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About xaoslaad

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  1. Thanks both for the info. I found that out the hard way about putting the waypoint out of the map area; he just flew around the area doing crazy stunts. It is also possible that he's smashing into something. I tend to speed the mission up in preview to test and I have to slow it down once he takes off since at 4x he likes to smash into a nearby tree line. Oh, and I was going off the top of my head on the alive chopper statement, so my apologies for messing it up; it is correct in the trigger, but all useful information from both, thanks a bunch; I'll see if I can make it work correctly.
  2. I have a scenario where the players are supposed to attempt to sneak into an area. If they are detected the commander they are supposed to kill runs to his chopper, takes off and heads far far away at which point they should fail the mission. I used a trigger with an a/b axis of 0/0 (should make it global, correct?) set Activation to None, set the condition to: baseball distance chopper > 1000 && chopper alive; and set the rest up to end the mission. It works great if the distance is under 700 meters, but not so well from 700-900, and not at all if I set it up to 1000. I want to set it to 1km or so as it is sufficiently far at that point, and still not a long long wait for a failure message. Is there some requirement for the players to know where the chopper is in order for the trigger to work? or some other part of the puzzle I'm missing?
  3. xaoslaad

    Sprocket Troubleshooting thread.

    I got in touch with Idea. They said the official patch is due this week. If it does not fix it, they will refund my money... Might also want to get in touch with them. I've been getting delivery delayed messages from Softwraps server for days after sending an email requesting support so I wouldn't hold out much hope from there...
  4. xaoslaad

    Sprocket Troubleshooting thread.

    Agreed. Not to mention the way they respond with all their omniscience and close the thread so no one can even argue the point. But consider this: What about us who have 1.05 and have warned friends, groups, clans whatever to stay away until the boxed version comes out. Now half have 1.05 and half 1.06. The only way we can play is through the beta version. Of course you don't care; you have our money.
  5. xaoslaad

    Sprocket Troubleshooting thread.

    Reposting this here since the ******* moderator named Shadow closed my post in about 5 seconds, rather than doing something useful like solving the problem. Has anyone seen this before? It's not exactly flowing with information about what the problem is. I have 1.05 installed. It is activated and working. I have installed the 1.07 beta, and when I enter the email address/reference number associated with my install this is the error message I get. I play with a group where some have 1.05 and some 1.06 so the only way we can all play is through the beta. BI, you're awesome. Really. NOT!
  6. Has anyone seen this before? It's not exactly flowing with information about what the problem is. I have 1.05 installed. It is activated and working. I have installed the 1.07 beta, and when I enter the email address/reference number associated with my install this is the error message I get.