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Everything posted by scruffy

  1. scruffy

    Golf War 1-3

    @Mr.Burns: You're right. When I saw your picture a few days ago I remembered the good times we had in OFP 1.0 MP, bombing cars all over the Everon runway. That was the one major reason I started to build a golf mission, Mondkalb then joined in and helped me with everything. @deanosbeano: Here's a trick for you. Avoid woods at all costs, at least the CWC ones! Now I bet you knew this, here comes the real trick Try putting just one or two satchels and get the car through some trees, go after it, and repeat until the time runs out. This way you should normally be out in 1-2 turns. I guess the woods could be seen as an equivalent to sand bunkers.
  2. we have these reports several times now. yet its hard to track it down as people never really explain how the did drop the stuff. if it was the valid WGL ruck drop process, or the default BIS inventry drop. we could reproduce it on our side. still it sounds like a mp syncronisation issue. if you can reproduce it and tell us how, we would be very happy ! As far as I remember the backpacks were always dropped through the inventory screen when other things disappeared. When the bandages etc. couldn't be used, it was always a normal WGL drop. First choosing the backpack as a weapon from the action menu, then maybe reloading another _pdm mag, when ready pressing fire. The bandages could be seen by every other player, but picked up by noone. Bandwith and lag might be a problem on my pc, as I got a pretty slow connection (DSL 768 without fastpath), but another player has DSL 6000 and we didn't notice any lag or desync. We'll try to keep an eye on these things. send me the mission and i will check it. Sadly I can't, because we already deleted them from the server. Most were bad converts and didn't work properly or we didn't like them. I think it might have been the "misc2_06_06_18.rar" pack. @wg_co_11_maskirovka_v1.2.cain.pbo should be one where the grenades didn't work. Now that is good news
  3. scruffy

    Golf War 1-3

    Actually I think we disabled the AI in the description.ext If not, please do it yourself. This is a multiplayer mission, so put it in the mpmissions folder and start a server for yourself, there you can disable them. We thought about that, but decided against it. We didn't want to force this and were too lazy to make the player able to choose ^^ With the standard viewdistance you should be able to observe your shot if there is no obstacle. Also thanks for the compliments
  4. Hi there, we're having some minor problems with WGL 5. Just a small bug report of some more or less annoying things: - The backpack ammunition doesn't work sometimes. For example if you got a standard WGL Medic and drop your backpack most of the times the single bandages in your magazine slots vanish. This also happens for satchels and other WGL explosives. - Things as bandages, satchels etc. are very swift at times. Sometimes one can't pick up the things put on the ground from the backpack. Some players say they don't have this problem, but I think this is because they never play the medic ^^ I would say I have got a 50:50 chance of being able to pick up all those bandages I get out of the backpack. - The Carl Gustav has a different size in a few lods. When further away it gets bigger. Other things we noticed, but maybe those are mission related: - In some missions spec ops have sniper models and vice versa, tried to find something in the config but everything seems right. - In some missions some units (mostly resistance) seem to miss the put, throw,wgl_put or wgl_throw weapons and can't use grenades or satchels they got or pick them up. I also could't find a error in the config here.
  5. Try it like this: - A "Move" waypoint with "heliname flyinheight 1" in the on activation field - Then a "Transport unload" waypoint, synchronized with a "Get out" waypoint from the loaded units, just a few pixels away - another "Move" waypoint for the helicopter with a height so it can fly away and doesn't make it crash into the next tree
  6. scruffy

    release over steam

    Yes, still a whole backup would be 9,85 Gb on my hard drive at the moment. I prefer having a separate patch file instead and still find it impractical. Yes, right. I have done this already. But that doesn't change the fact there is only the full update you can get. If you're stuck on a lan without internet access and everyone has a different version of the game it sucks. You have to copy GBs of data and steam folders and might overwrite something wrong. The smaller ones were buttons you can't read because the localised text was too long. But there were also some things not working properly, for example settings were not saved. And yes, his whole steam wouldn't start after an update, just some cryptic error message. I don't know if it could have been solved easier, but he deleted it and reinstalled everything. By the way, just yesterday I told my cousin about this and he told me about his friend. Every once in a while there comes a new steam update and after finishing it steam crashes. When he restarts steam the update starts again and crashes after 100% and so on. Everytime that happens he has to install steam again. That might probably be right, but having seen some of steams bugs myself the user is not always the problem. As said before: There are different ways to distibute via internet, without steam. We can have enough problems with a game itself, no need to fix steams bugs and find workarounds, too. I'm not really familiar with Joint Operations, but it had an easy auto-updater but singel patch files, required a valid key but had no copy protection and there are many different platforms for online distribution. I still see no way why steam would have any advantage, but only some disadvantages.
  7. scruffy

