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Posts posted by yurapetrov

  1. Hello, any hope to see this addon ACE mod compatible ? (with the ACE laser guidance for Hellfire missile)

    Sorry, not now

    Any word on this beauty of an HH?

    Will it be armed with any guns?

    Could you remove the Mandos missiles on the side?

    How many people will it hold in the cargo?

    Will you be making this sucker ACE fast rope compatible?

    Will you be adding non-mando flares?

    Well, take a look on my SH-60F. Upcoming HH-60H will be simular to it. It will not armed with Mando missiles or torpedoes. It has non-mando flares already. It will has Norrins fastropes script like it is using in MH-60L. I thougt to make some different versions of HH-60H, one armed with Hellfires, one armed with miniguns and maybe one with M240. Also, i planed to make some different paint schemes.


    First congratulations and thank you for all those exelentes addons ...

    I wonder if you have plans to do the HH-60G Pave Hawk used by the USAF PJs.

    If you do not have plans where possible you do? Here's an example below!

    Thanks, yes, i have plan to making HH-60G. I posted those plans in Blackhawks threat few times.

    Hello yurapetrov

    Well after opening the previous post, I decided to try one for myself retexture his version of his MH-60l blackhawk ....

    See the pictures as it was? what do you think? Apologies if you have not given me permission for this to happen, but only that and for me .... So anyway here is already expressed my request for permission.

    After clearing the name United State Army and USAF RESCUE override the name, yet permace luminozidade the text "United State Army" as you can see in the images below ...


    PS: If you pay attention you will see that the description United State Army is still present in the form of luminous shadow, Does anyone know please tell me how can I remove it?

    thank you

    sorry, i'm not allowing to retexture or edit my addons without my permission and i didnt give it to you and i will not give it. Please, respect my work. Please wait some time, i will release Pavehawk in near future.

  2. Hello Yura!

    First, I'd like to mention I am just amazed that such a great quality models exist for Arma. I come from sim community, I wasn't into arma helicopters because of physics. I have a question for You- would You mind if I repacked Your PBO, and modyfied config.bin so the helicopter can be flown inside Take on Helicopters with it's advanced physics? I wouldn't change anything but config, everything else including documentation and credits would remain intact. I am sure it would be greatly appreciated by many. Please let me know here, or by PM. Have a nice day!

    Hello SamB! I'm glad you liked my work. I took a look on ToH sample helicopter, and i was woundering how much animated parts it has. I think i need to make all those switches, handles, screws and add more small details in the cockpit to make a good chopper in ToH, without it the chopper will look wierd in ToH. I decided to do it. Also, Arma 3 in upcoming, so i dont want to waste my time, i will wait Arma 3 and will make the chopper for Arma 3 and ToH with more details. I think Arma's 3 and ToH's version will be simular.

  3. First off I must once again say awesome work Yura.

    When we tested (knowing its a Beta) this is what we found with it might be the same that has come up before.

    Issues Found: MH60L

    - The Tail Rotor is indestructible at the moment, but he said he's gonna fix it.

    Yes, it's fixed. I made a new fire geometry lod, it is more realistic, than old one. Added armor plates around the pilot as the real one chopper. Doors and some side parts are not bulletproof, so side gunners and passengers are vulnerable.

    - Fast Rope Script doesn't work properly, when using the MH-47 in the same mission (Konjo and YuraPetrov are trying to fix it)

    Yes, we trying to fix it. Hope soon we will do it!

    -Would there be other models like the upgraded MH-60K and M versions (I mean the real ones)?

    Yes, I planned to make MH-60K and MH-60M and UH-60M choppers and put them into pack.

    -Would there also be the Air Force HH-60G, mainly a Air force version of the MH-60L?

    Yes, i planned them too.

    -Will the MH-60L IDAP able to designate targets with his FLIR Pod, so the Hellfire-K can lock onto the beam?

    -Or does the IDAP needs a ground unit with a SOFLAM for that?

    MH-60L DAP will be armed with FFAR's and M230 gun. However, MH-60M IDAP will be with advanced FLIR pod with laser pointer and armed with hellfires as on this picture.

    So you will be able to use Hellfires without ground unit support.


    -When deploying the ropes, they were coming out of the Stab. Which could be on our end, a Script conflict? We are looking into it.

    -Cockpit lighting needs to be dimmed down for night ops.

    FIP Fixing in progress ;-)

    This is what we found with our SOAR(A) members and SEAL element at U.S.SOCOM.

