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About xerces

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  1. xerces

    Red hammer crash in "hidden agenda"

    Me too! I've bought OFP version "Game Of The Year". My version of the game is 1.91 and in this mission, if I want to capture the 2 officers, the game crashes. I'm surprised because it's the first violent crash (return to the desktop) I've found on OFP GOTY.
  2. xerces

    If i start the red hammer campaign

    Thanks for the tip. I've just arrived on this mission and I'll try your method.
  3. xerces

    If i start the red hammer campaign

    Can you tell us more, please ?
  4. It works, even if you're not the platoon leader at the beginning. Just go in the BMP and the rest of the team will go with you (it's not realistic, I admit it) And if the BMP is playable, maybe it's a possibility that the mission's designer had in his mind... No, I just wanted to protect my men. EDIT : I've just finished the mission. There's really no point in using the BMP for the last part of the mission because : 1) you can't hit a T55 with the sabot of a BMP 2) you can't kill the LAW soldiers because you don't have a Dragunov.
  5. I've just started the 2nd mission, "Occupation", of the Red Hammer campaign. At the begining, I take the BMP as commandant and I go to the first and second objective without any problem (I can really says it's a big help, if you take the precaution to kill all the AT soldiers first) But at this point, I don't have any ammunition for the "machine gun" of the BMP. Does anyone know if there's a place on this mission where I can reload in ammunition for my BMP ? (Hello to all the OFP fanboys and fangirls, it's my first message here!)