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Everything posted by scruffy

  1. scruffy

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    @456820: The additional pin has no function, normally it should be like this: 1357 2468(10) 1 and 2 are +5V, 3 USB0- and 4 USB1-, 5 USB0+ and 6 USB1+, and 7 and 8 are GND. As it seems you just have one connector and not 8 small ones ignore the additional pin and you should be fine
  2. scruffy

    MAG 58 with aimpoint

    While everyone is making suggestions I'll just get in line Can you make the aimpoint actually work (see SLX Example) in the next version, please?
  3. You can make out the difference easily when walking sideways while looking down the sights. When the rifle twists to the right the dot of the aimpoint is left from the point of impact as it is in the middle of the tube and you're looking through it from an angle. If you use one of the working sights the dot is not inside the tube but really a few meters in front of the rifle and moves to wherever the barrel is pointing. So there really is a notable difference even in sight mode and without a using trackir. Sorry for the offtopic, but I just want to second Sabre_UKs plea. If you make a weapon with holographic sights, make them work as they should. It's really cool and there should be a thread about it around somewhere.
  4. It would be quite a life-task, but yes Try it with a trigger telling you the overall damage: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">hint format ["%1 damage", damage tank] tank is of course the name you have given the tank. For extra fun try it with "this setdamage 0.9" and shoot one round of something at it
  5. scruffy

    22-inch monitor issue

    @bdfy: Ah, now I understand the problem Yes, I also have that, but you can just use the right ws resolution and I think some stretched markers are ok if those ws resolutions work and the 3D is ok, too. And as I said, the "centered" setting works on an ATI card if you use some uncommon resolutions, you just have to know/try which do. I wonder why they can't make it work properly with others
  6. scruffy

    22-inch monitor issue

    I've got an 22" Widescreen here running at 1680x1050 and no problems. The loading screens have black bars on the sides and I have them in the editor, too. But nothing gets stretched in the editor or the map ingame. Have you really set the proper aspect ratio ingame? If you don't use the full resolution try another one near that, you should be able to see in the menu if it's ok or not. You can also tell your graphics card how it should handle not optimal resolutions, for ATI cards it should be in the CCC under Panel Properties->Attributes, maybe this can help and maybe your monitor has a setting for this, too. A bit of non ArmA related info: When you play older games that don't support widescreen properly and use an ATI card, the "Centered" setting will not work and the image will still be stretched over the whole screen in "normal" resolutions (1024x768 or 1280x1024 for example). Using a more uncommon resolution like 1360x1024 works fine for me and I can now play Vietcong with black bars, but without unusually fat people
  7. scruffy

    Arma feedback thread - based on 1.09

    Audigy 2 ZS and consistent crashes with VoN as well. No blue screen. No error messages. I am simply playing, my sound output becomes a high-pitched screech for a second or so, and then the computer resets. I thought these crashes were fixed. Or were those listed on the wiki of a different type? Either way, I would like to see the problem addressed as I cannot reasonably obtain a new sound card right now. Other than that, loving 1.09b, dRb P.S. Do anyone else's strelas simply not lock? Stingers work just fine, but not the strela launchers. Try an older driver version. I had the same problems until I installed an older one, somewhere in the Troubleshooting section should be a thread about it with the exact version number. Mine has the filename "creative-audigy-" and since then I can use VOIP with an Audigy 2 ZS without bluescreens. But: We really need additional sliders for voip and microphone volume in the audio options!
  8. scruffy

    Videos & Screenshots

    No, it's not! . . . Because part 2 is even better
  9. scruffy

    VOIP crash my PC

    You should try an older driver version for the Audigy. I had the same problem but found the solution in a different thread. Maybe you can find that with the search function what exactly was the version number of that driver, I think I use one with the name "creative-audigy-"
  10. scruffy

    How to reduce recoil

    The fifth column is just another set of coordinates for the recoil. I think you can use as many as you want if you want to wave around the gun.
  11. scruffy

    Call of Duty Modern Warfare...

    You Might want to play it on hardmode [/end] Do you mean the difficulty level or is this something else I haven't found. I didn't try the last one, but the only difference I could make out between lowest and third difficulty were more enemy handgrenades. Anyone else noticed how the other guys sometimes have their hands inside the weapon? Seems like the worst thing in ArmA sometimes but in a game that lives from graphics noone cares
  12. After the fast bugfix for the texture size I tried it out and walked around a bit. I reported some smaller bugs already and as I see you have already taken notice. It's really nice so far and I'm looking forward to the new versions. Great work and thanks for the efforts so far
  13. scruffy

    Queen's gambit bugs

    - The miner (Mr. Fawaz) has his mag pouches between his legs on lower LODs: Screenshot - All technicals with a mounted PK have no centered sight view and are therefor hard to aim without crosshair. The ones with mounted DShKs are fine. - The 6G30 is held wrong (I know the front hand isn't going to change, but at least the right hand could fit properly) and has no sight view. It wouldn't work right, but we would have something to work with like on the other GLs, aagin it's really hard without crosshair. - Sometimes pistols are held a bit tilted and the sights don't align properly. There is already a thread about it but it wasn't mentioned here.
  14. scruffy

    ArmA Photography I - No images over 100kb.

