup parameter to start without mods
scruffy replied to Reissackumschubser's topic in ARMA 3 - TROUBLESHOOTING
3 - You used the ingame option to activate mods. Deactivate them there, or delete the "class ModLauncherList{ [...] };" part from you profile, or start with -mod=dummy in shortcut -
_map.Powersolor error when joining any server.
scruffy replied to thor2k4's topic in ARMA 3 - TROUBLESHOOTING
Are you using the Shacktac HUD? There is a new version for it that fixes this. -
I see it's not just me with the error in the sky. To reproduce: Stratis, standard editor date 6th of July 2035. It rises out of the sea ~18:54 at 117° and sinks again ~05:12 at 240° Seems to be a problem with the moon or starbox as it moves with them, there are times when it disappears inbetween these hours.
I just had this problem with an AMD card. Thanks for the hint. For the record: With AMD cards you need to set the AA-Method to "Multi-Sampling" and not "Adaptive Multi-Sampling" in the driver.
Can SweetFX be used instead of in-game FSAA, etc for better FPS
scruffy replied to doveman's topic in ARMA 3 - TROUBLESHOOTING
SweetFX can only add PostProcessing AA to the game, basically a fancy blur filter. So you need to compare "FSAA off and PPAA on ingame" with "both off ingame and SweetFX on". No idea if there is a difference in performance, but you can tweak the settings in detail for the PPAA filter. -
ShackTac User Interface (STHUD, STGI, and more)
scruffy replied to dslyecxi's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
Just a small heads-up, no idea if you are playing with development branch and already know/fixed this: BIS added new icons and they result in an error at mission start when the HUD is activated. Adding the following four classes to the class Rsctitles\ST_STHUD_Rsc\Controls\Minimap makes the errors disappear. Maybe saves abit of time when next main branch patch is here. class PowerSolar { icon = ""; color[] = {0,0,0,0}; size = 0; importance = 0; coefMin = 0; coefMax = 0; }; class PowerWave { icon = ""; color[] = {0,0,0,0}; size = 0; importance = 0; coefMin = 0; coefMax = 0; }; class PowerWind { icon = ""; color[] = {0,0,0,0}; size = 0; importance = 0; coefMin = 0; coefMax = 0; }; class Shipwreck { icon = ""; color[] = {0,0,0,0}; size = 0; importance = 0; coefMin = 0; coefMax = 0; }; No idea if I already thanked you for this addon when released for A2, but I'll do it again here. Thank you very much, it's very useful and we never without it :) -
Wow, that was fast :) I'll have a try later or tomorrow and get back to you.
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Hey Alwarren Just a small thing: The G33 still has the crappy effects on the edge of the screen when using the normal holo sight. Can you please add the opticsPPEffects[] = {""}; part for them in the next update as you did with the ACOG and VCOG backup sights? Apart from that I'm with deniodan, thanks for the pack and also for using joint rails :)
Hey EricJ Some things I noticed with your weapon pack using RC20 and the development branch: Warning Message: Cannot load texture p:\u100\data\wpn_m24_d_co.paa. Probably wrong path somewhere in the model? Warning Message: Picture \iar\data\ui\gear_u100_magazine_x_ca.paa not found The base U100 mag uses picture = "\U100\data\UI\gear_u100_magazine_x_ca.paa"; but the three tracer mags have this other path. Is IAR another addon that I don't have? There is another one about Robert Hammers M4 pack if that one is not active too. Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines.RH_30Rnd_556x45_Mk262'. I get why you don't want to add them as a requirement, but can you list all the dependencies to get rid of errors? It seems none of your guns have sounds, but didn't try all. I didn't use the JSRS config. The modes are missing the following arrays soundBegin[] = {"begin1",0.25,"begin2",0.25,"begin3",0.25,"begin4",0.25}; soundClosure[] = {"closure1",0.5,"closure2",0.5}; u100.pbo alone breaks all rifles in game, even standard BI ones. You changed the Rifle_Base_F parent class to Default there, so change that back to Rifle: class Rifle_Base_F: [color=#ff0000]Rifle[/color] { class WeaponSlotsInfo; }; Using u100_tmr_bipods.pbo changes it back, so hard to miss, but you should fix it anyway. While diving into the config I noticed you could probably clean it up a bit by not using the same parent class for all your guns and declaring only the changes. One last thing: I'm having a lot of fun ragdolling infantry around with the M82 HE rounds, but can you dial down the amount of smoke a bit? Blastcore makes it even worse to see through. This is from the AA-12 HE ammo, put that inside the cfgammo bullet class: explosionEffectsRadius = 5; explosionEffects = "GrenadeExplosion"; craterEffects = "ExploAmmoCrater"; Keep the updates coming, I'm looking forward to that M468 :)
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After the release of the sample models I wished for something like this to happen. A great initiative and thanks to everyone working on this. I'm looking forward to see this in my A3 installation.
Armed-Tactics Mod Pack - Beta Release
scruffy replied to Maike's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
You have to download the whole pack, but it's not that big. You can extract only the @at_satchel folder if you don't want to use the other stuff. -
Thank you very much for porting this over to Arma 3 HJohnson, we already took out a few wheeled APCs with the liberal application of HE ammo, time to try it on the tanks :D I just made a small personal modification to allow using all kinds of optics by adding (and requiring) ASDG Joint Rails and lowering the enormous buckshot spread. Just add "fireSpreadAngle = 0.784825;" to the weapon class, those are the A2 values.
