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About zxmaster

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  1. zxmaster

    campiagn team needed

    I can help you with your web page. If you want. I also do a little mission editing.
  2. zxmaster


    How i designate a target for a scud missile? What i want is this: The mission start and the scud moves. Then there is some war where you participate. After that, if you win Entre deux(this is where the war is going on) is being bombed by the Scud.
  3. zxmaster

    Question about scuds

    When i fire the scud rockets in the game they just fly into the 3rd dimension, anyone knows a way to make them hit, say an enemy fortress?
  4. zxmaster


    Is there any tuturial about scripting? And if there is where can i get it? OPF is the greatest mil-game of our time.
  5. This thread was a mistake. Everybody, i have found out how to do it: 1. Make a trigger 2. Set conditions 3. Type = END #1 4. Now U should have a working end-trigger In the beginning god made dinosaurs. The dinosaurs became extinct. Then he made man. Man killed god. Man created the dinosaurs.
  6. When I am in the "Make waypoint screen, there is a box that reads: On Activation. I believe that it´s possible to write something like "if activated then end game" Please help me. zxmaster@ofir.dk