    release over steam

    I don't like steam, too. It makes me update when I don't want to and that's especially annoying on a slow connection. When I bought RO (in the store, I like to have a box), instead of just starting to play after the installation I waited for steam to update, authenticate, check all files and then download the new update for RO for about 2 hours, not even on full speed but at about 75% of what I get out of my connection. Normally I would have just played v1.0 and downloaded the patch file full speed in the background and would've been ready an hour later and already in game. The next day a friend of mine came around for a small LAN to test RO. He just bought it before he came around and guess what? Same procedure again, 2h later we finally got to play together. Normally I would have had the 100Mb patch already on my hdd. After that I made a backup of my RO folder with steam. My cousin bought the game a week later and so he didn't have to do this all, too. And before you say this: On the LAN that would have been no help, making the backup takes a fair amount of time. So now I've got a DVD with over 2Gb of a backup that became obsolete after the latest patch instead of a file of maybe 200Mb. I don't even know if that backup works if you have RO already installed and just need the patch. Apart from that I also own HL2, but just because of Garrys Mod. We played it quite regularly back then and I remember all the times it didn't work because of a new update for steam (reenabling friends network anyone?). I don't even know if it's now possible to start a simple listen server without enabling the console and alter some config file with all that sv_lan crap. What I want to say with these storys? 1. An auto-updater is nice, but not if it makes me update if I don't want to. I want the option to still play the old version if I want and have a simple patch file separately. 2. As already said, steam introduces a new level in which bugs can appear. Anyone who wants can try some localized versions of it, the german one was bad when I got it. Just last week steam killed itself after an update on a friends pc, he had to reinstall everything (HL2 + GMod, RO) and download all patches again because he didn't make a 10Gb backup. We all know the problems one can have with OFP alone, we don't need to cope with steam, too I'm not against an internet distribution after all, I just think it could be made without steam. About some of the reasons for steam, the updates and protection: What about Joint Operations? It came without a copy protection but you couldn't play online without a valid key. There was an auto-updater but it could be ignored and patches were available witout it. I don't know how well that worked, as I don't have that game, but maybe someone else can say something about it. P.S.: Yes, you may get ArmA faster with steam, but then everybody tries to authenticate at the same time and nobody gets to play the first days
  8. scruffy

    Latest screenshots available

    There are five new screens at jrc.cz: http://img523.imageshack.us/img523/8115/3lh10001011cr5.jpg http://img523.imageshack.us/img523/3771/3lh10001012hk1.jpg http://img523.imageshack.us/img523/8491/3lh10001013hs2.jpg http://img523.imageshack.us/img523/909/3lh10001014um7.jpg http://img523.imageshack.us/img523/6499/3lh10001016ng1.jpg
  9. scruffy

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    I'd try to find the addon that is causing this error in order to figure out this issue. At least B3liars G36 has some problems in MP, learned that the hard way when i could´nt connect to -TK- server until someone told me to get rid of it There is no problem with the texture ratios in the B3l_G36.pbo. I'm playing with it since release and the only problem I know of is in the Replacement file. CTIs that refer in their own config to files in there can't find the sound and optics because of a changed name/file format. Most probably there were filechecks on that server and you would have been kicked with every other replacement, too. I think I found the bad texture, it's in the ffur_us.pbo. In the sf subfolder is a texture named belt_od.paa with the size 512x32.
  10. Addons: Sniping-Jacks Mapfact Nogova2, Wheresmyrabbit's Skypack, WGL 5.0 with DMA Army Pack and some personal modifications -> RHS, LSR, SJB
  11. Hi there Although having much fun with WGL so far we have a problem on our server: All custom faces are completely white. This occures to everyone, but only on our server, not on other WGL ones. Our first (and so far only) attempt to fix this was to remove the "//" in front of the ENABLE_BIS_FACES entry in the config_base.hpp, in the wgl5\bin as well as the home directory of the server. Any idea what else could cause this and how to fix it? Also, all the missions using Mapfacts DAC from the packet "wgl_dac_mp_missions_06_06_18.rar" don't work. They all show an error number 7, something with the waypoints. I tried to fix one, but only got the mission so far that it crashes my game Anyway, we'll keep playing this great mod, thanks to everyone involved
  12. scruffy

    FlashNews 100th Edition!

    Anyway, nice to see BIS could make a promotion deal with NaturalPoint, but for non-US residents the pormotion is pointless . Just wanted to share for those that are interested. Kind regards. Thanks for the info, so I can now focus on winning one in the contest
  13. @Ralph Wiggum: Actually that was the first place I clicked @funnyguy1: Judging from the uniforms seen so far on screenshots, I marked all the units I think are northern Sahrani forces with a green circle and the southern Sahrani/ US forces with a red circle. Hope i got all of them, did anyone see others? click here for better quality
  14. scruffy

    G36 Pack

    Hello there Your model looks good so far, especially for your first work. About your problem: It is actually pretty easy.You have to make a new class in the config, a subclass to your first rifle in the class CfgWeapons part, just with a different name. Now you can there add the model, name and optics line and other things that differ, the other information will be used from the main class. Now just don't forget the class CfgModels and class CfgPatches at the beginning of your config and all should be fine. Hope this answers your question, else just pm me or ask here, there are plenty of people who can do this better than me
  15. scruffy