It should be possible with this change (look under "Operations"), the class Throw is specifically mentioned. I didn't manage to play around with your mod so far, but congrats for the first release and thanks to everyone involved. I'm looking forward to what you have in store for the future.
New weapon classnames + ammo, the pistol, revolver and DMR: hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_F 11Rnd_45ACP_Mag hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_F 6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder srifle_DMR_01_F 10Rnd_762x51_Mag New sights, 2x pistol, 1 marksman: optic_MRD optic_Yorris optic_DMS
On the other hand they can do this: This is a very extreme example, but I have seen this already in the Alpha. Hitting an enemy AI gives him info about you and I've seen it multiple times turn around in a milisecond, might be the best way to reproduce. I can't remember if I have seen it in SP yet, might be something with MP and the changed turning synchronisation. Is there a ticket in the bug tracker already?
I disabled the fatigue effects, so until it is changed you can play without pulsing myopia ;)
Is there already a ticket about the ai turning around on the spot three times in 0.2 seconds? Couldn't find anything and I'm sure I just suck at searching.
Aloha :) Amongst other testing we played the new "Defend Kamino" MP mission yesterday and had some bugs: It was as if we shared the player character with an AI sometimes. I only had it happen to me once, it was af if my "A" key got stuck and I constantly strafed left, until I was killed because of it. Another player had it happen again and again to him, suddenly walking without pressing in a direction, even when tabbed out of the game to the desktop, suddenly reloading a full mag and constantly putting his weapon up and down. This last animation could not be seen by other players. Has anyone else seen this behaviour? Two self build missions and the combined arms showcase worked fine before, all on a dedicated with the new dev beta build without any addons, the .rpt shows nothing that caught my attention. I copied and renamed my old .arma3alphaprofile, the other players didn't. We'll likely try again this evening and see if it happens again.
Australian defense force - amp unit
scruffy replied to Sbats's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
Using the A3 Dev Alpha and version 1.02 shows the error No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgRecoils.recoil_pistol' when first shooting with a pistol. You can completely remove the cfgRecoils part in the weapons config to get rid of that, it changes to standard A3 recoil values, as the same names are used. -
Can't look down barrel of gun when in gunner's seat anymore in vehicles!~
scruffy replied to McKeighan's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - TROUBLESHOOTING
That bug has always been in Arma 2 I think, it's a problem with the standard key layout and all other bindings you set except the right mouse button work in vehicles. No need for a new mouse :) -
Radeon HD 7970 - White Dots in trees - Catalyst Settings
scruffy replied to KAaskilde's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - TROUBLESHOOTING
MMrrTTs screenshot shows ATOC with a low AA setting. That grid looks awful on low AA and mostly fine on high AA settings. There is the really bad version of the bug looking snow white like this, but that was on older patches/driver versions, and it happened when ATOC (and AA of course, as ATOC only works with AA) was activated. I could never reproduce it, because I got my 7970 when it was already fixed. I think I get the same bug you are talking about, it looks like a less extreme version of the second screenshot I linked, more like the bushes in the distance with less white dots. It happens randomly and when it appears it has something to do with the direction you look at and it only shows on the trees and bushes for me, not on grass. It has no connection to AA, because I mostly play without it and use a higher 3D resolution instead. It does sometimes disappear when changing AF though, only to reappear from another angle for the different AF setting. When it happens you can pause the game with Esc to freeze it and try changing the video options. I never saw that bug on a 5000 or 6000 series Radeon, so it seems to be a problem exclusive to the 7000 series. A friend with a Geforce never saw it on 500 or 600 series. Now to the important part: I think I got it fixed. Open up the CCC and put your "AF quality" on "high quality" and/or change "surface format optmization" to "off". I don't know the terms in English, so here's another screenshot to help find it. I didn't try which one of these two options helps or if you need to change both. You can change it globally or create a new profile for Arma. For testing I used this mission here, just load it in the editor and start, don't move and just look around, up and a bit to the left would show the dots for me but doesn't anymore. -
The grid on vegetation is normal I think. Size and visibility change with the AA setting, it's awful in low and fine in high. As HatBuster said, try a higher 3D resolution. Finer details on vegetation, more AF and no edges in front of smoke. It might even run better depending on the situation, if the smoothing isn't enough couple it with PPAA.
Aloha :) After downloading Patch 1.06 I wanted to crash some Hinds on Chernarus in multiplayer with Neo, but we ran into the following problem: "Registration failed: Invalid CD Key" The message appears when opening a server (LAN or Internet), I can still choose a mission but no slots or even the sides show up. The second player can not join and is kicked with the message "Bad CD Key - Player ID not registered". Neo has got a clean install, only Take On, Take On Hinds and the new Patch. I used the RC before and have also got the Noisecontrollers DLC, we both use a Sprocket version. BAF and PMC are both always activated and can not be deactivated in the Expanson menu. Disabling ACR or Noisecontrollers or Hinds does not help. We both own BAF, PMC and ACR Full. All registry entries seem to be fine. Starting Take On without Rearmed doesn't work anymore, it shows the following errors: "No entry 'config.bin/CfgInGameUI/MPTable.shadow'." and "Error compiling pixel shader PSSpecularAlpha:0" Can anyone else play multiplayer? Which version and DLCs do you use?
Take On Helicopters Beta Patch 97057
scruffy replied to DnA's topic in TAKE ON HELICOPTERS - BETA PATCH TESTING
I removed "-mod=Beta" to be exact ;) It works great, thanks for the fix. First fresh impression: Another tip: If you got ACR full in Arma 2 also install ACR lite if you want to use the blurred versions in Take On