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About {9thinf}Sgt.Chuppa*A*

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  1. {9thinf}Sgt.Chuppa*A*

    Squad/Clan looking for player

    Sgt.Chuppa*A* here:           The Able Co. ArmA team currently has close to 40 members.Almost every night there are around 10 members playing ArmA. What seperates the 9th Infantry ArmA team is that we play in squads for the teamwork and use teamspeak to communicate.We move together and stay alive alot longer than if we played as lone gunman.Anyone that plays ArmA, knows that going it alone won't get you very far.If you have ArmA and are interested in playing with a great bunch of ArmA players go to http://www.9thinfantry.org, and fill out a join application. Read our rules and standards found in the 9th Infantry Doctrine, and see if we appeal to you.It applies to everyone in the 9th, to ensure that everyone is treated with respect.            A few things that are currently happening;           1. Mid Week Battles-  held once a week, usualy on Wednesday night. Consisting of anywhere from 4 to 8 clans teamed up in 2 diffrent teams. {awsome battles here}       2. Boot Camp-  all new recruits have to attend. 3 diffrent qualifacations to obtain. held at Drill instructers selected times. {depending on # of recruites.}       3. Squads-   think you have what it takes to be a grunt, tanker, or a pilot with A.C.E.?  Depending on how well you do as a recruit, become a full member and you can apply for a special roll.       4. Practices-   Come practice as a team, and only as a team. Held 2-3 times a week, or even more!!       5. Servers-   We have at least 2 to 3 servers always on for ARMA. Max of 4, upto 74 slot server.       6. Team Speak-  2 Team Speak servers, one is used for MidWeekBattle.            If you want to learn more about the 9th Infantry Able company, visit our website http://www.9thinfantry.org            To join the 9th Infantry you will need the following:                                                                                                                                                              1.  A good attitude with the ability play in a team evnvironment. 2. You must be at least 16 yoa. 3. You will need a mic for your interview and to communicate with   other ArmA players in game. 4. A full version of ArmA.The version you have doesn't matter as long   as it's a legal copy of ArmA. 5. You must be able to contribute $3 dollars per month to help   cover server costs. 6. Be fully prepared to have fun. Or just shoot me an Email, if you have any questions jasfate2003@yahoo.com Or shoot me a pm, on our website... http://www.9thinfantry.org
  2. {9thinf}Sgt.Chuppa*A*

    Squad/Clan looking for player

    accidental double post, erase please.. sorry