    We're looking forward for future release.

    Once again awesome job man!!

    Thank you much!

  4. That's amazing!

    Thank you!

    yura thx for your fantastic work:) thx so much

    Thank you!

    Is there a way to add the FFAR pod with vanilla version?

    Or do we have to use GLT

    Sorry, i will add BIS FFAR pod to this addon in next version. It will be with MH-60L DAP ;-)

    These are some pretty f***ing excellent Blackhawks Yura, thanks for your work


    ---------- Post added at 17:03 ---------- Previous post was at 16:41 ----------

    Hey nice release ! that's a great job ! ;)


    Very good work yurapetrov. I know you're a stickler for details. This issue still remains though...

    Writing reversed on pilot side

    Checked the UH-60L ESSS and HH-60L Medevac ESSS(Medevac red cross numbering also "mirrored")

    I'm glad you like it. Sorry, those reversed writing save aprox 4.5Mb for each chopper. I'm just using left side texture to right side. I will fix mirrored number, the door is symmetric so i can mirror door texture.

    Thanks you for the update :)


    hi yura.

    in the readme, there is nothing about how to use the fastrope on MH-60L

    Sorry, i forgot to add some fastroping notes to readme file. I'm using Norrin's fastroping script, so you can read about it here.

    Have you done the weapon systems on the blackhawks in a certain way as my rearming script I uses fails to rearm the miniguns. Also I've noticed there is no IR texture mapping but this is beta so that is understandable. Missile warning has no sound indication. (Only visual)

    Well, one guy promised me real missile warning sound, be he didn't send it. I think dont have internet connection, so when i get sounds i will include them in addon. Yes, IR textures are missing, i didnt make them, sorry.

    Yura Petrov made an error when naming his mod folder. Called it "addon" instead of "addons". (Just add the s at the end)

    Thanks, fixed in next release.

    Outstanding job Yura ! The MH-60 really is a beauty :)


    Moar pics here

    Thank you very much! Great pictures!

    ---------- Post added at 17:26 ---------- Previous post was at 17:03 ----------

    Thanks for mirror!

    Love the mod, thank you ...

    A little feedback: the sound in the chopper is VERY low and doesnt represent the real sound of this chopper when in flight, it needs adjusting to be louder.

    Also, when turning the lights on, the anti colision lights come with the search lights together, is there a way to have the search light and anti colision lights not be bound together?


    Thanks, i will think about editing interior sound. My previuos interior sound was too loud, ecpecially if you are in headphones. The currect sound gave me LordJarhead from his amazing J.S.R.S. mod, its much better and pretty quit, so it not annoying and you can focus on playing and flying chopper.

    I don't know how to feel about this, i think the happiness has made me numb :P

    Checking it out now!

    You can have a Actionmenu option to enable each? i'll see if i can find a example of it and send it to Yura if he wishes.

    Edit: Hmm, can't seem to find how its done :/

    Edit2: They don't seem to turn on for me on the UH-60's :/

    Thanks, i dont know how to turn on/off searchlight alone without the collision lights. I dont think the real chopper will fly with collision lights on above the battle, but if you need to turn search light on, collision lights dont make you more markedÑŽ

    Okay, now after testing i see what you mean, i even tried with

    vehicle player setHit ["mala vrtule", 0.95];

    Is there a hitpoint set for the tail rotor or is it named differently from the default Czech?


    But that's all really, great job as usual, can't wait for the DAP :D

    Thanks, actually, this addon hasn't correct damage model, it has BIS fire lod from Arma 1, so i need to make new one.

    I still have this post unanswered which you most proberly missed as it was the last before the new page :P

    Anyways, I am also now wondering if you could possibly get your mod to work with a "working" and updated Medevac Module which no longer works.

    It would great with your medevac chopper and it was something I used a lot until it stopped working on later updates.


    Answered to your post above. Sorry, i'm not good scripter, so i think it would make someone, who knows scripting very well.

    Made a nice picture of your MH-60L. IMO The best one out there. :D

    Thanks. Amazing picture!

    Will this mod be on six updater aswell as we would like to use this in our clan as we use six updater repo's

    Sorry, i dont know who do placing addons to six updater.

    Loving these birds Yura! I like seeing the MH-60L packed with troops, all cramped together.

    I'm glad you like it. One question? Are you military? I do not want to using my work in military training.

    Great lookin' Birds Yura! A couple of quick questions though.

    How do you animate the UH60-L's doors using the helo's init?