    Removing all HUD to use flashpoint for movie

    I have found a flat island and a green/blue box I got in the videography thread years ago sitting on my hdd. I think the box had to be setposed a bit higher to have a green/blue floor, too. Something like <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this setpos [(getpos this select 0),(getpos this select 1),2]; in the init box. Here are the addons, credits go to the authors (SpecOp9 for the map, drill seargent for the boxes): Flat Island Green Box Blue Box
  16. scruffy

    Latest screenshots available

    Regarding the "age" of pictures, you have to think about the quality settings, too. There is a preview in the current issue of the german gaming magazine PC Powerplay, who played an alpha version they were send by BIS. They had to play on nearly minimum settings because higher ones wouldn't work so the game would run fast and stable. But they saw the high settings work at BIS and so it explained the difference between their own video and the official screens.
  17. scruffy

    OFP : Happy Birthday 5 Years

    Happy birthday OFP Had a nice celebration of the 5. birthday, playing 5 WGL5 missions for about 5 hours A big thank you to BIS and anyone in the community for making this game what it is On to the next five years now with ArmA and Game 2 ahead, I'm gonna catch some sleep now
  18. scruffy

    Track ir

    @Dohtar ArmA does have full vector expansion. You can zoom in by leaning forward and lean left and right around corners by tilting your head. Hopefully I'll be posting another video demonstrating those aspects soon. It is an expensive bit of kit for the limited number of games that support it, but if I know OFP fans (and I count myself among that group) then you'll be playing ArmA a whole lot more than any other game (I do, and I write about games for a living ). With that in mind the actual use you get out of a TrackIR relative to the hours you play OFP (or rather ArmA) it's actually good value for money. Buy one! They're ace! Does this mean you can have a Ravenshield like fluid stance and can choose how far I want to lean? That would be really great. Even "normal" leaning through the TrackIR would be nice, but on the official list on the TrackIR site it doesn't show X and Y axis to be supported. Anyway, I'm looking forward to that video and I think I'll get one of these things whe ArmA comes out.
  19. scruffy

    Combat! M977 HEMMTs

    By any chance you're searching for this one?
  20. scruffy

    Best of First-Person Tactical/Wargaming

    A nice article and very interesting read. (and I stumbled upon the Brigade Demo on your site, too. Didn't know it was out) There's one thing I think should be mentioned in the article though. A feature that is in OFP and what I really miss in other games: The bullet originates from the gun! Opposed to it just spawning in the middle of that flying camera you move through the level... I would love to see this in more games, but the only one I can think of is OFP (I read something like that would be in RO, too. Anyone can approve that? It's still a month until the box release here) With this system I think you'll need True First Person and Freelook to get the full potential, but this way you can get better simulated recoil and you got the moving POI from shift with 3D ironsights also included. The best thing about this is the feeling about where youre bullet will land from just looking at the gun. When the first R6 or GR came out this was no problem as there was no gun but as we now see it in our hands in every game it bugs me when you move with the weapon maybe swaying a bit and then suddenly the bullet leaves the barrel on a 45° and hits the floor/ceiling Another "bug" that really bothers me is also removed with this: You'll never ever get shot by a few hairs spying over an obstacle. Like in OFP you can spy over a ridge and see the enemy, but to shoot him you'll have to move your gun over it, too.
  21. scruffy

    Mercenaries 1

    Maybe you have an old version of Bambis Blackops installed? In the early versions it had the same incompatibility with the dog, so it could interfere with the mercenaries, too? Just a wild guess
  22. Game 2 is a new engine. Actually it's not. Look at the Gameguru Interview, question 2.
  23. But it was technically improved, we just call it an update because it's based on the same engine. Would that make Game 2 an update or half game, too? Is UT 2007 just an update to UT 99 because it's still the Unreal Engine? I don't think that's a very good argument. ArmA also offers many new features and a new setting and campaign. Isn't that what makes a successor?
  24. Correct But despite this we always see all this "...but ArmA is only an OFP 1.5" As BIS themselves already stated they did so much more with ArmA than they first had planned. With every new interview and screenshot there seem to be new things, but most people keep saying it's just a small update. The best example is that Gamestar.de news article about the E3 presentation. In estimated 90% of the posts in their forum the fans defend it to be only an OFP 1.5. Yes, that was how it was planned , but it became a real successor by now and we only feed and validate their prejudice of a lame out-of-time update. Sure, there's Game 2 coming, too. And it will be revolutionary and bring even more new things for all we know. But that doesn't make the now all new ArmA only a small update, especially when some of the things from Game 2 are simply not in ArmA because the hardware now couldn't handle it (see interview statements about Havok physics and destroyable buildings). As said, BIS already stated ArmA became more than they planned and called it the new Game 2, with Game 2 actually becoming Game 3 (just can't find that interview... ) and I think we should do this, too. What do you think about it, with all that new features that would be enough for 2 games from another company, do you see ArmA as a real successor? Or are there more things (and there definately are) you want to have, before you would speak of more than a OFP 1.5?