    Nothing fancy, just some pics of the mercenaries from QG: http://img511.imageshack.us/img511/7034/arma2007092814410295yq0.jpg http://img374.imageshack.us/img374/5355/arma2007092814421485ov8.jpg http://img374.imageshack.us/img374/7808/arma2007092814423418ee1.jpg http://img374.imageshack.us/img374/1930/arma2007092814425668wd3.jpg http://img374.imageshack.us/img374/697/arma2007092814432418cd4.jpg http://img522.imageshack.us/img522/4373/arma2007092814433876sn2.jpg http://img522.imageshack.us/img522/7253/arma2007092814441081jp3.jpg And the partisans http://img522.imageshack.us/img522/5417/arma2007092814473379sz1.jpg
  15. scruffy


    My bulletholes don't fade away if I don't shoot the object again. When shading details are set to "normal" there can be 7 holes per object, with the oldest getting smaller until they disappear. With a higher setting more decals are shown. The game even saves these when you switch settings, so with shading on low you can come back to a wall you shot at 5 minutes ago, put it on normal and voila. Only the distance in which you can see them is rather short and they don't appear on every surface.
  16. scruffy

    Black Sword

    Hi, just played this mission with 6 others a few days ago. It's very well done and we had much fun. As foresaid the first halo jump worked only for ~50% of the players but after the third try everyone landed more or less safe The primary goal was actually quite easy, as we had enough training from another mission with the same objective. We then cleaned all camps we found and also got the radio codes. With 2 occupied T-72s from a base we had an easy run for the remaining radiotowers. Somehow the second one didn't accept the code so we just hacked Eponia and blew up the other one. The bad thing was that we weren't able to complete the mission as the internet connection of our laptop guy broke down and we couldn't find the corpse anymore. We chased around some leftover infantrymen and then called it a night, but we'll definately play it again.
  17. scruffy

    Anyone else using TrackIR in Arma

    @simonfitba: Have you been commanding when this happened? The standard key to disable the trackir is F9 and maybe it's just because of this double mapping. You can then just press F9 another time to enable it again, nothing broken then
  18. scruffy

    Anyone else using TrackIR in Arma

    You can walk slowly with the weapon up to the shoulder, that comes nearest to what you want, than just bring up your sight. You can either press "-" on the numpad two times to stay zoomed out or use the great "Trueview" Addon by rg7621 to do that
  19. As already said by others the Insurgency scope wouldn't really be possible, but maybe a weapon could be configured with a high zoom so only the scope would be on screen so you don't get to see the zoomed surroundings. If that doesn't work out the 2d scopes could be made 3d, as they actually are 3d models already, and with this Infiltration version we could at least get the parralax while moving or from recoil instead of the always perfect sight picture we just got rid of on non scoped weapons. I really have no clue, maybe someone with modding experience could comment on this
  20. scruffy

    Anyone else using TrackIR in Arma

    I am so used to my trackir now that I often find myself moving my head while playing other games and wondering why nothing happens I got so used to it the field of view in other games feels narrow and turning around with the mouse just to look to the side is really clumsy after an hour of ArmA
  21. A scope like in Infiltration should be possible? For some info read the article about the mod by Dslyecxi and scroll down to "scopes".
  22. Hmmm, maybe i'm not understanding you, you're post is a little unlcear... Are you saying that if a standard plain vanilla server has 'equalModRequired=1;' set you can't join it? and... what does a non-existent modfolder look like? If a standard server started without any -mod= parameter has equalmodrequired=1 and you try to join with -mod=blah you can't join, even if the specified modfolder "blah" doesn't really exist in your ArmA directory. It only compares the -mod parameter from your shortcuts, not what mods/addons are actually running. Hope that's a bit more clear, english is not my primary language
  23. The equalModRequired=1; parameter has nothing to do with the addons you use, but with the modfolders you have activated, more precisely the names of the modfolder in your shortcut. So you can't join if you use the same mod as the server with a renamed folder and you can't join a standard server even with a non existant modfolder activated when it has equalModRequired=1;
  24. scruffy

    Configuration Reference Guide

    There isn't really much you can tweak, nearly all settings in there are either available through the ingame menu or just for information purpose and written, but not read by the game. Only things I know of: - ArmA.cfg HDRPrecision=8; //can be set to 16 or 32 when you got problems with the lighting, less performance - xyz.ArmAprofile sceneComplexity=1000000.000000; //can be lowered (only even more(?)) to improve performance and degrade lod quality You can also mark the sp missions as completed, but I think everything else can be changed from the ingame settings.
  25. scruffy

    Insurgency Mod For HL2

    The first beta was just released: http://insmod.net/