    How do you get AI controlled cargo to fast-rope? Do you have to call for the script or use a wp or something?

    Unfortunately I'm a bit of a noob when it comes to scripting and such... Tried looking through the read-me, but was unable to find this.

    Open/Close door you can using this scripts:

    <helo> animate[""MoveCargoDoor"",1]; - open left cargo door

    <helo> animate[""MoveCargo2Door"",1]; - open right cargo door

    <helo> animate[""MovePilotDoor"",1]; - open pilot's door

    <helo> animate[""MoveCopilotDoor"",1]; - open copilot's door

    where <helo> is name of chopper

    to close door use the same script command with 0 value, like this

    <helo> animate[""MoveCargoDoor"",0];

    Looks, like i should add this to read me file.

    You can read about Norrins fast ropes in this thread.

  5. ....

    -is it possible to add FFAR on the UH-60L ESSS version?


    Yes, it's possible.

    Unfortunatly, i didnt include FFAR's pod to this pack, but you can use GLT Missilebox addon.

    Put this to init line: this addMagazine "GLT_2Rnd_FFARPOD"; this addWeapon "FFARLauncher"; this addMagazine "38Rnd_FFAR";

    And you will get this:


    You can add additional fuel tanks, just type it in ini line: this addMagazine "yup_2Rnd_ArmyFueltank"; This works fine with HH-60L Medevac with ESSS wings


    Also, you can remove all ammunition in editor


    Now, you can add more FFARS:

    this addMagazine "GLT_4Rnd_FFARPOD"; this addWeapon "FFARLauncher"; this addMagazine "38Rnd_FFAR";this addMagazine "38Rnd_FFAR";


    using this, you can make any weapons combination, like this


  6. Thanks all for feedbacks! I'm glad you liked my work!




    -The Tail Rotor seems undestroyable on my side. Tried to disable it by a .50 HMG, but even 100Rds didnt disable it. (especially importend when you finish your BHD Mod ;-) )

    I dont think .50 cal can seriously damage tail rotor in real blackhawk. Bullets flyes through blades and just leaves a small holes. Try to hit in with RPG.

    It isnt possible to hide the ropes in the cargo area, I suppose? Maybe an optional hiddenselection feature? A rope isnt used everytime (and the ACE-Users can use the ACE System ;-))

    Thank you, again.

    Best regards Mag

    You can hide ropes using this: <heli_name> animate ["rope1hide",1];

  7. I agree with Yura that the Fast Ropes are spawning in the correct position. It must be another addon conflicting with it?

    Are you using my MH-47E in the same mission :o It could be them conflicting with each other Yura as we both use Norrin's Scripts? :confused:

    I tested my addon with your chopper, all works fine, our choppers are fully compartable. Also i tested it with conventional Norrin's scripts. All worked fine.

  8. so here is my feedback on the MH-60L:

    -the guys in cargo position don't have their weapons in the hand - which is weird

    I will make a custom animations for those guys when i learn how to make it. I have to do it, because i need a lot of custom animations, for Seahawk door gunner for example.

    -3 guys in cargo position is too much. when I make them fastrope, the guy on the rope remains stuck on the left side because of a guy in cargo position

    Sorry, cant understand you ;-( What 3 guys? Do you mean the 3 guys sitting in the door? So its easy to fix, just change proxy numbers

    -concerning the M134, the ammo on the side of the M134 is not a good idea. you should remove them.

    No, i'm going to add more details to M134. I will remade this ammo stuff on the side.

    -concerning the pilots:

    I don't really agree with the equipment they have: they should have only their M9 + 3 mags + 1 red smoke + 1 green smoke + (if you really want them to have a rifle) a MP5 or a M4A1/M4A3 Aimpoint. not an acog, nor a rifle with M203, not realistic.

    Why it is not realistic? Whey have weapon holder on the floor, so they can store any weapon they want.

    feedback about the other blackhawks:

    -is it possible to have M134 instead of M240 on the UH-60L?

    Sorry, no UH-60L with M134.

    -is it possible to add FFAR on the UH-60L ESSS version?

    Yes, it has proxy's weapon, so you can use any weapon with UH-60L ESSS version right now.

    anyway, thank very much for these addons, they're very good.

    I love that MH-60L.

    last but not least:

    can you add in the readme how we can use the fastrope action?

    as player pilot, as player cargo, and for AI to use it.

    and sorry, very last thing:

    how can we hide the fuel probe?

    or do you plan to release a version without the fueld probe?


    Thanks! Sorry, but you cant hide fuel probe, because its compartable with upcoming Feint's refueling script. I dont want to give ability to refuel my chopper with hidder refuel probe. Maybe i will add long range version with additional internal fuel tank and less troops in cargo and short range version without fuel probe.

  9. Blackhawks by Yura Petrov Updated to beta 1.3!

    MH-60L Blackhawk





    UH-60L Medevac



    UH-60L Blackhawk (ESSS wings)



    HH-60L Medevac (with ESSS wing)



    Located under

    BLUEFOR -> US Army -> Air -> HH-60L Medevac (with ESSS wing)

    BLUEFOR -> US Army -> Air -> MH-60L Blackhawk

    BLUEFOR -> US Army -> Air -> UH-60L Blackhawk (ESSS wings)

    BLUEFOR -> US Army -> Air -> UH-60L Blackhawk

    BLUEFOR -> US Army -> Air -> UH-60L Medevac


    beta 1.3:

    - HH-60A Medevac renamed to HH-60L Medevac (with ESSS wing);

    - Added flares;

    - New flare dispenser model;

    - Added tilting rotor blades;

    - Added formation lights;

    - Added new sounds by LordJarhead in separate file yup_bhsounds.pbo;

    - Added MH-60L Blackhawk;

    - Added UH-60L Medevac version;

    - Added 160th SOAR Pilots by Soldier2390;

    - Added full set of distance LODs for UH-60L Medevac, other choppers has 2 distance LODs;

    - Fixed hellfire pod geometry bug;

    - UH-60L Blackhawk (16xAGM-114 Hellfire) made invisible in editor. User can spawn it using yup_UH60L_Hellfires class;

    - Tail number changed to 27109.

    Thanks to LordJarhead for amazing sounds!

    Thanks to Soldier2390 for his 160th SOAR Pilot!

    Thanks to Norrin for his great fastroping script!

    Tested by Astast

    In honor of the crew onboard 27109, hope you all make a safe recovery.

    Download 70 MB Blackhawks beta v1.3

    mirror on YuraPetrov.com

  10. So is there a way to add more i seen in picture that you can get more in the back of a Blackhawk?

    In door 3 and Left and Right: 6 pax

    Rear wall of Black hawk: 4 pax

    Inner row 6 right behind guys in the door left and right?: 6 pax

    If not 4 in the center instaed of 3. :4 pax

    This is possible with new custom animation for each. Unfortunatly, i dont have skills to make this, i hope i will get more skill with custom animations. Current version used BIS animations and has 6 in doors, 3 in front of real wall, 3 in row behind the gunners and one in center. Tried to fit one more in center, but no luck.

    MH60K- Any work on these as well?

    Well, i made all MH-60K stuff, except 'Kilo' pilot's instruments panel. I will add MH-60K in next version, this release will be without it.

    IDAP- any more new on this Bird?

    M230 is not ready

    Will you have Both Pilot and Co-Pilot station working FLIR, Gunner positions that have a outside view?

    Pilots ability to use Shak's pilot swap?

    Sorry, no for all. I had an gunners outside view, but i removed it, because the gunner's animation was too weird, they was in kneeling position, their legs was under the seat, so i used old style BIS animation. I'm sure, when i got skills to make an custom animation, i will try to make gunners with outside view again. I didnt try ShackTac's mod. I can't modify his mod, so only ShackTac can make pilot swap for my choppers.

    Keep up the good work Bro can't wait to Fly these in my unit.


  11. But how would you know that? what are you a spy? :D

    It wouldn't surprise me, from memory having more blades can reduce the audio signigure (see the OH-6 'quiet one' the regular OH-6 but with 5 blades insted of 4, the scissor style tail rotor -later incoporated into the AH-64- and reshaped blades and exhaust, here's the only photo i could find of it)

    No, i'm not spy. I saw a crash photos. I recognized conventional 4-blades UH-60 rotor hub on this photo: http://img685.imageshack.us/img685/8868/unled4lw.png You can see the angle between blades mounts is 90 degrees, so this hub cant carry more than 4 blades. They found another way to reduce noise from blades: http://www.activesensors.com/news/7. The easiest way to reduce noise is turn blade into the large speaker, witch emits a sound wave with the same amplitude but with inverted phase to the original blade wave. The sound waves combine to form a new wave and effectively cancel each other out. I think its more effective, than adding one additional blade. Also, you can recognize a rope on the ground, using in fastroping, so its confirming that silenthawk can fastroping troops.
